Chapter 18.

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Ive just got in. See you in 10? M x

Jane looked down at her phone the smiled.

"Okay, Im off to get Maur, Ill be back in a bit?" Jane smiled as she stood up off the sofa and grabbed her leather jacket and pushed on her glasses.

"See ya in a bit sis" Tommy called.

About 5 minuets later Jane stormed back in and stood there.

"Where's Frankie took my car?" She asjed Tommy annoyed.

"How am i supposed to know?" Tommy laughed as he bit into a roll.

"So how am i supposed to pick Maura up?" Jane questioned.

"Your old Harley is in the garage" Angela suggested.

"Maura wont get on that" Jane laughed.

"Well she will have to" Angela winked.

Jane headed to the garage and pulled the white sheet off her dark blue Harley Davidson and unhooked the keys fro. the wall, slipped on the helmet and picked up  land old backpack and slipped a second helmet into it.


"Jane i am not getting on that thing!" Maura stood with her arms folded on the drive way looking at Jane staradling the Harley with a smile.

"Come on Maur, I brought you a helmet" Jane laughed.

"Wheres your car?!" Maura asked.

"Frankie stole it!" Jane said annoyed.

"No." Maura said sternly.

"Please Maur? Im a good driver.."

"Im in a Dress!" Maura said pointing down.

"I dont mind.." Jane smirked. She pulled Maura's arm and held her close kissi g her chest.

"Come on," Jane smiled handing her the second crash helmet.

Maura ended up giving in and pulling her dress up her milky thight a little and climbing on behind Jane.


"What if she dont like me?" Maura whispered as they headed to the frint door.

"Im sure she'll love you Maur" Jane smiled as she linked her fingers with Maura before knocking on the door.

"Janie and her lover are here!" Tommy yelled as he opened the door then walked away.

Jane rolled her eyes and stepped in pulling Maura gently with her. Jane closed the door and Maura stood there not sure where to go.

"Relax" Jane whispered as Angela, Frankie, Tommy and Jane's cousin Giovanni came walking over.

"You must be Maura" Angela smiled as she pulled Maura in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Lovely to meet you" Maura smiled as Angela let go of her.

"Bel Lavoro Janie! *Nice Job Janie*" Giovanni smiled as he spoke italian to his cousin.

"Va bene Gio passo inditro *Alright Gio Step Back* Jane replied in her cousin's language.

"Hi, Im frankie" Frankie smiled as he took Maura's hand and shook it.

"Maura" She replied with a smile.

"Yo Jane! Come on you didnt finish the game!" Tommy yelled as he threw the ball hard. The ball was speeding towards Maura's head when Jane's frim hand's caught the ball before it made damage.

"Watch out Tommy! You trying to kill her already?!" Jane snapped as she placed the ball near the door and took Maura's coat ans hanged it.


Maura was sitting on the couch with Angela drjnking tea whilst Giovanni, Jane, Tommy and Frankie played basketball in the front yard.

"You have a lovely house Angela" Maura smiled as she looled at the interior.

"Yes, Jane's great Aunt Belle passed away when Jane was born so we inherited it. It is lovely." Angela explained.

"Im sorry to hear that" Maura said sympathetically.

"Thankyou" Angela smiled.

"Hey Maur, Want a game?" Jane smirked as he head poked through the living room window.

"I am in a dress Jane" Maura pointed out.

"And?" Jane smirked.

"Jane Rizzoli! Stop. Maura is in no state to play ball games! She will help me" Angela said dragging Maura with her.

Maura looked at Jane and smirked as she let Angela drag her to the kitchen.

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