Chapter One

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She walked into her last class of the day. Finally her day was almost over. It’s not like she was lost, she was a junior, and she knew how to get around. No one was going to bug her.  She had art next, drawing, with one of her best friends. This would be perfect. And then tonight was the big game, and then they were going to a party after, hopefully a victory party. When she walked in and sat down by her friend, she didn’t even bother looking up before speaking. “God I am so ready to get out of her Ash.” When she did look up she saw her friend making a signal to shut up. When she looked over she saw a guy with blonde hair and a football jersey on. She quickly looked away before he could look up. Her face turned red, noticing he was a senior. She pulled out her phone and texted her friend. ‘Ash! Who is he?! He’s never sat here before!?’ ‘He said he wanted to sit here today. I don’t know he asked where you sat though, I think he’s got the hots for you babe;).’ Layla snorted. Liked her, no one liked her. She was Layla, just plain Jane Layla. If anything he was here for Ash. She was gorgeous. Layla thought about the boy and tried to catch a glimpse again before he looked up. This time his eyes met hers. His chocolate orbs held her hazel eyes and then he smiled the most breathtaking smile he could muster up. This was all Ash could take of seeing her best friend drool and stare so she pulled her bench to get her attention. Instead of just getting Layla to look up, Layla fell off her stool. Good going Ash, she thought. Before she could get up herself, brown eyes had his hand out and pulled her up himself. “Are you alright? You’re pretty clumsy huh?” he asked laughing at the end, making Layla blush the deepest red of all. “No, I just pulled the bench out from under me. Thank you though…” She tailed off hinting she didn’t know his name. He smiled and finally letting go of her hand, I’m Tom.” He said, and then the bell sounded the end of the day. He swung his bag over his shoulder and looked back at her and said “look for me at the game, I’m 23. Wear my number so I can find you easy.” Then he left. Ash and Layla both starred at him with their mouths hanging open. As they were getting their stuff out of their lockers, Ash, Layla, Sidney and Lana were huddled around their two lockers they shared talking about the strange occurrence in art Ash and Layla witnessed. Lana was dating a senior named Jack. She’s had her eyes on him since day one of Freshman year. Then Sidney was with Alec, also a senior, and then there was Ash. Ash was dating Ruben just a junior. She usually kept it interesting; dating new people was her specialty. Layla didn’t date though. She was the only one out of their group that didn’t date, but that didn’t mean she didn’t see guys. She went to parties, danced, went home with people, she’d go to movies or their houses, but she never let it get too serious. It just wasn’t her thing. Lana and Sidney were going on long-term relationships. Ash was just enjoying herself. “ Oh my god Laylee this is your guy, maybe he can break the spell” Lana screamed alerting everyone around them the girls were together. “No, Lan, there is no spell, and he was just screwing around he doesn’t care. Let’s drop it” Layla tried to drop the issue by walking towards the girls ride. They all took one car and split the parking pass. Laylee drove her jeep just because it was easy and fun when the top is down. Sidney slides in the front next to her best friend and says, “Laylee, tonight, you are getting a makeover.” The girls in the back cheer as Laylee drives off blaring the music shaking her head at her friends. Feeling the wind rush through your hair and singing with your best friends is the best feeling in the world to Layla. “Oooo Layla’s got a text! From Nathannnnn!” “Better tell him she’s taken now and he’s being taken off her booty call list!” the girls laughed as they passed her phone around. Layla pulls up at the stoplight and tries to get her phone back. She ends up with her butt in the air when she hears a honk, thinking the light turned she looks up but sees it’s still red. She looks over as well as the other girls to see Tom in a jeep just like hers driving too with his car packed with boys. “Hey Layla right? Nice car, see you tonight, remember 23.” He winks and then pulls off. The light turns and she goes but before she can even think her friends might blow that off, they all scream. “He didn’t even ask your name he must have paid attention!” Ash screams. “You have to wear his number. This is gonna be fun!” “You mean hell.” Layla said under her breath as she pulled into her driveway. The girls piled into Layla’s room in the basement, where her cat lay perched on the bed. “Okay sit down, you are gonna be drop dead hot!” After an hour of undressing then redressing, painting her face, then pulling