Chapter 7

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It was four years later and Cora was five years old. His birthday party was about three months ago. He was a lot like his father. Easy to get angry and such. But he was still so sweet.

Skylar pov (mother)

I lay in bed with law's arms around my waist. I look at his sleeping face, smiling in victory for actually getting him to bed. Most nights he would work and fill out papers. I lost my train of thought when I heard the door handle turn. Cora opened the door and waddled over to the bed. "Cora?" I asked, voice cracking a bit from fatigue. "I had a bad dream.." Cora said, his voice cracking to, but from fear. "Come here honey" I said to Cora. "Hmmm... You don't need to tell me twice~" law said wrapping his arms around you more and nuzzling your neck. "I didn't mean you!" You whisper-shouted at your husband and turned to Cora with open arms. Cora ran into them and you hugged his frame. Law had dozed off again with his back to the two of you. Cora soon fell asleep as you kissed the top of his head and dozed off yourself.

Law shifted in his bed, moving his legs to a more comfortable position. He was about to doze off again when his foot met a wet spot in the bed. Half-asleep he sat up and pulled the blankets back to find a large yellow stain in the white sheets. "GOD DAMMIT" law shouted and got up, angrily ripping the blankets off the bed. "Huh?" You said waking up, also feeling the wet spot under sleeping Cora. "HE PISSED THE BED AGAIN SKYLAR! I TOLD YOU WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!" Law raged throwing the blankets to the corner of the room. "Hey hey, calm down!" You tried to soothe him but it didn't work. You sighed and picked up Cora, he had woken up from law yelling, and you stood him on the floor. He looked down in shame. "Take him to his room and change his cloths. Give him a bath too." You said. "I will clean the bed." Law nodded and grabbed Cora's tiny hand forcefully. "Are we going to have to put you in diapers now?!? This is getting insane!!" Law scolded Cora. "I-I'm s-sorry dad" cora sobbed as he was pulled down the hall by his father. You on the other hand put the sheets in the washer after bleaching them. "Skylar, can you tell law-San that we have arrived at flower island?" Bepo said as he walked into the said mans room. You nod and bepo leaves. You walk down the hall and into the bathroom where you see law spank Cora. "LAW!" You yelled in horror. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?"you added running over. Cora was screaming and sobbing. "He slapped me." Law said and let Cora crawl off his lap. Cora ran to you and hugged your legs, sobbing into them. You bent down and picked him up. He barried his face into your neck and cried more. "We'll talk about this later, let's go to the store and get some D-i-a-p-e-r-S for Cora." You said, spelling out the word so Cora wouldn't throw a fit. Law nodded and walked out with the two of you. Cora had fallen asleep again, so buying the diapers wasn't a hassle. You also bought him some clothes, which made law unhappy. When you got back to Cora's room on the sub he had woken up. "I'm tired momma~" Cora Moaned trying to get comfy again. "Can I sleep in your and daddy's bed?" He asked looking at you with his grey eyes. "Yes, but you have to put these on." You said putting Cora down and picking up the package of diapers. He was to tired to argue and let you put the diaper on. "Take your pants off okey?" You said opening the package of pull-ups for the small child. He groaned and took off his pants and underwear. You turned around and held arms out with the pull up in your hands. He took it and put it on with your help. Afterwards you picked him up and walked back to your room where law had just put the sheets back on. They were clean and no more stain remained. You sat Cora on the bed and smiled at his sleeping form. Law came up behind you and smiled. "I'm sorry for what I did." He said hugging you. "I know you were mad, just.... Try to calm down next time okay? Now, go back to sleep, it's still really late." Law nodded and turned off the light. You crawled in deb and Cora instantly curled up into you. You curled up back and kissed his head. You three then drifted to sleep, unaware of what horror awaits the next day~

Dun dun duuuuumm!! Cliff hanger~~ I'll continue this tomorrow~ good night!

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