Chapter 5

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I sat on the couch in the sub playing around with my devil fruit powers. My power was to create a flower in the palm of my hand that was another persons soul. The flower varied from person to person. And if I wanted to I could recreate an image of the person. For example, law's flower was a white calla-Lilly with brown spots and his jolly Rodger on one of the peddles. I blew on the flower and the peddles flew away, then Disappearing into the air. Bepo walked in along with Sachi and Penguin, but with no law. "Where's law at?" I asked recreating a different persons flower in my hand. "He is, uhhhh... Out." Sachi mumbles. "Out huh? It's hard to be out when we are in the middle of the north blue 3,000 feet underground." I said blowing the flower away.

"I'm sorry"

"DONT APOLOGIZE!" Sachi and penguin yelled together. I just laughed and hit my feet against each other repetitively.

A few hours later after Sachi, penguin, bepo, and I started to chat about random things, law walked in with a pissed off look on his features. "Luna, could I speak with you please?" He asked and walked away before I could even speak. I got up and followed him to his study. He slammed the door behind me and turned around. "Do you know what you've done?" He asked fave softening a bit. "No, what have I done?" I asked. "You left your 'poison' crumbs in my room again" he sighed. "Oh, the bagel I ate this morning?" "Yea" he replied. Then sighed. "Luna, we have been dating a while now and, I wanted to ask you something." Law said taking both of my hands in his. "And what would that be?" I asked. Right after those words left my mouth law got down on to one knee and took a dark blue velvet box out of his back pocket, then opened it. "Will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Yes!" I replied happily and gave him a kiss. A few months later we had the wedding in the deck of the sub.

-*present*- I woke up from my nap and smiled at the memory. And not even two month after we were married I got pregnant. Cora. Wait. CORA. "I WANT TO SEE MY BABY!" I said frantically to the guard. He only smirked and opened up the cell.

"Too late girly, I'm taking you to your execution."

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