Chapter 17.

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Jane and Maura stood in the kitchen in each others arms for a moment, Jane gently kissing Maura's neck.

"So i just got off the phone with Ma" Jane said quietly as she rested her cheeck against Maura's head.

"hmm?" Maura questioned as she looked up to see Jane's eyes.

"If she could make dinner for me..and you...Tonight" Jane said quietly scared of what Maura's reaction would be.

"Jane thats a wonderful idea, But wont you mother want to kill me?" Maura asked.

"No, Shes a very understanding person. And..She will love you" Jane smiled as she pressed her lips to Maura's.

"Not when she finds out i am your tearcher!" Maura states as she lets go of Jane and saunters off to the shower.

"Was Maura." Jane yelled out after her smiling.

"You still learn things from me.." Maura turned back smirking.

"Are you coming?" She asked Jane as Jane smiled to herself.

"Of course." Jane laughed and followed Maura into the shower.


Jane pulled on her black ray bans to finish her outfit for the night. Her white t shirt with a small pocket over her breast, Black skinny jeans, white vans and a leather Jacket.

"Someone is looking nice" Maura smiled as her heels tapped down the hallway to where Jane was looking in the mirror.

"You dont look to bad youself" Jane smirkes as she turned and pulled Maura's waist towards her and pressed their lips together.

"So what time do you want me to meet you?" Jane asked looking at her girlfriend.

"Well i finish at 6, so whatever time afyer that?" Maura smiled.

"Ill pick you up at 630? Here." Jane smiked kissed Maura then they both left to arrive at their destinations.


Jane pulled up on the drive in her black Audi TT when she saw Tommy and Frankie playing basketball, the hoop Jane put up when they were 13.

Jane stepped out of the car and pulled off her glasses.

"Hey boys." Jane smiled as they looked round, smiling wide Tommy shoved the ball at Jane.

"Come on Janie, Ive gotten better" Tommy smirked.

"Frankie, Move my car" Jane smiled as she span the ball on her fingers then threw her keys to him then began to bounce the ball towards Tommy.


Maura stepped out of her porch and headed into her classroom and sat down. She pulled out her iphone and began to write a new message.

Im here, ill call you later, love you M x

Maura slipped her phone into her suit pocket and began to set up her classroom.


Jane shot the ball into the hoop then pulled out her blackberry and smiled when she saw it was Maura who had text her. She smiled when she read it.

Okay, i love you too! x

"Janie?! How long have you been here?" Angela asked from the door way as she looked over at her stunning daughter.

"Oh hey Ma! About 10 minuets, Tommy got to me first" Jane smiled as she pushed her phone into her jean pocket then kissed her mother on the cheek.

"So where's your friend huh?" Angela asked as Jane followed her into the kitchen and pulled up a stool.

"Shes working, Im going to pick her up at half six." Jane smiled.

"So she's a women huh? How old is she Jane?" Angela asked curious.

"25" Jane replied.

"7 Years difference? Got how did you meet this one?" Angela laughed.

"She was my teacher Ma.." Jane said carefully.

Angela stopped cooking and turned around.

"Your teacher?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah, Ma its fine. She..Loves me, And i love her" Jane explained.

"Well, Just be careful sweetheart" Angela said as she placed her hand on her daughters cheek.

"I will Ma." Jane replied.

I explained all to Ma, Everything will be fine x

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