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▽Chapter Four:

~• They didn't talk the rest of the ride home and from the look on her face, she seemed to get more and more irritated by the minute. Jonghyun felt bad for his outburst but couldn't bring himself to apologize. He wanted to but he knew that it wasn't the best time right now, she was upset and clearly didn't want anything to do with him. Once home SoonHee went straight to their bedroom and closed the door. He heard water running later and figured she was taking a shower, he'd love to be in there with her right now. If it was for his jealousy he would be. He sighed and took a seat on the sofa, which he already knew was going to be his bed for the night. Why did I do that? I ruined the day for her... He started at the ceiling with a furrowed brow. His chest felt clouded with emotion as he closed his eyes with a sad sigh.

~•SoonHee laid in bed alone, desperately trying to sleep. But she couldn't, she was too concerned about him. He hadn't even tried to get her to open the door not even once. With her mind wondering around she forced herself out of bed and made her way to the living room. She saw him on the sofa, still in his clothes from hours earlier. He was stretched out with his feet up on one arm of the chair and his head resting on the other. His eyes were half open but she was used to it by now so she knew he was asleep. SoonHee looked down at him, he looked peaceful when he actually could get to sleep. She grabbed a blanket from the cabinet and placed on him carefully, pulling it over his shoulders. "hmmm..." he stirred underneath her and she felt his hands glide across the rim of her shirt. She looked down at him as he blinked and his eyes landed on her. "I knew you'd come out" he smiled a little with a husky voice filled with sleep. SoonHee kept a solid face and brought her hands to her lap "I almost didn't." He grinned with a small chuckle "I guess your not in the mood to take a bath with me then huh?" Her brows furrowed, she was still pissed at him and was looking to get some answers. "Jonghyun what happened today?" he looked at her, reluctance in his eyes "Bwoh?" "You know what, you took me out for a great date on a beautiful day and then ruined everything with your jealousy." He gave her a look "I wasn't that bad SoonHee..." "Really? It seemed like it to me." "You know how I am, I get jealous, after all this time I thought you'd be used to it." She rolled her eyes and sighed as she rose to her feet "Soonnie-ah..." He sat up and took her hand but she pulled it away and began walking back to the bedroom "SoonHee." he called again but she kept walking reaching the doorway. "Ok! You were right! I was an ass ok, I'm sorry!" he shouted and she stopped and turned to him as he sat back letting his head hit the arm of the sofa again. SoonHee took a few steps back over to him as he sighed looking up at the ceiling. "I don't know why I acted so harshly I'm just...I'm sorry." He huffed as if he'd said a mouthful and SoonHee sat down by his side. He looked at her sad faced and she looked back "What's going on with you? You've seemed to be really antsy lately...did I do something?" "Ani, Ani yo" he quickly sat up and took her hands losing his thought of words to say next. "I...I know you've been getting a lot of hate lately and it upsets me. You're handling it a lot better than I ever could." She smiled "That's because I have you." He looked at her as she touched his face and rose to her feet "You can come to bed now". He held onto her fingers and smiled softly before rising to his feet. She lead him to their bedroom and he turned her around to face him. She looked up as he cupped her face and kissed her slowly, possibly as slow and deeply as he could. She looked at him with worried eyes as he rested his forehead on hers "Jongie? Are you ok? What is it?" He couldn't tell her, not now. "Nothing..." he sighed "I'm just really sorry..." he gave a soft grin and she eyed him "I forgive you ok? So don't worry yourself." He nodded and followed her into bed, holding her tightly. His fingers stroking her soft skin as she drifted to sleep a few minutes later. Jonghyun watched the ceiling fan spin around and around as the gusts of cool air hit his face causing his hair to brush against his forehead. With a heavy heart and mind, he closed his eyes and held SoonHee's hand, intertwining his cold fingers with her warm ones.

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