8. Let's Play Twister, Let's Play Risk

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written by styles_orama


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry it's a shorty, but I was gummin' up the works takin' so long, so I decided better get it handed off to the lovely @dirtyyarn for the next portion! xo


Riley flees Harry's apartment in complete discombobulation. Having encountered a fair share of penises in her life, the fact that one exists that causes her functional and mental ability to regress to that of a two-year old is pretty fucking astounding.

Naked Harry was glorious – every body part chiseled to Michelangelo perfection. And his penis. His penis! It wasn't even erect and it was as big as the kosher dills at the theater. No. That big? One kiss and the romantic idealist of her past is already peeking out and trying to gloss everyone into shiny happy people holding hands by REM. And she fucking hates REM.

The elevator door dings open and Riley takes only one step into the unfamiliar lobby before the assault begins on her senses.  Her attention is captured by a phallic shaped cactus near the mailboxes that is quite succulent, topped with a bulbous, ruby-red, ball-shaped tip. She manages to tear her eyes away only to refocus on a woman on the outside sidewalk taking a bite of a smoking-hot wiener and licking a mustard smear from her upper lip. At this point, Riley realizes two things:

1.    She doesn't know where the fuck she's at.

2.    Harry's perfect penis is already ruining her life.

Focusing on the first realization, Riley's hands fly to her jeans, frisking her pockets for her phone and finding nothing. Everything around her blurs into a haze as she pats herself down yet a second time, paralyzed by the notion of having to return to Harry's apartment and fetch her phone. What floor was he on anyway?

Exasperated, Riley turns and presses the elevator button boom-boom-boom a jillion times as if that will make it open any faster. When it does open, Harry's lounging against the back wall of the elevator, rifling through a small pink purse. He pulls out her pink rabbit's foot she's had for good luck since she was 7 and grins, rubbing it against his cheek.

The steam rises off the back of Riley's neck as she storms forward into the elevator, taking Harry by total surprise. Their voices tangle in a verbal wrestling match.

"That's my purse!"

"You left your phone."

As the elevator door closes behind her, she makes a grab for her purse, but Harry's quicker. He holds it up above his head so she can't reach it.

"Goddammit, Harry. Give me my shit." Riley jumps and misses; Harry guffaws.

"Calm down, Riley." Harry speaks in a soft and gentle voice. "I was coming after you. There is no need for hostility." Harry's sentence is interrupted by his own giggles which only serve to make Riley all the more upset.

Not one to give up easily, she swings a foot up onto the rail behind Harry, fully prepared to scale either his frame and/or the side of the elevator (whichever it takes) to retrieve her belongings.

"Oh, there'll be none of that now, little girl." Harry is firm in both voice and stature, tossing Riley's belongings to the floor so he can take full advantage of this situation that he finds hot as fuck.

He tightens his arms around her waist to stop her ascent, and with a quick turn she's trapped between Harry and the elevator wall, her ass now sitting atop the rail she tried to climb a split-second ago.

Harry leans in as Riley stills. "Now, what's got your knickers in a twist, missy? You're the one who ran outta my flat and left all your stuff behind."

Riley's speechless, but gives a good wiggle to attempt a surprise escape. She hates it when other people are right. Harry's voice thickens, "I was going to buy you breakfast, but you're being so naughty."

"I have to go to a theatre rehearsal," a breathless Riley responds. Her body relaxes, and Harry feels her become almost pliant in his arms.

"Skip it." Harry purrs in her ear.

"Skip it?"

Her voice is a murmur when he covers her mouth with his own, pushing her into the elevator wall with his hips. Riley crosses her ankles behind him as her hands slide up his chest, over his neck, and come to rest on his cheeks.

The sound of the elevator door dings open behind them, bringing their make-out session to an abrupt stop. The chuckle Harry hears behind him is unmistakable as he sets Riley back on her feet and turns to face the music.


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