Chapter 3

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Six weeks later the boat was parked at a nearby island. Law had reunited with his son and wife, and all is well..... For now...

"Law! Have you seen Cora's pacifier?" You said running around frantically, looking for the small object. "Yea, don't you look?" Law said with an irritated tone. You sighed and walked over and sat on your husband's lap. He looked at you a little surprised, but it then died down back to a half hearted expression.  "I'm sorry I haven't been giving you any attention lately~ it's just, you've been gone for a while and i was thinking, maybe we can do some catching up later~" you purred into his ear. "I'd like that" he said giving you a kiss. It would have gotten heated, if Cora hadn't let out a little cry in his bed. You walked over but was then surprised by an explosion from outside. You ran up leaving Cora and looking out at a sea of marines fighting the straw hats. Law instantly joined but you were hit over the head with a hard object. Then you heard it, a sound that makes any mother come running. A cry from a baby. Cora. You looked up and seen a marine holding the baby. "CORA" you screeched. Law turned to look along with a few of the straw hats. "So your the mother." The big marine said. You nodded and law was attacked. Forced to focus of the task at hand. You were picked up and put on a navy ship. You heard the crys of both your crew, and the straw hats. The ship left, and you were thrown into a room, but without Cora. "Where is my baby?" You asked, pissed. The marine only laughed and wrote something down.

A few hours later you were given a paper. "This is tomorrows news." The marine said and walked off. You looked at it. 'Skylar of the heart pirates caught with 6 month old son, both are scheduled for execution tommarow'

Your jaw dropped. Not only are they going to kill you, they are going to kill Cora too! "Oh law, please hurry" you said, a tear streaming down your face.  

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