Welcome to Insanity

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Jonathan says to insanity
"I've been to deaths gate, and have been possessed by you for 100 years."

Insanity said "yea?, and?"

Jonathan smiled and said.


"You don't scare me,"

Silence eased its way down upon the forest and nothing could be heard but the hot burning crackles of the trees,
"Jonathan be careful please!"
Yells Megan from behind Jonathan.

Jonathan stares at Insanity and says,
"You are nothing, you are weak and you will fall"

Insanity's face stood still, he turned around and looked down at the ground.

"That's where your wrong Jonathan, it's the other way around. You are nothing without me, without my power you are a low human you don't think like you did with me you aren't strong you are a filthy human stuck in the wrong timeline, and I think"

Insanity turns back around and clenches his fists while catching fire and looks Jonathan dead in the eyes.
"This may be the first thing I'll ever do that's good, I should fix this mistake and kill you now so you won't be stuck here and you'll be dead like you should be!"

Insanity's eyes widened with a big sinister grin he swung his flaming inferno of a fist towards Jonathan, Jonathan acted fast and caught it with his hand.
Burning his hand sizzling and peeling the skin off of his fingers from the burning flames almost burning the bone on the inside skin peels off his hand like sap on a tree on fire falling to the leafy ground.
"Insanity stop this! Let Jackson go! Take me back!"

Insanity says nothing while his body burns brighter and brighter on fire getting closer to Jonathan's skin melting away everything on his body. Screaming in agonizing pain, like a screech of a demon.
Yells Megan crying unable to get up or walk she try's to stand but falls to the ground reaching her hand out crying as if she was just within reach of Jonathan.

Jonathan in the mists of his agonizing pain he heard a voice, it was his mom.
"Jonathan try and relax your body and I'll give you strength from my own spirit"

Jonathan in pain with tears falling down his face evaporating before they reach his cheek from the heat, Insanity takes his other hand and punches Jonathan in his stomach bursting all the way through his body like a flaming cannon ball his insides in a ball of fire fly to the ground but still standing with littler strength he has left Insanity's hand flaming inside. Insanity pushes him to the ground letting go.
"See Jonathan you are a human only human you have no power against me!"

Jonathan looks up and sees Insanity in flames with his arms to his side looking down on him.
As he takes one final breath and dies.
Megan screams.
Refusing to Believe he is dead she yells for Jonathan to get up and wake up stand up she says screaming over and over.
Insanity walks over Jonathan's body and over to Megan.

He gets down on his knees and grabs Megan's chin lifting her head up burning her neck he says.
"Goodbye, and goodnight"
Insanity raised his foot standing up again and steps on Megan's back burning her back feeling her bones heat up like she was going to explode in explainable pain.

Insanity heard a fast 3 foot steps behind him and gets a hard pull back on his shoulder and pushed to the ground.
Insanity opens his eyes and sees Jonathan standing up in his suit and tie like he had on when he died and fire in his eyes with a evil grin.
He looks behind him and checks Megan seeing she is unconscious.
"You will regret messing with the people I love, you killed my brother you killed my mom and God knows what you did to my Father!"
Jonathan turns around not even knowing if insanity was up and standing or not.
And punched him right in the face perfectly without even looking, insanity stood up and said.
"I see now your mom is giving you strength from the souls she has consumed."

The story of Jonathan Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now