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▽Chapter Seven:

~• SoonHee woke the next morning feeling anything but cheerful. Last night didn't go how she would have liked, but she couldn't be mad a Jonghyun either. At least not 100%. She felt cold and dark despite being covered by a blanket and the room being filled with light from the rising sun. It was early, she would have slept longer but the nap she took yesterday avoided that. The room was quiet as well and the bed felt light. Slowly turning she saw the other side was empty. Just as I thought Her eyes lowered as she turned on the other side. The covered were pushed back and the bathroom light was off, she figured he wasn't in there. *Beep* *Beeeep* The sudden noise alerted her ears as the smell of cinnamon and sugar hit her nose. Unable to ignore the warm scent she slowly climbed out of bed and made her was to the cracked door. From there she could see Jonghyun rubbing the back of his head as he looked down at his phone. Still. Without a shirt. Why can't he keep a shirt on every once and a while? She opened the door and walked out. It didn't take long for him to notice her or the dull look on her face. "Morning." He greeted her as she walked up to the counter "....Morning." She mumbled eyeing the plate the cinnamon buns in front of him. "Did you make those for me?" She looked up at him as he chewed a half eating bun in his hands "Maybe?" He licked his lips before taking another bite "Maybe I just wanted to eat them all and rub it in your face." He grinned playfully but her face only grew more irritated "So I'm guessing you didn't make these as an apology." "Apology? Did I do something?" He asked throwing the last of the cinnamon bun in his mouth and wiping his hands. SoonHee sighed "....Why did I get out of bed?.." he leaning on the counter "Seriously. What did I do?" He asked again with a more concerned look than before. "If you obviously don't know then I'm not going to tell you." She huffed. Jonghyun stared at her "Alright." He backed away from the counter and took another bun "But I have something I need to tell you. So go get dressed." "Dressed? Why?" She folded her arms "Because I wanna take you out and talk to you. It's been a while since we went on a breakfast date." He walked up to her eating with a grin and SoonHee couldn't help but get flustered, he was eating it in a dirty way on purpose. "Breakfast?? Then why did you make Cinnamon Buns??" He looked down at the one in his hands "Because I knew you wouldn't get out of bed otherwise." Licking his lips catching the icing on the corner of his mouth with a smirk. SoonHee glared at him "That and I know that they're your favorite and put a smile on your face that I've missed seeing." He averted his eyes to avoid the embarrassment that came after and SoonHee's face softened. She could never stay seriously mad at Jonghyun like this. "Fine. I'll go get dressed." "Don't you want bun first?" He asked, "You can have the rest of this one if you give me a kiss." He closed the space between them placing the bun in between his teeth. SoonHee gazed at it before swallowing hard and looked back up at him. She pulled it from his mouth with her fingers leaving a small piece ripped off in between his sharp teeth. She looked at it before putting it into her mouth "They look burned." She looked at him before walking past with a grin returned Jonghyun as he watched her walk away "They are not!"

