a day with brady

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"Brady we are going on a girl's day out"
"But I'm not a girl"
"Pretend you are we never hang out so yeah"

When we got to the mall I texted Charlie

E: hey babe where you at

No answer strange he must not be by his phone I looked at Brady "let's grab a smoothie"
"Ugh how Long is this line"
"What are you talking about we just got here"
I grabbed Mine and he grabbed his when I looked over his shoulder I saw Charlie I smiled and was walking his way till a tall blonde came over an kissed him he kissed back "hey what's wro- oh oh NO NO"

Brady stomped over and punched his brother till he saw what girl it was he looked at her heart broken I walked over to see who it is

She hugged Brady "Brady your brother just grabbed me and kissed me didn't know what to do"

"THAT'S A LIE A BIG ONE Brady she kissed him and he kissed her back i saw the whole thing which one are you going to believe"

"Stephany we're over and Charlie we all knew you couldn't change I just thought that you would stay off of my girl"

Brady left and headed to my car I looked back at Charlie and punched him and he fell to the ground "your we're using me like you use EVERYONE ELSE YOUR A HORRIBLE BOYFRIEND AND A HORRIBLE BROTHER"

I got into my car to see a mad Brady listening to music on his phone "I thought he could Atleast try"
"Turns out he can't"
"Love is fake"

Brady turned to look me straight in the eye and he grabbed my face and kissed me I kissed back this felt good,relief.

He turned away I drove off to the house it was a silent car ride but a comfortable silents.

"Can I play"
He didn't take his eyes off the screen he just handed me a controller we were playing call a duty I kept killing him
"Damn your good"
"Thanks you know there's knows no way to kill me might as well quite now"

He kissed me and killed me at the same time
I gave him the death glare he quickly dropped his remote and looked at his phone than ran away
"Oookkk than I guess it's just me myself and I"

Charlie's p.o.v

I'M SO STUPID DAMMIT I let her go I could have had the girl of my dreams instead I messed it up with my bros girl and he ACTAULLY liked her I'm so FUCKING STUPID

Stewart: I'm so mad at you get your ass in the meeting room NOW

"So what's up guys we haven't had a bro meeting on like forever"

Everyone looked at me like they were pissed "so I'm guessing you guys heard about everything"

Stewart stepped up than threw me into a chair
"Listen up when Elena came we all liked her had a little crush on her except ME I liked someone else and now she's like a little sister to me the rest of your brothers could have had her instead she chose you NOW I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SHE SAW IN YOU but apparently she chose you she gave you her heart and what did you do with that heart oh I don't know STOMPED ON IT when will you learn people actually love and care about you and you keep throwing that away keep doing that and soon no one will love or care about you you just threw a amazing funny girl away"

"Hey it's not my fault I'm a player plus I'm not the only player I bet joshy here has cheated on Stella"

Josh curled his fist and they turned white "I DIDN'T CHEAT ON STELLA CAUSE GUESS WHAT I FUCKING CARE ABOUT MY GIRL oh did I forget to mention I also care about my brother I would never hurt him"

"Guess look it's high school I have my whole life to start loving people why start now and Brady I'm sorry it's just your girl was hot and plus if I didn't kiss her then you would Still be dating someone who only loved you cause of your money"

Brady ran up to me and punched me I fell with the chair he was about to beat me up but everybody was holding him back "I HATE YOU YOUR NOT MY BROTHER ATLEAST I WILL TREAT ELENA BETTER THAN YOU EVER WOULD"

"I love Elena she will always choose me over you all of you Elena loves me I understand what I did and I regret it but I wasn't ready to let go of my ways until now I love her and I realized that now I swear I will treat her great I mean I pretty much slept with every girl at barge wood high school I slept with Leslie last year of let's not forget your girl kai and Scott's girl but I love Elena to death now I think I understand love"

Stewart , kai and Scott looked at me then let go of Brady
Brady came running at me beating me up then he got up leaving the rest followed only kai stopped at the door
"You use to be different I use to look up to you but now your not even close to being my idol"

Then he left I wasn't lying about what I was saying at the mall I thought about everything and I regret it I ACTAULLY do love Elena I guess I was jealous she was really close to all my brother and I thought she would leave me one day I love her to death and now I'm going to make things right ELENA HERE I COME

Maybe a proposal no I think I will wait till college is over I'm not even in college what about I know i know exactly what I will do

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