12. Vampires Don't Wear Levis

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written by alessandra

If Riley said that she was a hundred percent surprised to see Harry's penis today, she would be one hundred percent lying. Of course, it's the plan from the moment she opens her eyes on that bright, autumn Thursday. Or rather, it's part of the plan. It's not like Riley dreams of sugardicks dancing 'round in her head on a regular basis or anything like that, but ever since she temporarily lost her mind and mistakenly told Harry Styles The Orgasm Whisperer to his face that his impressive skill set was somehow a deal breaker, she was determined to remedy the situation.

Not that Harry had let on that he was bothered by her avocado-fueled lament about his clitoral mastery. In fact, he took it rather sweetly as per usual. Of course, the added promise of a Halloween party helped too. Costumes are something that can snap a theatre geek like Riley out of any self-conscious funk, and she was excited to finally show Harry that her dramatic tendencies could, sometimes, be used for good.

When Riley wakes up, it's already noon. Her shift at Franco's the night before went later than usual, ending with her and Niall having to stay and clean up after a particularly messy crowd of loiterers. Though, on the bright side, she did receive some intel from a top secret source (drunk Louis) that Harry isn't much of a dresser-upper and had planned to show up to his own Halloween party as a goddamn doctor. Unfortunately that was the extent of the information she could drag out of him before he yakked all over the side of the bar, but it was enough to give her a frisky little idea.


When Riley calls Harry with plans to meet up in front of the Capitol Theatre, she's surprised to hear that he's never been to this side of campus before. She's excited to show him a little slice of her life here, the place where she spends so much of her time and energy that it felt like a second home.

The college theatre department is a series of old buildings nestled into a cul de sac at the edge of campus. The old houses had all been bought and modernized recently by a wealthy donor with an affinity for the arts, so while it all looks rustic and residential on the outside, the facilities are rather impressive for a school of this size. Riley especially loves that it feels like a small neighbourhood here, with classes tucked into the rooms of grand heritage buildings rather than the stale grey lecture halls you see everywhere else.

When Riley finally sees Harry round the corner to the parking lot, she can't help but sigh. Riley isn't sure if she's ever going to get used to Harry's grand entrances into her life; standing naked in the shower, pulling up all chivalrous in his car, even knocking romantically on her door while she's screeching to Miley Cyrus like a dying wildebeest. Dammit.

And now, he's waltzing down the asphalt in his black boots, painted-on jeans, a lamb's wool vest, and what looks like Twiggy's white-rimmed sunglasses perched on his nose. At least Harry is keeping his head down while he walks, absently swiping at his phone screen the whole length down the sidewalk. It gives Riley a few precious moments to acclimatize her body and mind to his presence.

Finally, when Harry is only a foot or two away from her, he lifts his head and their eyes meet, inspiring twin smiles on both their faces. Elegantly, all Riley can think is holyfuck on a loop in her head because that seems to be her only go-to lately when faced with this anomaly of a human being. How can someone look so great in a parking lot, of all places? It just isn't fair.

Harry leans over and places a light kiss on her lips, pulling her body gently into his by the small of her back. Both his lips and the fingertips that graze the bare skin above her jeans are cold from the chilled air and the touch sends a giddy shiver up Riley's spine.

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