Chapter 2

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You lay on law's naked chest while you slept. Law just continued to gaze at the ceiling until he heard a cry. He got up slowly and stood up watching you turn your back to him in your sleep. He walked down to the nursery and picked up baby corazon. Law named the baby himself, after Someone he cared deeply for. Baby Cora looked up at his father and gave a sound of disgust. Law put the baby on a changing table and changed him. After he threw away the diaper, he shut off the lights in the nursery and walked down the hall with baby Cora still fully awake and about to cry again in his arms. When he opened the door you sat on the bed with the lamp turned on reading a book. When Cora sees you he calms down completely, and law hands him to you. "Whittle baby Cora is awake now~ " you coo. The small baby was placed on your legs and was holding on to each of your thumbs. You grabbed a binki from your nightstand and put it into Cora's mouth. He spat it out so you knew he wanted something to eat. You walked down the hall passing the sleeping courters to the other crew members, Currently being on straw hats ship. You made Cora some formula and put it into a bottle. You picked up Cora again and layed him down in your forearm. Then tilted the bottle into his mouth. He started to drink it as soon as he reached it. You let him hold the bottle himself, and sat down in a random chair. You stared to doze off and so did Cora. Soon after Cora was almost halfway through his bottle, until sanji walked in. "Ohh~ I'm sorry Skylar swaan~ I though you were luffy!" He said a little to exited. You gave him a sleepy smile and looked back down at Cora. He was fast asleep and the bottle lay on his stomach. "So, how's little Cora doing?" Sanji whispers as you put the bottle onto the table and pop in a pacifier into cora's mouth. "He's been a bit cranky lately, but I think it's just a phase." You say putting cora's head onto your shoulder, supporting his bottom with your arm, and putting your hand on his back. Corazon subconsciously put his hands into your shoulders and grabs a fist full of your loose t-shirt. "Law said he and the gang are going on a dangerous mission. And he wants me to stay here with you guys." You tell sanji rubbing your sons back soothingly. Sanji's face lights up and he does a weird little dance. "So for how long~" he asks getting onto one foot and resting his head in two of his hands. "About 4 weeks max, not counting here and back." You say yawning. Looking at the clock it read 4:57 am. "We better get to bed" you say looking over your shoulder at two silver droopy eyes. "I need to get Cora into some Jammies, Law forgot to. Sleeping in a tee shirt and pants doesn't sound very comfy~" you say kissing cora's back. Sanji nods and holds the door for you. "I understand completely~" he gushes and walks back to the boys sleeping courters. As he opens the door snores can be heard and Sanji face palms. You open the door to the nursery and close the door. Pure darkness surrounds the place and Cora tightens his hold on you and whimpers. You turn on the light and walk over to the changing table and set Cora down. You fish around and find some baby pajamas you packed in your bag. ((Picture below ))

You get Cora out of his t-shirt and pants and put him into the comfy pajamas

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You get Cora out of his t-shirt and pants and put him into the comfy pajamas. He looks at you with silvery eyes and you kiss his forehead. His eyes start to droop again then he opens them some more. Trying to stay awake. This makes you smile. You get his blanket and give it to him, Then you walk over to the rocking chair and slowly rock the baby. You'd have to thank franky in the morning for going out of his way to build this for you. Cora soon falls asleep and you place him into his crib you watch him sleep for a few minutes then turn on a little music box and turn the lights off. You close the door then walks back to the guest room with law. As soon as you open the door you see law fast asleep and smile to yourself. You get into bed and fall asleep soon after.

