9: A Cold Breakfast

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Chapter 9!

Sorry for the long wait, my friends (:

I have been working hard on getting this story as good as possible. I hope you guys enjoy the next few chapters of Never Let Go (:



The group of third class passengers was loud, all chanting away as the music began to pick up. Gray was flirting with Juvia, a wide smile on the blondes face as a line group began to bounce past them. Juvia smiled wider, her laugh echoing in Gray's ears as she grabbed the hand of the man at the back of the line and tugged Gray after her. He laughed loudly, spinning to Natsu and holding out his hand, quickly grabbing Lucille's fingers.

She gasped, reaching back quickly to clutch Natsu's into her own and began to laugh, smiling sweetly at the pinkette as they followed. Natsu grabbed a man by his hand and the line continued to go for a while, Lucille giggling as they went. Soon, she and Natsu broke off and retreated upstairs, giggling as the traveled through third and second class.

The two stopped by the staircase leading to first class, laughing slightly. Natsu's back hit the wall and Lucille followed suit, tilting her head back as her golden hair fell from it's bun.

"That was so much fun." Lucille breathed, turning to look at Natsu. He smiled at her, pushing off the wall to stand in front of her.

"You know, Luce, I think we need to do that again." He said, causing Lucille to tilt her head.

"You think so?" She asked and he smiled, nodding quickly.

"Of course! That was the most fun I've had in ages! And it's all because of you, Lucy!" Natsu said and her eyes widened.

"What did you call me?" She asked, her face burning slightly. Natsu looked to her.

"Lucy? Do you not like it?" He asked, shoving his hands into the pocket of his trousers. Lucille shook her head.

"I love it." She said, crossing her arms behind her back and smiling at him. "Lucy is much better than Lucille." She chuckled and Natsu snorted, running his fingers through his hair.

"Well, Lucy," He started, the mention of her name sending goosebumps across her skin. "I think our time has drawn to a close." Natsu took a step back and bowed. "I do look forward to seeing you again."

"As do I, Mr. Dragneel." Lucille replied with a curtsy. Natsu smiled at her and turned away, returning to third class.

Once Lucille returned to her room, a maid assisted her in removing her evening gown and getting dressed in a night gown. Climbing into bed, as her head hit the soft, feather pillow, she fell asleep with one thing on her mind.

The smell of smoke and pink hair.


Lucille and Dan sat at at table, quietly eating breakfast together. Dan watched her silently, a maid asking him if he wanted some coffee. His eyes left the blonde for a moment as he shook his head slightly before returning to the blushing girl across from him.

Lucille watched her spoon make it's way around her cup, offering Dan an awkward smile as he glared at her.

"You didn't come to me last night." He said simply and her blood ran cold.

"I...was tired." She muttered, not looking up from the cloudy mist of tea in her cup.

"Well, your adventures below deck were no doubt exhausting."

His word cut into her heart like a knife.

"I see. You had that undertaker of a manservant follow me, I presume?" She asked, leaning back into her chair and pursing her lips slightly. She could feel his annoyance and she felt joy from it.

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