Chapter 25: Talk to her.

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James' P.O.V.

Carlos came my way. I'm really not in for a lecture right now. "Dude, what was that all about?"

"Not now Los." My eyes were glued on the door. The door Joni had just left through, hoping for her to come back in, but she didn't. "You don't know her. Not the way I know her. She's not the person you think she is."

"I've heard you say that before, and yet she still managed to break your heart." He was right, but I was right too. He doesn't know her the way I do. No-one knows her the way I do.

"Please, just try to be nice to her."

"Why?" I gave him a stern look. "Fine." Michele took a seat next to Carlos. I didn't even see she was coming our way.

"Can we talk?" I nodded. "She really does like you, James." I sighed.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Go dry her tears." I made her cry? I'm such a terrible person.

"Do you know the whole story?" She gave me a confused look and I sighed once again. "I saw her make out with Logan." Her eyes widened. I could feel Carlos' eyes on me, but I couldn't care less. "It was at a party and she said she was completely drunk, that it was just a kiss and it didn't mean anything. Am I just supposed to forget about that?"

"No, but you might try to forgive her. I know how Joni is when she's drunk. She doesn't know what she's doing. She doesn't even know who she's with. Once I was wearing a blue dress and she thought I was Cinderella. She kept telling me to be home before midnight." I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "And Logan, well, he's Logan. He will try to get as many girls as he can. He has been after Joni for awhile." I don't like that Logan guy, but I do like Joni, a lot. Maybe I should just forgive her. I let my hand go through my hair. How do I solve this? I'm not good at these things. I haven't had a lot of girlfriends. A girl came up from behind me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Hey James." She kissed my cheek.

"I'm busy Jennifer." I took her arms off me but she puts them back around me.

"Oh come on, Jamie."

"No Jennifer." I stood up and threw her arms off me. "I don't want you, okay." I saw tears in her eyes and she ran away. I sighed and sit back down. "I'm a terrible person."

"No you're not." Carlos said.

"Talk to her." Michele added.


"No dummy, Joni." I nodded and ran out the door.

❤ Stuck. ❤ (A James Maslow Story.) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now