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▽Chapter Eight:

~•It was a pretty lengthy drive to their next destination and SoonHee still didn't know where they were headed. "Do you know where you're going?" She asked looking over at him as he turned down the somewhat endless road. "Yes I do. We're almost there." He grinned to himself a little and she shrugged "Okay". They slowly came to a stop light and Jonghyun relaxed his arms on the steering wheel. His gaze shifted to SoonHee as she shifted a little in her seat and wiped her eyes. He'd almost forgotten about their conversation earlier. Her eyes were still a little puffy from crying and her mind seemed to be in other places. Jonghyun's heart felt heavy all of a sudden as he thought of why he brought her out in the first place. He wasn't fully invested in his doubt but he had to know. His hand found her upper thigh and she turned to look at him as he started driving again. He squeezed her leg gently and she leaned on his arm. She stayed their for a while with her eyes closed feeling Jonghyun's thumb lightly rub against her leg. Not long after she felt the car slow down and come to a stop. "We're here" Jonghyun parked his car as SoonHee lifted her head and looked around. The parking lot was empty and surrounded but decorative bushes. "Where are we?" She turned to Jonghyun who was already out of the car "Come out and see" he grinned as he poked his head through the car window. She watched him walk to her side and stepped out, taking his outstretched hand. Out of the car the rest of the area came into view. It was a beach or at least it looked like one. It wasn't as wide as a beach but it was no doubt beautiful. There were tall trees with the most beautiful flowers that seemed to glow at night. The sand looked so soft and the water was crystal clear. He lead her toward the edge of the parking lot as she gazed around in awe. "Take off you're shoes" SoonHee looked at him "A-Are you sure it's ok? Are we allowed to??" Jonghyun giggles at her as he took his sneakers off. She was clearly overwhelmed at the scenery and flustered at the fact that he'd brought her here. "It's ok, no ones here this late in the evening." SoonHee hesitated as Jonghyun set his shoes on the hood of the car and stepped on the sand. He looked back at her waiting for her to join him and she made a funny face "Jonghyun..." "Soonnie, it's fine I promise. I wouldn't have brought you all the way out here if I knew people were gonna be here." SoonHee looked around in silence. It's not that she didn't trust or believe Jonghyun, she was just scared of being attacked again. Jonghyun could see that in her expression. When she agreed to go out with him this morning he saw it. Not to mention the rude waitress at the restaurant and the group of girls at the shop they stopped at along the way. The girls recognized him almost immediately while they separated and looked for snacks. They surrounded him in seconds asking for autographs and pictures. SoonHee hid herself in the isles when Jonghyun noticed her. She wasn't looking at him but at the girls around him, almost with an expression mixed with sadness and fear. At that moment he realized that something was going in her head. When they didn't talk she was in her thoughts sometimes completely spaced out. "Mianhae..." she looked down at her feet unable to look at him. She felt terrible for being like this when she knew he was just trying to spend time with her. Jonghyun stared at her without a response. The sound of the wind was all that could be heard in their silence and SoonHee pressed her hand against nose and shut her eyes trying to keep from crying. Why am I like this? I can't even spend time with him without ruining it. What kind of girlfriend am I? He doesn't deserve this...I don't deserve him...I- "SoonHee." She jerked roughly at the sound of her name and saw Jonghyun standing in front of her holding her wrist and arm. She looked up at him trying to orient her dizzy mind as Jonghyun stared at her with dark eyes. "Stop." His gentle voice made her tremble a little while looking at the serious expression he had. "Whatever you keep thinking that's making you upset, stop it." He looked angry but caressed her face wiping the forming tears out of her eyes. "I've been watching you all day slip in and out of it. One minute you're smiling the next you're holding back tears." She felt his hands move to her sides but he never broke eye contact with her. "Just don't think tonight, ok? Focus on me, I'm right here." SoonHee felt her eyes get watery again. Somehow he was able to see right through her and what she was thinking. "You don't have to talk to me about it right now if you don't want to, just promise we'll talk about it." She nodded and lowered her head still trying to hold in her tears. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders Jonghyun hugged her "It's just me and you tonight Kitten. Don't worry about anything else." Resting Her Head on his chest she nodded and wiped her face. Jonghyun backed away to look at her and took a step back on the sand. She put her hands on his shoulders and steadied herself as he slipped off her shoes for her. She sat them next to his on the car and stepped down off the pavement into the sand. "It's cold~" she jumped as he took her hand with a chuckle. "That's because it's night, don't worry you'll get used to it." She followed him as they walked toward the edge of the beach. The smell of the sea filled her nose and the cool air caressed her body. It was calming. Jonghyun stared at her as she stared at the water.

~•"Soonnie-ah." She blinked and looked at him "Saranghae." He leaned in without giving her a chance to respond, giving her a long soft kiss. SoonHee extended it a little longer with a small grin "I love you too Jongie." He smiled softly as she stroked his face "Are you gonna tell me why you took me out or do I have to wait again?" Jonghyun sighed as he took her hand "No, I'll tell you." SoonHee turned to him as she played with her fingers gentle as he looked down at them. "SoonHee, have you ever..." He trailed off and she tilted her head "Ever what?" He lifted his head to look at her "Have you ever...thought of being with someone else?" SoonHee furrowed her brows "You mean...like cheating on you?" He nodded without a word and SoonHee giggles a little. "Of course not. Do you really think I'd do that to you?" Jonghyun kept his eyes lowered resembling a sad puppy. "I don't know. Seeing the way other guys look at you and how you dress when you go out..." he sighed "I got nervous...and I was a little jealous..." he mumbled and she smiled at him. "You're actually cute when you're jealous." Jonghyun pouted in silence and caressed his face "You have nothing to worry about ok? I'm yours and I don't plan on going anywhere." He hummed with a smile "Good. And you don't either, cause I only need you." He kissed her hands and she giggled. Seeing her smile and having his worries resolved made him feel at ease. All he could see was her, all he wanted was her. SoonHee noticed him staring at her "What's with that look?" He grinned "Let's head home." He started leading her back to the car "Already??" She looked disappointed "Would you rather me take you here?" It took a moment for SoonHee to understand what he meant. And when she did her face went red "N-No! Let's go home!" Jonghyun laughed at her as she hurried to the car looking at the scenery again. Jonghyun noticed her pouting "Don't worry, we can always come back another day. Besides the guard sound be starting his rounds soon." He grabbed their shoes as SoonHee climbed into the car "Guard?? You said no one comes here at night." Jonghyun smirked at her as "Exactly, that's why there's guards." SoonHee gave him a look as he backed out of the driveway

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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