The next morning you woke up with no law next to you. You walk into the kitchen to find him not there either. Everyone looks at you. "Law just left Skylar" Zoro says "he told us to tell you he will be back in 7 weeks!" Luffy happily said munching on whatever food there was. You nodded again in your half-asleep state and walk to the nursery to see if Cora was awake. You open the door and walk to the crib. "Nope not here "you said and turned to leave. Then it hit you. "Five...four.. Three... Two....andddd~ " Robin counts down. "7 WEEKS?!?" "WHERE IS CORA!!" You screech, freaking out that your baby boy is missing. Chopper pulls your pant leg a few times. "Cora is alright sky, I had Zoro take him to the kitchen so I could feed him. " chopper said giving you a smile. "Thank you chopper" you said a sigh of relief washing over you. You walk back to the kitchen to find Robin holding a thick-soft plastic baby spoon covered in baby food in front of cora's mouth. He just gave her a look and turned his head away from it letting out a cry and trying to get out of his seat at the table. Cora had tears leak from his eyes and before he could cause a scene you walked and squatted in front of his chair. Robin gave you the spoon and as soon as Robin let go Cora ate the food from it hungrily. Robin watched you with a fascinated look then smiled. I've been trying to get him to eat since law brought him in here an hour ago~" Nami and Robin said. You walked over to a trash can and threw away the baby food container. "He is a little picky." You said smiling. Suddenly a Long rubber hand stretched along and grabbed a can of baby food from the counter. "Uhh luffy I wouldn't eat that if I were you-" it was too late. Luffy made a face and threw the can u to the trash can then jumped up and grabbed Cora harshly. He Then turned him upside down and started to shake him. "LUFFY!!!" Everyone screamed and you ran over. "LUFFY STOP PLEASE STOP YOUR GOING TO HURT HIM!!" You cried. Cora screamed and started to wail as he was being shooken. "That baby food didn't taste right. It tasted old. So I'm trying to get it out of him-" "THATS HOW ITS SUPPOSE TO TASTE " you screech again. Then you punched luffy really hard in the side of the head. Luffy let the baby go and you catch your baby before he hits the ground. He looked dizzy and vomited on the ground. You started to shake and started to cry as your baby looked around in all different places with half-lidded eyes. You didn't have any medical knowledge whatsoever, so you looked over at Chopper as he ran over taking the small infant from your grasp. Luffy stood up and looked at you with a bewildered look on his face. Nami grabbed his hand rather harshly and dragged him out into the library with Robin and Zoro to have a word with him. "Sanji I need some ice" chopper said as Sanji finished cleaning the vomit. "I'm so sorry!" You said looking at the vomit covered suit. "It's luffy's fault not yours Skylar-Chwann~" he said happily running over with some ice. Chopper set the baby down and soothingly rubbed cora's tummy. "He should be alright, but don't move him very fast for a while." Chopper says handing you your child. "Thank you so much again chopper!" You said about to cry again. You walk off to the nursery to put Cora down for a nap. You sit in your chair and rock him slowly. He looks at you with pained eyes and slightly parted lips. You kiss him on the nose and he gives you a 2 second smile. Then he starts to cry. "You must have a headache~" you said sadly watching your bundle of happiness Roll in your arms in pain. You grab some baby medicine law made you and gave Cora some. Not even two minutes afterwards Cora was put to sleep. You set him in the crib after you took off his Jammies. He was curled up in nothing but a diaper. You set his binki in the crib to, incase he wakes up and needs it to sleep again. You kiss his head and mentally note that he will need a bath after this nap. You walk out of the nursery and sit down on your bed, ready for a nap also. About to doze off, but then a knock wakes you. "Sky? Is Cora doing ok?" Robin. You open the door and smile. Yea, he is taking a nap. He has a headache so I gave him some medicine." You said. "I called law, he is on his way over now" Robin said with a smile. You nodded and sat back down. "How did it go with luffy ?" You asked. "We told him he could have killed your baby and he started to cry a bit. He said he was ashamed and will never touch Cora without your permission again. " Robin said and smiled. You walked into the nursery, and heard a commotion outside the doors. You opened the door to the nursery to see law yelling at luffy. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING LUFFY-YA!" Law screamed at him. Luffy looked at law with a hurt expression, but didn't reply. "Law" you said softly. He turned and looked at you then walked to the nursery. Law passed you and then ran. You walked over to luffy and gave him a hug. He hugged back almost instantly. "I'm sorry" he said his voice cracking as he did. He pulled away and ran off to who knows where. Then you ran to the nursery to find law feeling for Cora's pulse and such. He gave a sigh of relief soon after then turned to look at you. "I want luffy-ya to be five feet away from Cora at all times. He isn't allowed to touch him. "'Law said . "Law-" "DO I MAke myself clear?" Law said calming down halfway through his sentence. You nodded and law gave you a kiss before leaving again for his mission. You watched the sub sink again and looked down at your baby. You watched as he sucked on his pacifier. 'He must have woken for a bit.' You thought then walked back to your room and fell asleep.

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