Rave (girlxgirl)

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I don't know why I came here. That's all I can think, the lights blinking and bright, the music loud and pounding. I know everyone here is on drugs. I wish I was too. Maybe then it would be more fun. But I didn't have any drugs, and I didn't have the guts to buy any, so I decided to just go home.

I turned in a circle, trying to see a way out through the thick crowd of people.

That's when I saw her. She was about 20 feet away, sitting at a high round table by herself. Her long dark hair spilled over her shoulders in a beautiful and incredibly natural way. Her skin was pale, and I couldn't really tell from the distance I was at, but I thought her eyes were green. She wore a loose white button-down shirt and a black pleated skirt. Her long legs were covered with fishnet stockings and her combat boots climbed practically to her knees. She wore dark lipstick and eyeliner, but she didn't have that plastered-with-obscene-amounts-of-makeup look that most girls got when they wore heavy eyeliner and lipstick (including myself).

And I know she saw me, too, because she winked at me. I know she was winking at me, because I looked at the people around me, and everyone was dancing in a trance-like state with their eyes half or fully closed. But when I returned my gaze to her, she was gone. All that was left was an empty chair. I made my way over to it, looking for some sort of evidence that she had really been there.

And on the table, where her hand had been resting moments before, was a folded piece of paper. I picked it up, and even through the stench of sweat, beer, and who knows what else, I could smell patchouli perfume on it. I held it to my nose and breathed in deeply. I loved the smell of patchouli. My mom always kept a little bottle of it on her dresser, and when I was younger I would put a dab of it on my pillowcase to help me relax at night. But this mystery girl, she didn't look like the type to wear patchouli.

I unfolded the paper. It had a few lines scrawled on it in neat cursive:


She twirls in the dark

Looking for answers

Lost in the crowd

She seeks a way out


This was officially the weirdest five minutes of my life. I looked around, but the mystery girl was nowhere to be seen.

But I had found the exit. It was a few tables away from where I was, and I was thankful.

I burst into the cool night air, and tried to make sense out of everything. Let me say, I failed.


hey so this is the intro-ish thing to my first story, please let me know what you think! should i continue? please vote and comment! :D


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