Chapter 4

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I was on my third glass of absinthe, and starting to feel a little Van Gogh-ish. Raven was just the kind of person that made you want to cut off your ear and send it to her in a little box. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing… either way, it was just making me fall for her even harder. I have no clue whether or not she felt the same about me. I mean, I was nothing special. If we were fruits, I would be a plain old red apple, where as Raven would be an exotic pomegranate. I've always loved pomegranates…

Yup, definitely too much absinthe.

It was as I came to this conclusion that I realized Raven had been speaking to me.

"Oh… um… could you repeat that?"

Raven gave me a playfully annoyed look. "I said, I'm going to get a water, do you want anything?"

"Oh, no thanks, I'm good."

"I'll be right back, try to behave yourself," she said with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

For the two or three minutes she was gone, I felt like I was alone. Horribly alone. The room was filled with people, and I felt like the only person in the world. I was getting way too attached to this girl. I didn't even know her last name!

Well, what's the worst that could happen? What if I die tomorrow and never even admit to myself that I love her? Whoah, do I love her? I am thinking about this way too much. God dammit! This always happens to me! I start thinking about something and then I totally overanalyze it. I can't even shut myself up. Look at me, I just keep going on and on like a complete idiot.

"I'm back! Miss me?" Raven smirked as she returned to my lap.

I just smiled. I knew I was too drunk to say anything that wouldn't make me sound head over heals. Not that it's a bad thing to be head over heals in love, it's just that I haven't even known Raven for more than 24 hours, and it already feels like I've known her my whole life. Sure, I don't know her last name, but she's just… familiar. Like my whole life up to this point, she was missing. And now I've finally found her. That's what it feels like to look into those clear green eyes and see that smile that brightens the room. To smell that perfume so common, but somehow uniquely hers.

I'm sure of it now.

Yes, there's no doubt in my mind. I am in love with Raven.


Sorry it's so short :( but guess what my lovely fans and readers? two chapters for you tonight! i think i'm getting better at this "actually uploading" thing :) next one's kinda short too, just a warning. I forgot to ask, like the new cover? think i chose good people to play raven and evie? i went back and added videos to the first couple chapters, for those of you who read them a while ago. i'll be doing the same for these chapters as well, but probably not tonight. ANYWAYS like the chapter? any suggestions, constructive criticism? my ears are always open :) please comment, vote, fan, anything! wow i just realized this is an insanely long a/n so i'm gonna shut up now.

thanks all my fans and everyone who reads this story! i wouldn't have gotten anywhere without your support :) keep being your awesome lovely selves!

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