"Clarke", Bellamy sighed, "Clarke, wake up."
"It won't work," Octavia said from the corner, "That was reaper serum, she won't wake till tomorrow evening"
Bellamy scoffed and turned to face Octavia, "What the hell's gotten into you?"
Octavia raised her brow, uncrossing her arms, "What?"
"What? What do you mean 'what'? You know exactly what I'm talking about." Bellamy stood up
They were in a cave, the 100 on one side, the Grounders on the other. The acid fog had rolled in and now they were just waiting it out. You could feel the tension in the room, threatening to burst. Octavia walked over to Bellamy, "Bell I love him."
"Love him?!" Bellamy exclaimed. Octavia hissed at him to lower his voice, "Love him?!" he whispered harshly, "When'd you meet him, Sunday? It's barely Thursday morning! Have you even slept with him yet?"
"I have." she said with a proud confidence that made Bellamy want to punch himself
"Good for you," he said disgusted, turning his attention back to Clarke
Octavia groaned and walked over to Lincoln, Bellamy was too tired and too furious to bother with her. He focused on Clarke, her strawberry- blonde hair, her green eyes. Why did these things always happen to her? What if she didn't wake up? What if the last thing he said to her that he was done with her idiocy. Oh God.
Bellamy brought his head down to her hands, "Clarke, I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're even there. But please, you need to wake up. You're strong and i know you can fight this serum, just please wake up."
---- The next day ----
"The fogs cleared up, " Lincoln said coming back into the cave, "You guys are free to leave."
"You're not gonna say anything?" Miller said, sitting down
"What is there to say?"
"Uhh, let's start on why you saved us in the first place." Miller shot at him
"Miller, enough." Bellamy intervened, that was the first time he spoke all night.
"I saved you because it was the right thing to do." Lincoln said, confused at their hostility
"No. You saved us because you're trying to get in Octavia's pants" Miller said
"I. Said. Enough." Bellamy grabbed Miller's collar, "You ever talk about my sister like that again, I'll leave you hanging from a tree like I left Atom. Understood?" Bellamy's face was inches from his
"Understood." Miller gulped
"Good," he threw Miller down and turned on Lincoln
"Thank you." Bellamy nodded at Lincoln
Lincoln smiled, and led the 100 out of the cave.
----- at camp -----
Bellamy held Clarke, a bead of sweat dripping down his brow. She hadn't woke yet and now he was getting anxious it was almost noon and she was as limp as a dead body. He turned to Lincoln and the other grounders from behind thee camps' gates.
"What now?" Bellamy asked Lincoln, his voice breathy
"Now, you wait." Lincoln said harnessing his sword at his back
"Uh--" Bellamy was cut off from his confusion
"You'll learn in time, and we'll be back." Lincoln gestured to the Grounders, "May we meet again Skaikru." and with that he ran off with the rest, a large, grumbling mass, their shoulders close together.

FanfictionCan Bellamy ignore his feelings and do what's best for the camp? Or will he lose his leadership and fall in love with one of the privileged, Clarke Griffin. In a race to save The 100 against Grounder attacks Bellamy must follow his instinct and dism...