2. Speculum Overboard

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            ****Chapter 2 by styles_orama *****


Dr. Styles takes a step forward, she hears the one-two clack of his boots before he stops, seeing the rejected speculum on the tile floor like a tragic metal skydiver with no parachute.

"Oh. I guess I'll just get us new one then," he says, tossing his gloves into the disposal and exiting the room. The door closes, leaving Riley and her rebel vag painfully alone.



Harry's little pigeon-toes carry him out of the exam room as fast as possible without stumbling over one another. Once in the hallway he crosses himself to thank God for allowing him to exit without a tumble since he can be rather clumsy. And that's just on an average day. But today's special – it's his first time flying solo with a patient.

Sure, he's seen his fair share of pussy up close and personal in his private life, and a good amount on the exam table as well, but he's always had a nurse or another doctor in there so he didn't have to go it alone.

Harry didn't do well alone; he was one of those people who always liked having someone else around. Both conversation and comfortable silences were fine by him, but something about having another warm body nearby made him feel settled.

He looks at his watch and his heart sinks to realize he's only been on duty for twenty minutes. Will this get easier after he survives patient number one? If he survives? At the rate she's shooting medical equipment out of her vagina, he can't be entirely sure. Perhaps he should wear some safety glasses, but he doesn't want to make either of them any more uncomfortable than they already are. Did she notice his hands were shaking? He just wants to go home, watch television in his knickers, and cuddle with his new kitten, Labia. He'd named her Labia Minora when he was struggling to remember some parts of the vagina. He read that a lot of women are self-conscious and don't like their labia minora, just like his flatmate Louis didn't like his new kitten. What's not to like about a kitten?

Grabbing a fresh speculum from the supply closet, Harry taps on the door to Louis' office. Because Louis is older, he's ahead of Harry in the medical program, thereby serving as both Medical Director of the clinic and part-time General Practitioner.

He can hear Louis's yell as he approaches the door, "That better not be you, Harry!"

Louis swings the door open wide, only to discover Harry quickly passing a speculum over his shoulders and beneath his armpits as if it were a set of nunchucks and making martial arts sound effects like he's some kind of vagina ninja.

"Are you fucking serious?" Louis grabs Harry's arm and jerks him into the office. "What the fuck are you doing, mate? I hope that isn't a used speculum you're toying about with because that would just be disgusting. And if it's a clean one, I hope you don't plan on using it because you've contaminated it by slingin' it round your armpit!"

"Ah, fuck," Harry throws his head back in exasperation.

"Well, never mind that now," Louis says, taking the nunchuck speculum from Harry's hands and placing it on his desk. "I know you didn't finish that first appointment yet, Harry. What's the matter? She clench up and won't allow the insertion?"

"No, the insertion was fine. I forgot to have the swabs ready for the pap, and when I turned to get one I heard this clacking sound, and when I turned 'round, the speculum was on the floor! Vaginally rejected. I mean, ejected. Um –"

"Holy shit, mate! You know there are videos on the internet of girls who can shoot ping-pong balls from their vaginas? Clear across the room!" Louis laughs, even harder when he sees the look of horror on Harry's face.

"There's no way I'm going back in there alone, Louis. That vagina could be dangerous. It could be like a Venus flytrap or something. I could lose a finger!" Harry panics.

"Ah, vagina dentata. Oh well, if her pussy bites off a finger, it'll probably spit it out just like it did the speculum and we can reattach it. You'll have a great story to tell at pubs –just think of all the free drinks you can parlay this into!"

"What if she bites off my cervix-checking finger? I'll be ruined!" Harry paces back and forth, tugging out his hair tie and running his fingers (while he still has possession of them all) through his long hair.

"Styles, calm the fuck down! Get a fresh speculum, don't touch it for chrissakes, and get your bum back in there," Louis places his hands on Harry's shoulders and looks him in the eye. "You can do this, mate."

Harry shakes his head and lets out a long sigh as he opens the door to leave. "If you hear any screams, mate –"

"That girl is laying there all spread out, Harry! Get on with it!"

Louis shoves Harry out the door, closing it and locking it, leaving Harry alone in the corridor.

A solemn Harry shuffles back to the supply closet, grabs a fresh latex glove and uses it to carefully pick up a fresh speculum.

When he enters the exam room, he notices Riley is sitting up, still in her gown, and the ejected speculum that was on the floor is now missing.

"Erm . . . ," Harry speaks as he places the fresh speculum on the examination tray. "What happened to the –"

"A nurse came in and picked it up," Riley's eyes meet his for only a second before returning her gaze to the floor.

For the first time today, Harry thinks of his patient instead of himself. Now that he has a chance to look at her, he realizes she's quite pretty. Her long blonde hair, which was in a ponytail when he left, is now loose and creates a protective curtain about her shoulders and face. Harry realizes that no matter how scary and nerve-wracking this experience is for him, that he's not the one sat on a table about to get checked for an STI.

"Look, Miss, um – Riley," Harry begins. "It's probably not the proper professional thing for me to do here, but," Harry pauses for a breath before continuing. "This is my first time doing an exam by myself, and I'm quite nervous."

Riley looks up to meet his gaze, her blue eyes wide.

Harry hurries to continue, "I mean, I've done a ton of these, but just not by myself. So, I'd kind of like to start over if that's alright, yeah?"

She nods, but doesn't say anything in return.

"I'll tell you what," Harry turns away and opens one of the overhead cabinets. He knows he's under scrutiny as he pushes a couple of jars to the side and pulls out one hidden in the back, like a secret.

When he turns around and Riley sees the jar is filled with lollipops, her lips turn up at the corners in a slight smile.

"Dr. Tomlinson told me it's dumb to have candy since we aren't a pediatric office, but I say bugger off, yeah?" Harry grins and opens the jar, extending it to her so she can choose a flavor. "I know you shouldn't get a lolly until after you've been a good girl for the exam, but I'm going to trust you now, alright?"

"This whole appointment seems like some sort of dream – or perhaps it's a living nightmare," Riley laughs and chooses a strawberry lollipop. Despite the mention of a nightmare, her laugh soothes Harry's nerves.

"Strawberry's my favorite as well." Harry's still grinning and realizes he's not acting very doctor-like, but he doesn't care – he's just happy that he's not as nervous as he was before. "If you promise not to tell anyone I gave you candy first, we can get this show on the road." Harry extends his hand to her and she accepts it. "I'm Dr. Harry Styles, and I'm very pleased to meet you, Riley."

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