4. Danger Clam

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written by alessandra

When Harry arrived back at his flat after his shift, it looked like someone had picked up the whole thing, turned it upside down, and shook the ever-loving shit out of it until everything was destroyed and nowhere was safe. This was, unfortunately, a typical occurrence when Harry worked late at the clinic and Louis had the day off. Normally the mere sight of it would give Harry an aggressive eye-twitch, but today he barely noticed.

Louis was screeching like a barn owl from the couch, holding onto a game console and kicking his legs up in frustration as his FIFA player missed a clear shot at the net. Day-Off Louis was frighteningly similar to Labia on catnip: sprawled out, high-pitched, incomprehensibly messy, and stoned off his ass. But Harry just sashayed right past him with a giddy bounce in his step, his eyes glued on the phone in his hands.

 But Harry just sashayed right past him with a giddy bounce in his step, his eyes glued on the phone in his hands

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Riley's text was simple and non-committal, but it had still managed to beat the door down on his nerves. Sure, they had exchanged some pleasantries since her follow-up exam a few days ago, the heys and whats ups and nothing muches of small talk texts. But this was the first time they'd been close to making actual plans. Harry wasn't sure if he wanted to vomit butterflies or do a pirouette, so he just settled on shaking his hair out with his free hand and grinning like an idiot.

Franco's on Friday night was open mic, wasn't it? That seemed like a pretty casual invitation, which was a good thing. Harry wasn't exactly the smoothest when under even the slightest bit of pressure, so starting out calm and casual sounded just perfect to him.

 Harry wasn't exactly the smoothest when under even the slightest bit of pressure, so starting out calm and casual sounded just perfect to him

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Harry groaned. He's not sure why he signed it H. She would obviously know it was him. At least he hoped she had saved his number in her phone. Maybe even with a little heart emoji beside his name. Wishful thinking.

"Where 'ave you been? I've been worried sick." Louis barked suddenly from the doorway and Harry nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Mother of fucking dragons, you scared me!" Harry yelped and quickly shoved his phone into his back pocket.

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