Chapter 3.

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Jane slipped on her converse and tied the laces then headed to the kitchen, picked up her bag and took an apple before kissing her mom on the cheek and heading out into the sun to go to school.

She started the engine and reversed off the driveway with her teeth sunk into the apple and began to drive to school.

When she arrived she parked her truck in the corner of the car park, locked her car and headed in through the front gates.

"Yo Rizzoli! What you go first?" Barry asked as he saw Jane walking down the hall.

"Uh..Let me check" She said then rolled her eyes when she saw she had English then AP Biology.

"You got Miss Isles today? I heard she lools real hot." He teaser as he shoved his arm into her.

"Knock it off Barry!" Jane said seriously.

"Alright Alright" Barry laughed as he ran off to his girlfriend Jessica.


The bell run signaling end off first period. Jane picked up her bag and headed up the stairs to the top floor to Maura's AP class.

Jane walked in and saw Maura leaning on the white board eith her bum poking out a little. Jane stared at her all the way to her seat and sunk in her chair when she turned around.

"Morning Jane. Your early" She smirked as she sat on the edge of her desk looking uo at the brunette in her chair.

"Everyone's late." Jane spat as she tried to look away from Maura.

Maura smirked again as she playrd with the black pen in her fingertips. She began to walk closer to Jane running her fingers across each desk before stopping on Jane's desk.

Jane's pulse had begun to get faster the closer Maura got to her.

"You know, Mr Nash is a good man" Maura teased.

"Whatever rocks your boat Miss" Jane said quickly before she continued.

Maura laughed then sat on the edge of Jane's desk. She was so close to Jane that her bare leg was almost touching Jane's arm.

"Are you Jealouse Jane?" Maura asked with a smile in her voice as she played eith the pen on Jane's desk.

Jane looked up at Maura thrn picked up her bag and left the room. Maura laughed as she left and headed back down to her own desk where her coffee was and took a sip.


"Miss Rizzoli? Where are you supposed to be?" Mr Nash asked when he spotted Jane sitting in the empty hall way alone.

"Uh, Biology sir" Jane replied as she stood up.

"Wait Jane. Are you alright?" He asked as he stopped her.

"Sure im fine" She said bluntly.

"Well if you need to talk about anything, Im here you know that right?" He smiled at Jane.

"Yeah" Jane smiled a fake smile then brushed past him and headed to the back of the field.

She sat down in the sun and pulled out her ipod and pushed the earphones in and began to play Brandi Carlile.

She sat there for about an hour or so before people came rushing out of the door to the field for break.

She rolled her eyes and stood up and headed down to were Barry, Jessica , Callie and Amy were sat and joined them.

"Why wernt you in biology Jane?" Jessica asked.

"Didnt feel like it today" Jane thought quickly.

"oh, Why?" She pushed.

"Nothing, uh i got to go" Jane said then jped up and walked towards the enterance and up to AP Biology.

"Oh, Hi Jane"Maura smiled as she stood up. Jane looked at her clothes, Dark red shirt tucked into and high wasted black skirt with black heels.

"Do you like teasing me?" Jane asked as she threw her bag down to the floor and stepped a little closer.

"Teasing you?" Maura asked as she leaned back a little on the desk and twizled her hair.

"Yes!" Jane snapped. Maura smiled and stood up and sloely approached her student.

Maura stood so close to Jane that Jane could feel her breath hitting her mouth.

"I ...dont ...tease" Maura whispered into Jane's ear. Jane couldnt take it no longer, She grabbed Miss Isles forarms as turned her and pushed her hard against the brick wall.

"Jane! What are you-"

Maura was cut of with the crashing of Jane's lips to her own. Jane held it for about 3 seconds before she was thrown back.

"Jane?! What do you think your playing at?!" Maura snapped angrily whiping at her lips.

"That's what happenes when you play with me!" Jane snapped before picking up her bag and leaving the room.

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