her hair out, she was done. She was wearing a Bears jersey with the number 23 of course on it, dark jean shorts, black vans, her hair straightened and light makeup. “I look hot. Guys this isn’t even gonna work but wow, I am proud to call you my little cosmetologists!” She yells and hugs her friends. The rest of the girls get ready and they make their way to the jeep. When they get to the game and into the student section, the game just started and number 23 is running onto the field. The girls cheer and laugh with the rest of their school, enjoying the half naked guys running around in the crowd taking pictures with them and giving them hugs. Layla gets hit on 20 times more than she usually does. She doesn’t admit it to the girls, but she is keeping tabs on Tom and at one point she goes down the get water, but ends up being next to the field. Now being on ground level and not mixed in with everyone else, Tom sees her. He waves to her and the whole school looks down to where the school quarterback was waving. Including the head cheerleader, who has it stuck in her airhead that her and Tom should defiantly date. He wasn’t so for it though. Layla blushes and looks down, making her way back to her seats. Before she can make it, she turns to watch and watches him make the winning touchdown. He throws the ball down and takes his helmet off. His teammates pick him up in triumph and he smiles right at Layla; she shakes her head and goes the back way to her seats. “Hey baby, you look good, is that for me?” she hears the sick voice of her ex boyfriend. He is a sophomore in college and he still won’t leave her alone. “Hi Nathan, I really gotta go I don’t have time for your games right now.” She says trying to brush past him, but he had other plans. He grabs her forearm and flings her back against the wall. She holds the back of her head and looks at him with no fear, but she defiantly was scared. “I didn’t think those texts were cute earlier, why the fuck would you think that’s okay to piss me off like that?” Nathan got really close to her face. She was about to smart mouth him, which would have gotten her a black eye, but he was ripped off of her. “Get out of here you asshole and if I ever see you touching her again I’ll kick your ass you prick! Hey you okay angel?” Looking up she comes face to face with those brown eyes. “Yeah thank you, he needs to work on his people skills.” She says while he picks her up. As he’s pulling her up she stumbles into the padded football player. She blushes and he laughs taking a piece of her hair in his fingers and looking into her eyes “I told ya, you're clumsy.” He said winking. She scoffed and hit him in the shoulder. “Am NOT!” he laughed and threw her over his shoulder and ran out into the crowd of people with a screaming Layla over his shoulder. "WE WON!!" just the the girls walk up to Layla.“Layla! We saw Nathan run away from the back are you okay?” “Yah Sid I’m good, I’m just…” Tom cut her off and turned around, placing Layla down, grabbing her keys and handing them to Sidney, “Hello Sidney, would you like to drive Layla’s car to the party? I will be taking her this evening if that’s alright with you?” Tom said politely, Layla opened her mouth to object but Sidney grabbed the keys, winking and ran off screaming “LAYLA AND TOM ARE GOING TOGETHER SO IM DRIVING BITCHES!” while everyone else moaned. Lana yelled “IF YOU KILL ME BEFORE I GET A DRINK ILL HAVE JACK RIP YOUR OVARIES OUT!” She laughed at her friends and turned to the quaterback “Who said I wanted to ride with you?” Layla said with her hands on her hips. He smiled at her and grabbed her hand and said, “Why wouldn’t you? I asked so nicely.” “His smile is so perfect” she said to herself. “Well thank you angel, I think your eyes are out of this world.” He said looking at her with a smug smirk. “Oh my God did I say that out loud?!” she blushed and scurried into his jeep. She had to jump and he laughed as she struggled. He offered but she wanted to do it herself. She finally flung herself in the car and when she looked over through all her hair in her face she saw Tom smiling his breathtaking smile at her. “You’re cute did you know that?” he said. She blushed and put her seatbelt on, “hurry and get me to this party, I need some liquid courage.” He laughed and they were on their way to the party. On the way he slyly grabbed her hand when she wasn’t looking. When she turned to look at him he was smiling but looking straightforward. She smiled and shook her head looking back out the window. Then her favorite song came on, Beware. This song is the girls favorite jam song. She cranked it and started singing the song as if she was with her girls instead of Tom. He laughed and sang along with her. By the time the song was over they were there. He looked over and squeezed her hand and hopped out of the car. He opened her door and held her hand as she jumped out. Instead of letting his hand go, she ran and pulled him along behind her. She went straight to her girls who already had their guys. Sidney was playing with balloons with Alec and Lana and Jack were drinking Jack Daniels and Ash and Ruben were dancing. “Hey guys how’s it goin Jack?” Tom said. “Not bad Tom, I see you found little Layla a date, good thing, Nathan pissed me the fuck off.” Layla stuck her tongue out at him and he kicked a balloon at her. She laughed and pulled Tom with her to the kitchen.  “Come on Tommy” “What do you want to drink angel?” he asked her as she jumped on the counter, swinging her legs. “Why do you call me angel?” She asked ignoring his question. “Well, angels appear out of nowhere and take your breath away, that’s what you did to me. You all of a sudden clouded all of my thoughts and take my breath away every time I see you.” He said smiling at her, pouring himself Jack Daniels and Coke. “Now what do you want to drink?” he asked the second time. She smiled to herself and got off the counter and walked next to him. “Here, Tommy, I’ll show you my favorite drink here at the Myrna’s.” She grabbed a cup, put three ice cubes in it, filled one fourth of the way with sprite and half with Jim Beam then finished it off with Jack Daniels. She had more alcohol then him and he looked at her like she was crazy, but she just laughed. Jack, Nathan and basically everyone else thought the same thing. She took a big gulp and didn’t even squint. “Try it Tommy.” She said holding it out to him smiling. He took it and coughed. “Jesus, are you trying to kill me? Haha, you are something you know that?” he said drinking his own drink. His raspy voice made her smile. “Sorry babe, but that was a hot voice.” She said winking the alcohol already kicking in. She chugged the rest and ran to the dance floor and started dancing with her girls. He was admiring her while drinking his drink when Jack walked up to him. “Hey Jack what’s up my man?” he asked. “Hey Tom, I see you and Layla are really hitting it off, just a little warning, you really like her right?" "Well yah, i do. it's wierd i just met her yet i feel like iv'e known her forever." "Well then if that’s the case, don’t fuck her tonight. She'll try, cause that's judt what she's used to. Prove to her this isn’t a one-night thing. That poor girl is use to getting dropped like yesterdays news, She doesn’t need it from you ya feel me man?” Not looking away from Layla until he finished, Tom frowned and said, “No man I understand completely, I’m not in this just for sex, I really like this girl. I don’t know what it is. I’ve seen her before but yesterday I saw her and it just hit me full on like a train. “ He said scratching his neck looking at Layla dancing with Lana and Sidney, drinks going everywhere. “That’s how it was with Lana, all it takes is one day and you’re gone.” Tom looked into the crowd of dancing students but could only see Layla. She locked eyes with him and curled her finger at him motioning him to come over to her. He smiled and put his drink down and started walking to her. She laughed and left her friends side and jumped on the unsuspecting boy. He spun her around and she held on for dear life. When he set her down, she started dancing with him. Anytime she tried to grab something she shouldn’t he would hold her hands and ask her a question. By 11 o’clock she was wasted. He needed to pee, so he handed her his friend Aaron. As he was coming back, Stacey, head cheerleader or queen bitch, pounced on him. She wasn’t drunk but acted like it. “Tommmmyyy baby I haven’t seen you at all tonight. When do I get my dance?” She said in a whiney voice. Little did he know, but Layla saw the whole thing. She was about to go rip Stacey a new one but Aaron held her back. “Stacey, don’t call me Tommy. Ever. No one can call me Tommy. The reason you haven’t seen me is because I’ve been dancing with my girl and you’ve had your tongue shoved down just about every guy’s here throat. “ He said making her smile fall off her face. He turned to Layla who was smiling ear to ear at what he said. A slow song came on and he took her from Aaron and held her close and started dancing with her to All I Want by Koadline. “Tommy, why do I get to call you Tommy if you don’t like it? No one else calls you Tommy but me.” Layla asked while putting her chin on his shoulder, whispering in his ear. He moved her head so their foreheads where touching and answered her. “Well you see Angel, the only person who called my Tommy was my brother, and he’s in the army, so I use to hate it when people call my Tommy. It reminds me too much of Pat. But when you called my Tommy the first time, I didn’t have the heart to tell you first of all, but also I wouldn’t dream of you calling me anything else.  I love the way you say my name.” he said smiling. She couldn’t help but smile either.

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