15. Would You Stay if She Promised You Heaven, Will You Ever Win?

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written by styles_orama


Hey, you.

I know you're used to email and text correspondence these days, but I'm feeling a bit nostalgic for the epistolary ways of yore, and figured writing to you old-school style might just do the trick. I realize laying down some raps in your name Friday night at Franco's might have been sufficient, but if I'm going to get shot down, I'd prefer my mortal wounds not be made public. Plus, if I'm successful in my endeavor, we can show this letter to our children years from now, and they can see what a romantic daddy was. A regular Cyrano de Bergerac, yo!

Remember last Halloween at Franco's? You were dressed as Batgirl and I was dressed as "ordinary guy at the bar?" You ragged on me all night, insisting that a white t-shirt and skinnies didn't count as a valid Halloween costume. Your moaning and groaning turned into flirting, which quickly turned into my moaning and groaning in the bathroom stall while your lips were wrapped firmly around my cock.

Can you say BEST HALLOWEEN EVER? Cause I can.

I took you back to my place and fucked you so hard – and you kept those sexy-ass Batgirl boots on the whole damn time. Thank God you'd blown me beforehand cause that thing with the boots was so hot....and you were so tight – I would've nutted in a half a stroke otherwise.

Spending the rest of the weekend with only sex, Netflix, and Halloween candy for sustenance is the stuff good rap songs are made of. Not to mention the amount of pussy I devoured. Seriously, Riles – I wasn't a huge fan of oral before you. I mean, I did it occasionally out of obligation, but um, uh – no.

But you... you are something else. Like a decadent fruit smoothie that you hope lasts forever – sweet and delicious - and I can't help but wonder if I'll be as fortunate this Halloween.

I know things with us have been somewhat sporadic, as time allows, etc., but I'm wondering what your thoughts are about taking this thing to the next level? I enjoy spending time with you – not just the sex, but the conversation, the cuddles – everything. You're a sweet, funny girl, and instead of this occasional, inbetween relationships, fuck-buddy thing we've got going on, I'd really like to try out something with a bit more commitment.

So whaddya say? Wanna see where this goes?

Your "ordinary guy at the bar,"




Harry knew he shouldn't have snooped in Riley's stuff. It's just that he woke early to pee, and when he came back in his room, he could see Rye's little purse on the floor at the foot of the bed, some of the contents spilled out. Labie was entertaining herself with Rye's pink rabbit's foot and loving it so much that it took Harry a good five minutes to wrestle it away from her tiny kitten claws.

Shoving the keys inside Riley's purse, he then picked up a wallet, lip gloss, and a pack of gum from the floor and squeezed them back into the little bag as well. That's when his fingers came in contact with the letter at the bottom. She said Liam had given her a note at the bar a couple weeks ago, and the crinkle of the paper against his fingertips proved too much to resist. Harry was the type who liked to know little details about his partner. Go through her purse and examine everything in it. He felt that junk like that told you a lot about a person. The things they carry with them. Rye was still in his bed snoring hardcore from the party, while Harry tucked the note back into the depths of the handbag of secrets.

No wonder she didn't want him looking in her purse that day on the elevator. She said she had a note from Liam, and that he wanted to get back together. This wasn't from Liam at all. Just who the fuck was this Nialler, anyway? And how many fuck-buddies did Riley have? He thought fucking her with her boots on was something special, but shit. Those boots had seen a lot of action. But more important than that – Riley had lied to him.

Fuck this shit. Harry has half a mind to wake her ass up and tell her to leave, but the other half is using all of its strength to hold in the couple of tears that are about to eek from the corners of his eyes.

Once Harry's emotions are under control, he tip-toes from the room, and closes the door with nary a sound behind him. Maybe Louis would want to go out for breakfast.



Hi, everyone. styles_orama here. First, I'd like to apologize for taking ages on this update. It's 100% my fault.

Since it's been awhile, if you guys don't remember where Niall appeared previously, he was in Chapter 4/Danger Clam, written by the fine alessandra . I mulled over the few things Niall said, which led me to discover ol' Rye has been keeping a secret from us all. Looks like she's got some explaining to do!

Thanks for sticking with us. dirtyyarn is up next, and we promise a drastically improved wait time.

Again, my apologies. We appreciate you guys more than you know! xx

Until next time: Choose love. ❤️

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