Chapter Four

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She was okay. She was all right. She didn’t get hurt. When she saw him, she busted through the police officers and medical examiners and hugged him close to her. He was kneeling and she was standing but he wrapped his arms around her and buried his head in her stomach. “Baby, oh Angel I’m sorry you had to go through that. Are you all right? Oh god Angel I’m never gonna let you go again. What happened?” He finally stood up and cupped the back of her head and stroked her hair. She didn’t even realize she was crying until he told her she was okay and didn’t need to cry anymore. “Baby, just hold me, I’m okay. I did it. He started yelling at me and he put the gun to my head so it would have gone through both of us. I hit it and aimed it at his foot. I’m okay. You’re here now. I’m safe.” She kept repeating the same words and just cried into chest. Eventually she fell asleep so Tommy picked her up so he was holding her bridal style. He answered the questions and then the cops left with Nathan heading to prison. Most of the girls were asleep so everyone just went inside to go to sleep. Tommy took the clothes off Layla and gave her his shirt. He took off his pants and lay with Layla in the bed and fell asleep watching her and playing with her hair, thanking God she was okay and back in his arms. At about three a.m. Tommy shot straight up. Sweat was running down his face and chest. Layla was gone. He jumped out of the bed and ran down the hall looking frantically for her. He ran past the bathroom, but slid back when he saw the light was on. He opened the door and heard the shower running. He saw his shirt on the floor with her bra and panties. He let out his breath he’s been holding. He heard her singing and smiled to himself at her beautiful voice. “Would you let me see beneath your beautiful? Would you let me see beneath your perfect. Take it off now girl, take it off now girl. I wanna see inside. Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight?” Either being brave or dumb, he stripped off his boxers and slowly climbed into the shower with Layla. She was facing the showerhead with her eyes closed and singing. She was too into her song and shower to notice Tommy in the shower with her. That is until he wrapped his arms around her waist slowly. If he wasn’t holding onto her hips she would have slipped and fell. “Ahhhh Tommy! What the hell!? Oh my God you scared me!” He was worried she would be mad that he came into the shower with her but instead she was mad he scared her. She smacked him on the arm and then turned back around to finish washing her body. Tommy was staring at her back when he went to far and saw her ass. Instead of making this sexual, he thought she had been through enough, he got some shampoo and started messaging it into her hair. She moaned and leaned into him. He rinsed it and put in the conditioner as well. As the conditioner was sitting in her hair he took the washcloth from her and started to wash her body. He would leave kisses in random places before washing it. When he got to her arms, he noticed she had bruises that looked like handprints on her arms. She didn’t see he noticed until it was too late. She tried pulling her arms away but he held on firmly but gentle. “Why didn’t you tell me he did this to you?” he asked, then he started to notice little bruises up and down her body. He kissed each one. “Why didn’t you tell Lana or Sidney? Jack would have done something for you. Angel you are so much stronger than I thought. You held all this in?” She nodded and he held her face. “This will never happen again. I promise you Angel, no one will hurt you again.” She smiled and kissed him under the running water. “Your turn baby.” She said winking, and took the washcloth from his hands and started running it over his abs. When she was finished with his whole body, they rinsed off and dried off and walked to the room they stayed in. Layla turned away from Tommy and let her towel fall. He sat on the bed and watched her. She pulled on a sports bra and some underwear, and then turned around. “What are we going to do tomorrow?” she asked suddenly. He looked at her and thought about it. “Well, what do you want to do? We don’t have to be together if you don’t want to I get it.” Tommy started suggesting. She walked over to the edge of the bed where he was and sat on his lap straddling him. She kissed him making him shut up. “Baby, I want you. I want to be yours and only yours. I’m not willing to share you.” He smiled and snaked his arms around her back and crushed her to him. He stood up and took her with him, her ending up over his shoulder again. He threw her on the bed and she bounced up and down giggling. She scooted to the edge of the bed and he got down on one knee, “Sooooo will you, Layla, be my girlfriend?” he said winking and holding her hand. She played along and gasped in fake shock. “Oh Tommy, finally, of course I will baby” She jumped into his arms and he swung her around the room. Jack and Lana walked in at the moment “Hey where are all the towels.