Author's Note

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Two brunettes and a blonde walk into a Twitter DM...
written by dirtyyarn

styles_orama: Look at this picture of Harry! He looks like a gynecologist?

styles_orama:  Look at this picture of Harry! He looks like a gynecologist?

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Alessandra: Oh ma gawd, Harry as a gyno AU. Who's gonna write it?

dirtyyarn: Group effort, right now!...'He thought he had seen them in every shape, size, color and variation possible. Until the day he saw hers...'

The sun rises, the sun sets, and the idea gels.

dirtyyarn: We really should do gyno-Harry. He would know SO much.

Alessandra: We could co-write actually. It would be so fun!

styles_orama: I will do it!

dirtyyarn: I will totally play along!

Alessandra: We could go chapter by chapter, round-robin style! Can it be slightly comedic? Maybe he hums while he's swabbing.

styles_orama: Swabbing sounds piratey.

dirtyyarn: You do the work, I'll supervise.

Alessandra: We need a female lead, maybe she's a college student that has to go to the walk-in clinic. She's like, 'Why the fuck are there so many women in this waiting room?!'

A multitude of gynecological anecdotes are exchanged, hilarity ensues and it boils down to this:

"Is she an idea, is she a place, is she a person? All we know for certain is that she's currently stuck in a campus clinic waiting room with a cynical attitude, a chlamydia scare, and no idea that life as she knows it will NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!"

This writing challenge could be an epic fail, or possibly the best thing since the speculum warming tray. Either way, we hope you will enjoy this lark.

co-written by
The PussyJockeys:

alessandra dirtyyarn & styles_orama

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