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I put on a plaid shirt and skinny jeans with black knee boots (that are not high heels there just knee high combat boots) when I got to the kitchen kai looked at me like he was angry "hheeeeyyyyy kai what's up"
"I'll tell you what's up"
He cupped my face and kissed me then stormed off and left me there wondering what the he-
"Ooohhhhh so you guys are a thing"
"what! No he just kissed me Charlie you can't tell anybody"

Honestly Charlie looked hurt when he asked if me and kai were a thing.

CHARLIE P.O.V««««««««««««««««««««««««««™
I don't know what this feeling is but it hurts like hell my brother kissed Elena ELENa I don't think I can not be mad at him I am bursting with madness at him but Elena looks more surprised " hey Elena there's a place I wanna show you come on"

I can't believe I was going to show her my secret place this is th place I go when I'm mad or confused or even hurt I have NEVER EVER shown anyone this place.

ELENAS P.O.V°°°°°°°°%°°€€€€€

What I saw was amazing truly amazing I have never seen a place as beautiful as this

It's a garden far far Far out in the woods a flower field but also bricks dividing other different flowers and pine tree's surrounding it there were butterflies every where
"It's it's it's beautiful"
"Yeah you should see at night not just butterflies but this place is full of fireflies everywhere why don't I show you tonight"
"I would love that"
Ok what am I doing first kai kisses me then charlie shows me his secret spot and I'm Atleast I think I'm flirting with him ugh my goal when I came here was have a nice place to stay where people care about you (Mr. And ms. Walker) then graduate school go to university of New York and become a child psychologist

"So I heard you wanted to see my six pack and then get it on ya know A little hebbejeebbe" I punched him in the arm and a tiny laugh came out of no where
"«you wish walker» I have six pack of my own so I don't have to look at your a and ewww never would I get in bed with you"
"I never said get in bed with me just said hebbejeebbe"
"But you were thinking of it"
"«you wish cooper»"

He pulled out two water guns from under a rock he handed one to me and out of no where he started squirting it at me I shot back I was all soaked but I didn't car he was put of sight but all the sudden I felt something wet and mooshie hit my back when I turned around there he was with a bucket of water balloons and a hose
"Oh it's on walker"

When we got back to the house he made me swear to never tell anyone about the secret hideout he also said I can go there whenever I want only if it's just me we were soaked but we didn't care we just kept laughing
"It was funny when you fell down in a mud muddle I couldn't stop lAughing"
"Yeah well I won so it was worth it"
"Who said you won I was obviously the winner you weren't even close to winning" I gasped an had my Han on my chest " are you saying we need to hAve a rematch"
"Maybe" "oh your so on Charles but this time we involve the walker brothers and and Leslie an if everything works out with Shelby and Tyler than maybe she can come over and help the girls beat the boys"

We were just starring at each other smiling until Brady came with a girl she had tamed dark bushy eyebrows blue eyes and blonde hair " Elena , Charlie this is my new girlfriend stephany"

"GREAT hey Brady Tuesday it's me and Shelby and Leslie vs the walker boys at a water fight why don't Stephany join us"
"I would love that if that's ok with you Brady" he had a huge smile on his face like a maniack "of course Stephany I think you would get along great with the girls especially Elena here" she looked like a model to be honest she had the postar and the height the face Brady picked a good one " so it's on Tuesday"
"Wait that's tomorrow" "GOOD JOB you learned the days of the weak"
"Shut up cooper"
"I just have one question why are you guys covered in mud?"
"Long story" "WHAT no Brady needs to hear this it's not a long story it's a funny story"
He winked and took of his shirt " MISS CHRARLESTEN" the maid came running
"Will you please put me and elenas shirt in the washer please ...... ELENA shirt please miss Charleston needs to wash it"
"What you mean take my short off right here in the middle of the living room like right nooowwww" "yes" "I'm kinda well I I don't feel comfortable I mean in front of you and the maids and the butler's" "come on Elena it's not like your fat come on give your shirt to Mrs. Charleston here look I did it" I took off my shirt revealing my blue bra Mrs. Charleston took it an left Charlie kept looking at me with A smile on his face he cAme closer so close that our faces were almost touching it was quiet I could even hear he fire crackle

