Chapter 8

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We soon arrived at the human auctioning house. Law had said he wanted to see some other supernovas that we're currently at the island. Cora, law, bepo, shachi, penguin, and me went while everyone else stayed. "Momma I'm bored~" Cora said tiredly as he sat in my lap playing with a few strands of my hair. "It will over soon honey~" I whispered into his hair. "We should have left him at the ship." Law said looking at Cora with a fearful look. "I have a feeling something is going to happen." "If something does we will-"
"Can you shut up I'm trying to listen!" A very snotty and rich woman said glaring at me then looking at Cora. "Why did you bring your brat? Planing on selling it?" The woman said snorting. I was about to stand up when a white paw pushed me back down. "Don't start anything sky" bepo said. "I'm not a brat!" Cora said rather loudly to the woman making her flustered. She just glared again and continued on with the auction. I looked around the house to see a red-haired man with goggles and a long red jacket. He looked at me with lust in his eyes. Probably undressing me in his mind... Pervert... I pet Cora's head soothingly and soon he fell asleep. I dozed off myself until I felt vibrations and screams of 'an marine admiral is coming!!' Cora woke up also with a jolt and fearful cry. Law looked at me and I looked back. We both nodded and I stood up and ran to the sub with Cora in my arms. As we neared the sub one of my fellow pirates on the ship took Cora. "MOMMY NOO!! PLEASE LET ME STAY WITH YOU!!!" Cora screamed trying to grab onto me. I felt tears in my eyes. "I'll be back Cora, I love you!" You said blowing him a kiss. The pirate pulled Cora into his arms and ran to the sub, going under water. At about that time a marine ship pulled up. I looked as marine admiral kizaru jumped down. "Hello? Hellloooo? Hellllooo~?" He asked into the portable den den mushi on his wrist. He looked at me and started to walk over. Great...

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