Chapter 6.

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Jane slowly pulled her lips away from Maura and she lingered there with her eyes closed for a moment embracing Jane's smell.

Jane smiled then picked up her bag and pulle Maura closer again.

"I have to go.." She whispered to Maura.

"I know, Im sorry Jane" Maura apologised as she held onto Jane tighter.

"Dont be." Jane smiled.

"Here." Maura said as she handed Jane her number.

"Thanks" Jane laughed as she took the small piece of paper.

"You could...Come over tonight maybe?" Maura suggested as she looked up at Jane.

"I sure will" Jane smirked, She pressed her lips to Maura's one last time then slipped past her and out the door.


Jane reached her flat she shared with Jessica and Barry and dropped her bag on her bed and looked in the mirror.

"Way to go Rizzoli" She smiled as she looled at herself in the mirror.

She showered and put on a pair of black skinnies vans and tank top and beanie.

Jane layed on her bed as she plucked some string on the guitar when she decided to text Maura.

- Im home. I hope your alright 'J x-

Maura picked up her phone halfway through the lesson and smiled to herself and quickly text her back.

- Good, Im fine. See you tonight? M x-

Jane smiled and simply replied with a yes then carried on playing her vintage guitar.


Jane stood outside her apartment, it was dark out so no one would see who was picking her up.

Maura pulled up in her black range rover and Jane hopped in and pressed her lips against Maura's soft ones and smiled.

"Hey" Maura whispered.

"Hey yourself" Jane whispered back with a smirk on her face.

Maura smiled and began to drive back to her apartment.


"Do you want a drink? or something to eat?" Maura asked Jane as she lead the way into her kitchen.

"No thanks" Jane smiled as she looked around.

Maura stood at the side making tea when she felt Jane's hands sneak around her waist.

"You ever done this before?" Jane asked kissing Maura's shoulder.

"Done what?"

"This, Been with a woman?" Jane asked.

"Once or twice." Maura giggled.

"Good" Jane smirked as she pulled down the bra strap on Maura's shoulder.

"Whys that good?" Maura asked.

"I know ill have a good time in your bed later" Jane teased.

"You know..I really like you Jane. But..I could get arrested and what not for all this" Maura said matter of factly as she turned in Jane's arms and wrapped her tender arms around the younger woman's waist.

"I know, But..Well.." Jane tried to explain what she felt but couldnt get the words out. She looked around and smiled.

"You have a guitar?" Jane asked walking towards the black accoustic by the sofa picking it up.

"Yes, I can only play a few songs though" Maura said embarassed.

Jane picked up the guitar and began to pluck a few strings to see if it was in tune.

She began to play a good tune and smiled as she slowly walked towards Maura.

Maura blushed a little as Jane began to hum a melody then began to sing.

" Am I dreamin' or stupid?

I think I've been hit by Cupid

But no one needs to know right now

I met a tall, dark and handsome man

And I've been busy makin' big plans

But no one needs to know right now" Jane sang as she walked closer to Maura.

Maura began to giggle a little as Jane kept singing and struming the guitar.

"I got my heart set, my feet wet

And he don't even know it yet

But no one needs to know right now" Jane smiled through the song.

Maura turned a flush red as Jane sang to her and when Jane quickly spun around and began to get a rhythm in her body as she carried on playing Maura felt she should join in.

"I'll tell him someday some way somehow

But I'm gonna keep it a secret for now

I want bells to ring, a choir to sing

The white dress the guests the cake the car the whold darn thing

But no one needs to know right now"

Once Jane and Maura finished dancing around Jane laughed as Maura stared at her with a wide grin.

"I didnt know you could play like that" Maura smiled. Jane held the guitar still and laughed as she looked down.

"Ah well, i had a lot of spare time when i was young" Jane giggled.

"Your..Perfect" Maura whispered as she pulled Jane's lips down to her own and shared a bitter sweet kiss.

"Why dont you pour something good to drink and ill play you another song?" Jane smiled as Maura bit hrr lip.


Maura sat on the sofa and watched Jane sit down opposite her and begin to play the thin strings of her guitar again.

" This could be it, I think I'm in love

It's love this time

It just seems to fit, I think I'm in love

This love is mine

I can see you with me when I'm older

All my lonely nights are finally over

You took the weight of the world off my

shoulders" Jane sand with her eyes locked to Maura's.

Maura looked at the brunette and felt as though this song was made for her. Every word that dripped off Jane's tongue meant something.

" Oh, when you kiss me

I know you miss me

and when you're with me

The world just goes away

The way you hold me

The way you show me

That you adore me

Oh, when you kiss me

Oh, yeah

You are the one, I think I'm in love

Life has begun"

A single tear slipped from Maura's green eyes and she smiled.

"i love you" She blurted over the song. Jane stoped the guitar and stared at Maura.

"you do.?"


Okay guys the two songs Jane sung in this chapter were:

Shania Twain- No one needs to know.

Shania Twain - When you kiss me.

If you guys dont know these songs then please go check them out this woman is amazing and its will be good for the imagination of this chapter! Stay tuned!

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