Chapter 14: The story behind James.

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School was done for today. I went over to James. "Hey." A wide smile spread across my face. I like being around him.

"Hi." He smiled back. "What's up?"

"You wanna hang out?" He looks at his phone.

"Yeah sure, where do you wanna go?" He sips from his water bottle.

"Your place." He chokes a little on his water. He starts to blur. "What is it, James? Why don't you want me there?" I see him swallow. "Are you ashamed of me?" He shakes his head.

"No, no, I'm not."

"Than what is it?" I asked sad.

"I'm not ashamed of you." He assured me. "I-I I'm ashamed of myself." I had a questionable look on my face, which he noticed. "This isn't easy for me to say." I laid my hand on his upperarm, trying to calm his nerves. I don't think it helped. He looked at my hand on his arm and then back at me. "Me and my family, we don't have a lot of money. Ever since my dad past away last year, everything went down hill. We have trouble paying the bills. We barely have money to eat, my mom eats the least out of all of us just so her kids could have something to eat. My sisters share a room and I share a room with my brother, cause we don't have the money to buy a place that has room enough for all of us. I'm ashamed of the dump I have to live in." He lifts his glasses and wipes away the tears that had formed in his eyes. I feel so bad right now, and selfish. I wrap my arms around him and embrace him in a tight hug. Letting a few tears slip myself.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper. We parted.

"It's okay."

"No it's not. I was being selfish. I don't care if you live in a mansion or in a dumpster. I'm your friend, and I like you for who you are. And I'm willing to help you. You and your family. I will help you get through this. Okay?" James nodded. We both smiled, and hugged again.

"So, my place?" My smile grew bigger and I nodded.


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