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▽Chapter Five:

~• "Jonghyun wake up!" he groaned as he rolled over to his stomach cracking open an eye. SoonHee came in pulling her shoe over her heel. "I know your awake" she looked at him as he sighed and propped himself up on his shoulders. He rubbed his eyes and suddenly noticed what she was wearing. "Where are you going dressed like that?" his face twisted and she looked at herself "I know, a short black dress is a little much, but I didn't have anything else fancy to wear." she sighed walking to the dresser to put on her earrings. "Wear to what?" he raised a brow without taking his eyes off of her thick figure that her dress showed off a little to much for his taste. Especially if she was wearing it out. "Sori and I have a meeting today with the CEO and his colleges. I was just gonna wear some jeans and a pullover but since his guest are coming I have to wear a dress..." she pouted sitting on the bed next to him to slide on her other shoe. Jonghyun looked at her with a furrowed brow and she glanced in his direction "What? Do I look bad??" she looked worried and he shook his head with a small smile "Ani, you look beautiful" I just wish you wouldn't wear such a tight dress out. Guys are gonna be looking at you. Is that what you want?? Are you trying to make me jealous on purpose?? "I don't know how long it's gonna be but if I have some free time I'll text you ok?" Jonghyun snapped out of his thoughts and gave a tired smile "Neh, be careful." She smiled and gave him a quick kiss that was way too short for his liking "Bye Oppa~" she waved walking out of the room, moments later he heard the front door close and he sat up. He let out a groan as he rubbed his tired eyes, he was missing her presence already. "A meeting?..." He growled under his breath "Who has a meeting on a Saturday?..." He flopped back down in bed and pulled the covers up to his face. He stared at the white curtains blocking the rays of the early morning sun. Is she really going to a meeting? His mind shifted instantly and his body caught chills as he thought of the worst case senerio. He bolted up in bed at the thought and tired to shake it from his head. "No! She would do that!" Or would she? She has a reason to. My fans have been really hard on her lately. He started to panic as his mind roamed again. He hopped out of bed, running his hand through his brown hair as he headed toward the bathroom to take a shower. He spent at least an hour under the warm water fighting his thoughts. "SoonHee wouldn't cheat on me. She's been with me for four years."
He tried to reassure himself but the thoughts kept coming. She could have been playing me this whole time. He threw his head back letting the water hit his face, rubbing his with his hands. "Ani." He groaned wiping the water from his eyes. Is she even really happy with me? Am I the right person for her? He stared at the drain as the the water cupped his face before falling and going down the drain. "Maybe I don't deserve her. But I don't want anyone else." He shut off the water running his hand over his face. "I love her and she loves me. That won't change." He let out one long breath before finally starting his day. As he made himself breakfast while looking around their living room. The large windows giving a great view of the sky. Putting the last of the food on his plate he tossed the pan in the dishwasher and took a seat in front of the Tv. Before he could turn it on his phone buzzed, and he glanced at it with a grin.

Hey, did you go back to sleep?
The meeting just started and it's as boring as I thought it would be. I really wish I was back in bed with you...
Maybe I should keep it warm for you then.
Please do. I might even reward you tonight if you behave ;)
Hmmm, I'd rather you punish me. >:)
Haha, you're so dirty! XD I gotta go now, see you in an hour, maybe two.

He laughed as he gazed at her text for a moment then went to his photos and started scrolling through. He'd taken a lot of pictures of SoonHee over the past four years they've been together. Some without her knowing. As he looked through them his heart weld up more and more. He really loved her and would do anything for her. The fact that she stayed with him all this time despite all the trouble he'd given her made him emotional. No matter how much he loved her he still knew that there was a chance. I could really lose her... The thought made him tremble. He set his phone down and took a deep breath. "I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen." His muscles tensed as he thought of the multiple ways SoonHee could leave his life. His jaws tightened as he chewed his food. "Even if she did cheat, there's no one for her to...." He stopped as an image popped into his head out of nowhere. It made him sick to his stomach and angry at the same time. "Jin..." he growled and grid his teeth "That bastard...he probably try to take her back wouldn't he? I saw the way he looked at her that night..." he grew angrier as he thought more about it. "I've been slacking too much." He set down his plate and sat back on the sofa "I can't just let her walk around the way she does. She was too nice to him. She's too nice to every guy she meets." He huffed "I'm tired of letting her make me jealous. No more."

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