~•They arrived at Café hours later and Jonghyun helped SoonHee out of the car. It was the first time he got a good look at her outfit in the early morning sunlight. She had her hair tied up in a bun for the first time in a while, with light jean shorts and a fuzzy tan sweater. Her face was bare but her skin looked extremely soft. "What?" She raised a brow with a slight grin "Nothing, let's go inside." He held out his hand and she took it following him inside. She eyed him as they walked, she loved the way he dressed, he always looked like a bad boy but she knew he was just a giant teddy bear. The waitress greeted and lead them to a table in the garden area while also giving SoonHee a glare which meant she recognized who Jonghyun was. The sudden tight grip on her hand told her that he was aware of it too. He continued to hold her hand and pulled her in front of him as they walked with the other waitresses gathering behind them. SoonHee was already getting a bad feeling but Jonghyun wasn't going to let anything happen to her. They arrived at their table and Jonghyun let SoonHee sit down first as the waitress stared at him. "Would you like something to drink before you order?" She gave a bright smile with wide eyes as if watching something beautiful be created. Jonghyun smiled at her "Neh, Tea please." SoonHee caught sight of her co-workers in the doorway leading to the garden area. They were obviously gawking at Jonghyun and glaring at her. She could practically hear the insults spilling from their lips. "Neh! Coming right up!" She bounced with a wide grin and started to walk away when he stopped her "Excuse me, are you gonna take my girlfriends order?" He asked and SoonHee snapped from the small crowd to him then to the young waitress. She looked at SoonHee and the joy instantly drained from her face as she tried to keep a fake smile in front of Jonghyun. "Ah neh." She made her way back over to the table and looked at her "What do you want?" Her tone expressed her feelings despite having a smile on her face. SoonHee wasn't in the mood nor did she have the energy. "Nothing." She smiled "I'm sorry to bother you." The girl nodded as she looked down at her with a curled lip. "Two teas please." Jonghyun interrupted giving the waitress a quick smile "Neh! I'll be right back!" She bowed and hurried back to her waiting co-workers followed by squealing and mumbles. SoonHee sighed slouching in her chair "You should have just let her go the first time..." she mumbled looking down at her hands. "Why? She could see you sitting there, you're not invisible." Jonghyun looked at her but she couldn't see his eyes behind his sunglasses. She didn't have to see he was irritated. "It's only been a year Jonghyun. Some fans still don't want to accept it. Don't get worked up over nothing..." SoonHee played with the edge of her sleeves "Your respect isn't nothing to me. You're my girlfriend." She smiled lightly "Are you still going to call me that after this date is over?" She saw his brows furrow behind his shade "Why wouldn't I?" "I just figured...ya know..." She let her eyes wonder "You brought me here...and kissed up to me this morning because... you wanted to break up didn't you?..." Jonghyun's mouth opened but nothing came out and she made a low chuckle "I've...kinda been mentally preparing myself so I don't break down in tears and make a scene..." she laughed it off lightly but tears were already trimming her eyes. "Ugh..." Jonghyun sat there hesitantly, he instantly wanted to kiss her, he wanted to kiss her and hold her so she wouldn't cry or think about crying. He hated seeing her cry, he could never stay still. SoonHee whipped the corners of her eyes with her fingers and sniffed a little and Jonghyun quickly took her other hand. Intertwining their fingers she looked up as he lifted his glasses showing his stern puppy eyes. "SoonHee, no. I love you kitten why you'd think I'd break up with you?" SoonHee felt more tears coming and tried to wipe them with her sleeve "...I don't know." She whined "I guess since I've been gone a while? And the way you acted yesterday and when you said you wanted to talk I only thought about the worse..." Jonghyun squeezed her hand. It was his fault. Again. This wasn't how he wanted the day to start. And this wasn't what he wanted to talk about. "Kitten, that's not why I brought you out here" "It isn't?" She sniffed and he couldn't help but grin at her cute puffy face "Ani." "Then why did you?" "Because I wanted to-" "Here you are~!" The waitress rushed back to the table and SoonHee took her hand back sliding it under the table. She set down Jonghyun's drink next to him with a smile and gave SoonHee hers "Here." She turned back to Jonghyun "Anything else?" "Are you a fan?" He asked and she lit up "Neh. A big fan, I've followed SHINee since debut!" "Ah Kamsamnida~" he bowed to her and bowed back "If you're a fan then you must also know her as well right?" he motioned his eyes to SoonHee who sat there stiffly "Neh, i do." she answered and he turned in his seat "I know you probably don't approve of our relationship because you feel that I'm being taken from you but, that's no excuse to be rude." SoonHee got even more nervous as the girl's face went cold "I couldn't help but notice how you've been behaving toward my girlfriend and it bothers me. If you're angry then take it out on me, not her ok? She doesn't deserve that." SoonHee stared at Jonghyun with a warm smile and the waitress too there clearly embarrassed as she quickly bowed to them both "I'm very sorry!" she quickly walked back inside the restaurant disappearing from sight. The warmth SoonHee felt instantly vanished "Looks like we'll have to get another waitress..." Jonghyun sat back straight in his seat without a word and she stared at him "...You're not in the mood to eat anymore are you?" He let out a sigh "Ani. We'll just take our food to go. I want my pasta." He made a funny face and she laughed "I'll tell you what I wanted to tell you when we get home ok?" She tilted her head "I thought it was important." "It is" he looked at her "But I just want us to enjoy the rest of the day now, after all that." She nodded "Okay" "Arent you gonna drink your tea?" he asked taking a sip of his. She shook her head "I'm afraid she might have put something in it..." Jonghyun chuckled and gave her his cup "Here take mine." "But it's yours" "I had enough" he sat back in his chair and she took a sip while looking down at the glass table. He's really too sweet to me...I think he's spoiling me too... After collecting their food they stood up and Jonghyun took her hand as she continued to sip from his cup without looking at him. He followed her out past other workers who she could feel starting as well as the other customers. She couldn't ignore the bad feeling in her stomach but she shook it from her mind for the time being. They climbed into Jonghyun's Lamborgini and buckled up "Where are we going now?" she asked and he smiled taking off his sunglasses "It's no fun if I tell you now, is it?"

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