"You know no one's home we could just go up stairs not even change"
I bit my lip should I do this what about kai he just kissed me and left an plus kai did say Charlie and Josh are players what if I do choose to do it and he just leave me there like a paper bag on the road I sighed " Charlie I I can't"
He looked mad I felt vs that th next thing I did I was surprised at my self

Our lips moved away from each other we only kissed for 12 seconds " so my roommm"
"Yeah no" we laughed and I left to go get a shirt on I kissed Charlie and kai kissed me Damn girl you got these boys rapped up you need to let go of one but enough of that lets figure out who's great with Josh

ugh all I could think of is that kiss

"Welcome COME on in Josh is just out back with the others"
"Thanks Elena I need to get back on my feet after Justin" "your welcome Stella and hey you can any man without my help have you seen yourself now come on I want you to meet everyone we're just having lemonade an we're cooking out"

When I cam back out I had a smile on my face so did everyone else turns out when kai left he went to a bar and met a girl name Kelly and she's so funny I think there actually in love and Tyler loves Shelby and Shelby love Tyler , Stewart and Leslie are doing great , Brady and stephany are a great couple they enjoy each other's company and honestly I think it's true love but right when I saw Josh and Stella talking I knew that she's the right person for him and he's the right person for her now me an Charlie at the only single ones in the house I kinda don't really know any one perfect for Charlie honestly I think I'm falling for him but I'll never admit it he probably doesn't feel the same

"ITS WATER FIGHT TIME the walker brothers are going to kick your butts"
I laughed and snorted " the right us girls are going to kill you guys out there we have the brains and the muscles all you guys are is muscle and no brains we will have a master plan" the rest of the girls took the other Sid of the field while the boys took the other half we huddled up Shelby was the first to talk
"Strategy anybody"

"How about we distract them and then some do us will sneak up behind them and hit them then we all attack"

" I like that idea but maybe we could just confuse them and when they east expect it we come out of no where and Ta da we beat them"

I just smiled while they all came up with good ideas then I hugged all of them
" I can tell all of us are going to be good friends me and Leslie don't we are already good friends but anyways why don't we mix idea one and idea two together"
They all awwed in sync then we took our positions

When the boys finally come to the middle they were looking around
"Do you think they chickened out and left"
"Nah I know Leslie she never leaves a fight" they kept waiting what some dumb dumps finally group one came in front ready to distract
(Group one: Shelby, Leslie , Stella. Group two: ElenA, stephany and Kelly)
They just poured water on them selves and were texting
"Oh yeah this is sooo boring you guys wanna drink" they nodded then went to the padio that was group's two cue we ran throwing water balloons while they s ratchet there heads in confusion group one cam back running with water balloons and water guns Leslie came back with a water hose I clapped then k got hit in the face

"CHARLIE" I ran after him he tackled me while the sprinkler turned on when you are lifted up and tackled it looks like a actual war around you except the laughs and smiles I punched Charlie in the stomach and ran to the flag Brady tried sliding me and taking me out I dodged they girls distracted the boys but the only boy who wasn't distracted let me give you a hint HOT muscular HOT hahaha it's Charlie right when I got the flag he tackled me I laughed wildly he just smiled and kissed me we weren't s thing but he must think it's ok to kiss when your just friends

I held up the flag the girls got up leaving the boys on the ground they cheered the sprinklers were still on but ya know it's just victory for us.

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Tell me what you guys think I kinda think I'm going to fast which will make less chapters then the entire of the story than That leave me sad so I will try to go slow but I can't help it if I want Charlie and Elena to be couple I know I just revealed who will be a couple but do you see well read how happy the boys are with the new girls

Cara delevingne plays stephany and selena Gomez plays Stella ugh in super exited for the next chapter I think you guys will love it so just to put that out there an please comment to tell me if you love this story or not ;)

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