Chapter 11

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I woke up to the strong smell of smoke. I opened my eyes and looked around. There was a man siting in the swivel chair looking at my with two cigarettes in his mouth. But there was a girl next to him, her back was to me. The turned around slowly giving my a sorry look. But then I realized something. Something that would make any mothers blood boil. "Give my my child back!" I said getting up from my spot on the bed to desperately make it to my precious Little child. "I apologize, but we can't put a child in danger, and since your a pirate we have no choice but to keep him." The girl said. "GIVE CORA BACK TO ME RIGHT NOW!" I yelled desperately trying to get to my child. "tashigi, take 'cora' to the nursery, make sure to give him more sleeping gas. " the man said to this so called tashigi. "Right away smoker " she responded and ran away quite fast. I made a noise in my throat and fell to the ground sobbing. "Just give me back my baby... Please- can I just hold him one last ti-" I was cut off by a knocking at the door. The door opened and a marine walked in with law behind him. Law was tied up with cuffs on and thrown into my cell. The marine then left with smoker to have some words. "Law? What are you doing here?!?" I said crawling over to my husband. "Getting you out of here~" he whispers into my ear. I shivered and his cuffs popped off. "How did you-" "I'll tell you later" we then ran out of the cell. Law used room to grab Cora as he was about to wake up. We then teleported to the sub and took off.

"Where are we going now?" I asked. "We are going to an island, I've already made preparations for you and Cora to live there for two months. I'm going to go on a dangerous mission, and I want you to be safe, got it?" Law said to me. I looked at him with grief. Then threw myself at him. He caught me and hugged me back. "That's a long time I'm going to miss you! "I cried into his neck. He only made a grunt. "I'll miss you too. " he said.
As we made it to the island law took me to the house corazon and I were to live in for two months. "And here is your room" law said walking over and siting on the bed. The house was already good to go. With food and money on the counter. I walked over to law and sat on his lap. Wrapping my arms around his neck. "I'm not going to be able to see you for a few months~ better make the best if this moment~" I said seductively to him and kissed his neck. He groaned and kissed my jawline. "Skylar-" he was cut off when I licked that certain spot on his neck. He groaned again and flipped us over. He hovered above me and attacked my neck. His hands taking off my shirt and bra with ease. I smiled into the kiss as he kneaded his hands into my skin and grouped my breasts. I moaned and pulled laws jacket off. I then stood up and teasingly took off my panties. His eyes clouded over with lust, and he made a low groan. "Skylar-" he warned. But of course, I didn't listen. I threw my panties to a forgotten part of the room and pounced onto him. I pulled down his pants along with his boxers and let his member free. I licked the top and slowly drawled my tongue around the head of the throbbing appendage. He bucked his hips trying to get faster friction, so I let him have it. I wrapped my hand tightly around the base of his penis and bobbed my head faster and faster. He threw his head back, expecting to unleash his load into my tight wet mouth, his orgasim only kept going strong. He made a animalistic noise as be bucked his hips. "Skylar, ple--ase~~" he moaned and I released my hand. As soon as I did he exploded with a shout and fell into putty on the bed. The rest of the night was full of moans and sounds of pure ecstasy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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