The militia, in their rows of thousands, strode through the empty grassland. They trotted over the small bushfires and easily passed the tears and divots in the terrain. Mothrølka chuckled to Creebo, his trusty nighthound, he rode him proudly as Fëm Castle came into not only view, but also range....
The mortars set up in the natural gateway between the large ,arching oak trees and the Thin but colurful ashes on the other sides .They let the army pass through to the yard around the moat of the castle, Mothrølka galloped up to infront of the first line of his top rate long swordsman, Trølmka, Kaloømsut and Roløket (Mothrølka's 3 top sergeants) blew there loud Ram horns simultaneously. A message to the Elfen defenders of Fëm that the beautiful hillside castle would be the next victim of Mothrølka's violent rage.
Suddenly from directly above Roløket a huge, bulging came flying across the air like a King fisher swooping down to the water and crashing into its prey and pulling it out again. A hole had been created in the fleshy blanket that was the Mothrølkaan army and all out war had begun at the castle of Fëm.