“ Jack asks but stopped when he sees two on the floor and two half naked and wet teenagers. “Hahahaha they did it in the shower!” Lana squeals. At this, Layla and Tommy turn to look at them and stop dead in their tracks. “Why haven’t we done it in the shower babe?” Jack asks Lana and Layla throws a book from the desk. “WE DID NOT DO IT!” and then Tommy says “Yet..” then winks, standing behind Layla and holding her hips. She gasps as their friends laugh and leave the room. She goes to smack his arm but he kisses her instead and she smiles into it. Later in the kitchen Tom realizes it’s Sunday ,“I have to go to football practice angel, I’ll see you at school tomorrow?” he asks as she is sitting on the counter swinging her legs eating a bagel. “Okay baby, have fun.” She said and kissed him goodbye. She watched him walk out the screen door and hop into his jeep and pull out of the drive. She was just about to get Lana and leave when Lucas walks down the stairs. “Hey sexy, now that he’s gone how about we get to it huh?” He jokes and she going with it says “Sure thing stud I’ll be upstairs waiting.” She jogs up the stairs to get Lana and leave. Her and Lucas always joke around. She would never cheat on Tommy. Layla smiled to herself as she grabbed her purse and went to say goodbye to Jack. When she got home, her mom hugged her. “I missed my baby sooo muchhh! So how was the football game?” she asked as Layla played with her cat lying on the floor. “Well, I have a boyfriend…” Layla says, looking at her mother with her cat in her arms. “Ohh baby I’m so happy for you! Who is he? Is he cute?” Her mom bombards her with questions just like her friends. She tells her mom everything, and I mean everything. They are close, and share everything. After dinner and finishing her homework, Layla rearranges the rides with the girls and checks her phone before bed. ‘Hi angel, can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Drawing is first so I’ll walk you there;)’ She smiles and replies. ‘Sure thing baby, can’t wait.’ She closes her eyes and drifts to sleep. She opens her eyes and she’s at school. Nathan is holding her at gunpoint again in front of the school. This time, he shoots Tommy. “Nooo!” Layla falls to the ground. Nathan is holding her by her arm but she is limp. Layla just sobs and blabbers about seeing Tommy. Nathan lets her go and she runs to Tommy’s still body. She props his head up on her lap and strokes his hair. “Baby, wake up please. I can’t do this without you.” She covers his face with kisses when his hand grazed her check. She looks to him and he mumbles out “I love you” Then Layla wakes up for real. She shoots up, sweaty and crying. “It was just a dream Layla, you’re fine.” She rubs the sleep out of her eyes and get out of bed. She gets ready and is out the door with a pop tart in her mouth in ten minuets. After she has all the girls in the jeep, it’s time to gossip. Ash was out sick today; Sidney and Alec went all the way after the football game; Ruben and Ash were on hold and other things about people from their school. They left out Saturday night and Lana covered for Layla by yelling she had sex in the shower with Jack. It just so happened her ex boyfriend was at the same stoplight with his windows down. He looked really happy, not. When they pulled up laughing, she saw Tommy and Jack leaning on their cars. “Bye Sid, love you.” Layla said pulling Lana to the boys. “Well look who it is. Two of the prettiest girls in school, and they’re walking towards us Tom can you believe it?” Jack asked in a high pitch voice. “No Jack I can’t, but hey I call the one with the brown hair. “ He said as he wrapped his arms around Layla’s waist and pulled her in for a kiss. “I missed you last night.” She said. “I missed you too Angel, come on, let’s go walk.” She took his hand and they walked up to the doors. She winced as they passed the place he died in her arms last night but she brushed it off when he shot her a questioning look. “Baby I want to meet your parents again.” She all of a sudden said. He scratched his neck, “Well, it’s just my mom, Darrell is my step dad and Tonya is my step sister. My father skipped out when I was a kid. Pat left 5 years ago and we still haven’t heard back from him. My household pisses me off. They haven’t come to a football game of mine since Pat was in town, then I was in the JFL. They go to every one of Tonya’s softball and volleyball games, Darrell’s parties for work or my mom’s work dinners. Everything is more important than me in that household. Which wouldn’t upset me as much if they didn’t pretend to care about Pat and me. No one has ever stayed around me; no one has ever wanted me. Now why can’t I meet your parents gorgeous?” he asked changing the subject when he noticed she was feeling bad for him. Tommy is one of those people that don’t like sympathy. “Baby, I’m sorry, I know you don’t like to hear that but I am. My mom and dad are divorced too, nothing too crazy. I guess you can meet my mom first. I don’t think my dad thinks I even started my period yet. He’s a little out of it. How about after the football game? My mom is down for sleepovers as long as there is no monkey business. Think you can handle that stud?” Layla said winking and poking him in the stomach. He tickles her sides and pulls her back flush against his chest and whispers in her ear “I think I can behave for one night, can you?” Layla bites her lip, but runs into the classroom as soon as the bell rings. Tommy sits in Ash’s seat, and they’re so close their legs are touching. The whole class they hold hands and look at each other. That day word got out that the quarterback was taken and Stacey did not like that. Neither did Sam, but Sam didn’t like it because he knew Nathan wouldn’t like to hear his ex is dating someone. And Sam was the one who had to tell him since he was out of jail and everything now. 

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