chapter. 3

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The only walkers I have in my gym class are stewart and Scott thank goodness it's not Josh or Charlie."TODAY IN GYM WE ARE RUNNING 2 LAPS AND THEN PLAYING SOCCER GO AN RUN"

After the LAPS stewart stopped right next to me panting and bending over with his hands on his knees he looked ready to faint and he was but luckily Scott caught him. " so stewart not the runner are ya"

"Scott take me somewhere get me some water I think I'm dying" Scott carried him all the way to the bench but coach blew her whistle " WHAT ARE YOU DOING WALKERS GET BACK ONTO THE FIELD AND PLAY SOME SOCCER"

Me Scott and Stewart came laughing into the house which made the rest of the walker brothers stop what there doing." I totally beat you guys in soccer" " what no tell her stewart US boys never get beat by girls especially pretty ones" " yeah Scott's right we beat you not the other way around"
" oh really why was the Score 5 to 2 huh"

Kia came up he had a bright smile on his that I could just look at all day " it's ok Elena there always cheating and trying to convince people that they won trust me they true to convince me that my foot went over the line in football and say that they won but ten" " FINE WHAT A REMATCH HUH KAI" " sure let's have a rematch me Charlie and Josh vs you Scott and Brady"

I was delighted watching this it was the 4th quarter already but I pretended it wasn't team jkc was winning and team ssb was losing like kai said Stewart and Scott were arguing to win shall I say cheating to " BOO YOU ALL SUCK BOOOOOO"
Brady was apparently the only one who heard " SHUT UP ELENA I BET YOU CAN'T DO ANY BETTER" "OH REALLY WATCH ME" I got up and walker over pixel up the ball while they all were distracted and I ran making a touch down then I screamed touch down that's what got there attention. " what you aren't even playing that doesn't count so no it isn't a touch down" " oh Brady you always know what to say to make a girl feel good and I am playing it's me vs all of you so I'm kinda winning cause it's a new game HAHA"

It was late at least all of the walker boys tackled me with a smile on there face and all of them stayed that way until it got awkward and got off of me th one who made it ssoooo awkward was Josh he just kept starring at me it got creepy " where are your guys parents there never here" " working they work till Midnight hey Chelsea is having another party wanna come Elena it wouldn't be fun without you" Charlie did his puppy poudy face which was REALLY REALLY really hard to resist even though he isn't as child wait scratch that yes he is " I was planning on going Leslie asked me to come with her"

" Leslie's hot you think you could hook me up with her" stewart scared me I didn't even know he was there " yeah I guess what should say though: oh hey Stewart wants to know if you would go out with him yes no" " he ha that would be perfect please have I ever told you you are a good friend" " no"
" well guess what your a good friend"

" aww that ment so much..... not" I ran upstairs and put on a loose crop top and I kept my skinny jeans on an my converse I only change my shirt for parties duh when I get down stairs I see the guys are checking themselves out in the mirror well except kai he was on hi phone

" sup girls ready oh and Scott I think your butt says stop checking it out" " so you have looked at my butt" " no I just seen you looking at it like a girl see comments like that can hurt me even if I don't have a COME back now lets go and Josh that's enough deoderent" " no it isn't smell them"
" oh why did I smell them you know what keep putting it on till the bottles gone maybe bring a extra bottle if you have to"
Josh grabbed me into his car " you are going to be my date tonight at the party got it" he wiggled his eyebrows which bye the way were not that bushy for a guy God created some beautiful human beings called the walker brothers.

TO: Leslie

E: Stewart said you were cute and asked me to see if I could hook you guys up so look for him at th party grab him by the shirt and kiss him then see what's up

L: (; Kay and it was the day I said he is cute Damon God is like cupid plus he created some beautiful human beings called the walker brothers

E: right that what I said

Josh grabbed my phone out of my hand " no phones were here to have fun" " I gotta go find Leslie" I ran so he won't stop me I bumped into Leslie she was smiling when she saw me she winked her and Stewart were going up stairs I wonder what that means (; I grabbed a drink well I didn't grab it I pretty much did a hand stand on the barrel while drinking it and people were cheering CHUG CHUG CHUG ah life is good " what are you doing" " isn't it obvious I'm having fun" " well just so happens I have no one to dance with" " Josh if your asking me to dance with you you are lucky I'm just this much drunk to say yes"

He he kissed me and it felt like the sun and the moon collided to create a beautiful horizon WAIT NO I slapped him when we got in the house " what was that for I thought we shared a beautiful kiss"
" the reason we kissed was because I was drunk never kiss me again got it" I walked up stairs like nothing happened at the top of the stairs Stewart grabbed me and high five me " so how was your night in the bed....... with my friend" " thank you Elena she was great we got to know each other I think I'm in love she is so great"
" in bed or personality wise help me out here" " personality wise we kissed that's all"
" oh and if you hurt her I will hurt you I'm not afraid of getting arrested" " why would you get arrested"
" use your imagination Stewart"

It's 12:00 and I'm still awake mostly cause I hear someone walking and the person walked strait into my room and got into my bed when I turned around it was Charlie his eyes were closed but he was mumbling something " Charlie what are you doing my my bed" all he did was mumble his words no whisper just mumble " French fries and tacos haha I saw a pretty girl who smells like cherries I like cherries" I have to admit it was cute that he sleep walks and talks it takes some perfectness out of him I kissed him on the forehead then I grabbed him bye the hands and dragged him to his room I left him on the floor I didn't feel like lifting him up well now that's I'm here I might as well have some fun.

I put shaving cream on his hand he rubbed it all over himself I didn't even give him a pillow or a cover thank goodness he would get that dirty with the cream if I did

" goodnight Charlie"

Kaelena or elkai - scelena elcott -
Brelena or elbrady which one do you ship her with already Josh , Charlie , kai , Scott , Brady and Stewart already has a girl I missed him and Shelley go together cause stalia is endgame.

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