Chapter 15: Meeting the Maslows.

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"You wanna drive?" I jiggle my keys. James' jaw dropped.

"You'd let me drive?" I laughed a little at his reaction and nodded. "Awesome." He grabbed the keys and we rushed inside the car. We arrived at his place and his house was...cute. We got out of the car and to his door. He opened the door for me.He's house looked so cosy. "Mom, I'm home!" James shouted throughout the whole house.

"James, I'm so glad you're home." A woman, I assume his mom, says. She had a little girl on her arm. She looked a little sad. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know, you had someone with you. Hi, I'm Cathy." She said sticking her hand out to me.

"I'm Joni." I replied, shaking her hand.

"Jamie." The little girl whined, making grabby hands to James. James took her in his arms and hugged her tight. She burried her face in his neck.

"Aren't you gonna say hi to my friend?" I heard him whisper. She shook her head. James chuckled. "This is Ali." He said to me. She lifts her head, looks at James then at me. She stuck her hand out, wanted to be a grown up. I smiled and shook her little hand.

"Nice to meet you Ali." She smiled an adorable smile. We let our hands drop.

"Why don't go to the kitchen and help mommy?" She shook her head again.

"I missed you, Jamie." I looked at them in aww.

"I missed you too, sis, but I'd like to hang out with my friend now. Is that okay?" She nodded. James puts her down and Ali goes to what I assume is the kitchen. "Um, why don't you go upstairs already, my room is the second on the right, I'll grab us something to drink." I nodded, turned around and walked upstairs. I sat down on a bed, James said he shared a room with his brother so I hope I'm sitting on James' bed and not his brother's. A guy about 12 years old entered to room.

"Wow, to what do I owe the honor of having such a beautiful girl in my room?" He kissed the back of my hand.

"I'm a friend of James. Joni"

"Well nice to meet you Joni, the name's Philip, James' brother." I just nodded cause this was kind of awkward  for me. "You're the first girl James ever brought here and a pretty one too."

"Thank you?" It more came out as a question then a statement. "You're very...cute." I tried complimenting him aswel.

"I'm not cute, okay?" As I said, tried. He sighed, rolled his eyes and walked out. Okay that was weird. At the same time James entered, finally.

"What's up with him?" James asked.

"I said he's cute." James hissed laughing.

"Yeah, you shouldn't call him that."

"You should have told me that before." I laughed along. We just talk for the next few hours until there was a knock on the door. A girl entered.

"Hi." She smiled. James stood up, as did I.

"Um, Joni, this is my sister Lorraine. Lorraine, this is Joni, a friend of mine." We shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"Same here." Lorraine answered. "Um, James, Ali keeps whining and your the only person she wants to be with." James looked at me.

"I was just about to leave." I grabbed my stuff.

"You don't have to." James tried to stop me. "I'll be down in a sec." He said to Lorraine. Probably cause he wanted to be alone with me.

"It's okay." I smiled. "Go comfort your sister." James sighed, like he really didn't want me to go. I have to admit, I love hanging out with him too. "Will I see you at the party Saturday?"

"Will you kiss me again there?" Where did that come from?

"Maybe." I teased. I kissed his cheek and left. But not before going to the kitchen and saying goodbye to everyone.


Lorraine congratz, you're in my book =) you're story really touched my heart <3

Sorry Chloë

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