Chapter 10

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"Why are you here young lady~" Kizaru said as he walked closer to me. I was to scared to move, but then remembered what law had said about him not killing me. "I found a small band of pirates sir... And I don't know how to use a den den mushi..." I responded a little scared. "Owhhhh~ thaaaats greeeat~" kizaru responded looking back over at the blonde. "I guess I could leave for a bit~~" he then Turned back to me. "Are there bounties high?~" I was about to respond when I heard strange noises. "Ahpapapapapapapap~" I looked up on top of the building, as did the admiral. A man on top of the building started to play strange instruments, distracting kizaru. I turned and ran back towards the sub. I went to look behind me to see kizaru wasn't there. I turned back around and slammed into a hard surface. I looked up and my face paled. "Where are you going in a hurry~" he picked my up by the shoulder and held me up into the air. He then took out a note with a picture drawn on it and put it up to my face, possibly to match the two. He then had a smile on his face and put the paper away. "It seems I've found you~ the wife of the surgeon of death, trafalgar law." He said keeping his fist in his pocket. "MOMMA!! PUT MY MOMMA DOWN!!!!" Cora? I though and looked over to see my little ball of joy running towards me. "Cora stay back this instant!" I scolded him. "Kizaru looked bewildered at the small child. "Looks like now we have a bigger problem." He picked up Cora and started to walk to the marine ship with both of us. And put us into a jail cell surprisingly gentle. He shut the cage and walked away probably back to the other supernovas. "Momma? " "yes Cora?" "I'm scared!" Cora started to break down into tears. I held him and rocked him back and fourth to calm him down. Not even three minutes later he had fallen asleep along with me .

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