Chapter Eleven

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Layla opened her locker and a stuffed animal elephant fell out. Ash grabbed it before she could and read out loud to everyone “HAPPY ONE MONTH ANGEL!” Layla clamped her hand over her friend’s mouth and shot her a deadly look. She snatched the elephant and took off down the hall. She had art last hour. She hadn’t seen Tommy all day, and if he wasn’t in this class she was gonna cry. It was their one moth and if he thinks a really adorable elephant was gonna make him not being there all better he was half wrong. It was a really cute elephant. When she got in the classroom she saw him lying across her table like a seductive model. She laughed and looked around to see if anyone else saw her crazy boyfriend. Everyone was drawing like nothing was out of the usual. “HAPPY ONE MONTH ANGEL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE JUST SO PERFECT!” he yelled yet still no one looked up. Some smiled but continued to sketch. She jogged to the table still blushing but launched herself at Tommy, who had sat up and dangled his legs off the table. He caught her and hugged her. Their teacher started the clapping and awing and soon enough everyone joined in. They looked up from their hug and Layla blushed but Tommy smiled triumphantly. They sat down and held hands the whole class. “Ill see you at the game handsome, I’ll be the one wearing your jersey” Layla said winking, sitting in the back of Lana’s red convertible with Sidney laying with her head in her lap.  “You look so hot in my jersey, you look even hotter in this car. We’re going to have to have Lana let us borrow this car.” He said kissing her slowly. “No way in hell are you guys gonna have sex in my car.” Lana said as she hoped in her car, not bothering to use the doors. No one really did anyway. Tommy laughed and ruffled her hair, kissing Layla again and saying goodbye to everyone else. “Bye ladies, make sure you get Layla to the game now.” He said pointing his finger knowing the girls would probably go straight to Lana’s and get wasted. He walked away to his car and the girls drove off before any more distractions could come their way. They pulled into Lana’s drive way and changed for the game. Ash and Layla were the only ones with jerseys to wear for the game. Jack and Alec didn’t play football so they were going to cuddle all cute like. “No fair, we have to be all cold while they get to cuddle with their boyfriends.” Layla pouted putting on the final coat of mascara. Right after the game the girls were going with Jack to his house to have a bonfire. Alec might tag alone but the football players had an after. “It’s okay baby I’ll cuddle with you.” Lucas said from the doorway of the bathroom. She threw her hairbrush at him and he laughed and wrapped his arms around her. Ash snorted and walked out of the bathroom. “Lucas, get off. I don’t even have a shirt on.” She said swatting him away. “But you smell so good.” He said burying his face into her neck. Just then, before she could swat him away, Tommy walked in. “Hey angel I was just bringing you the jersey I forgot it…” He stopped mid sentence at his girlfriend only in a bra and jeans getting held from behind by Lucas. “Tommy, it’s not what it looks like.” She started, while Tommy’s knuckled got white, and his arms flexing. “You’re not going to fool me this time with pretending Tommy’s here. You are finally going to be mine for a night.” Lucas said, his face still buried in her hair. Tommy ripped Lucas off by the collar of his shirt. “Excuse me?” Tommy said completely in rage. “Tommy, put him down, just get him out of here.” She said putting the jersey he dropped on. Tommy dropped Lucas and walked out of the room. “Look what you did Lucas!” She yelled kicking him as he was sitting on the floor rubbing his neck. She ran down the stair and ran out the door looking for her enraged boyfriend. She couldn’t see him or his jeep. She started freaking out; he can’t drive when he’s like this. “FUCK!” she jumped. Everyone was upstairs getting ready, and that came from the kitchen. She grabbed an umbrella from the front door and crept into the kitchen slowly. She jumped in and landed like a mental ninja. She stood up when she realized it was Tommy. She threw the umbrella and hugged him from behind. “Tommy I’m so sorry I really love you a lot and wasn’t doing anything I promise and...” she kept rambling until she saw his arm. “Oh baby what’d you do?” she didn’t give him time to answer. She grabbed his arm and washed away the blood. She pulled him into the bathroom and blotted the blood. “What’d you do?” She asked as she pulled out a piece of glass. He winced and gritted his teeth. “I was getting a drink and the glass shattered. I guess I got a little angry.” She sighed and traced her hand down the side of his face. He put his hand on hers but she pulled it away and stood up.  “I’ll be right back, don’t move and hold on to that rag.” He listened and held onto the rag she put on the deep cut, holding in the blood. When she came back she had a needle and some thread and an ice pack. “Okay, this is going to hurt but I have to do it.” She held the ice over the deep cut and looked up at him. Instead of him closing his eyes or looking away, he was looking right at her. She could tell he wasn’t mad anymore, and he understood. “I’m sorry.” She said as she started sewing him up. “Don’t be sorry angel, it’s his fault, and mine. I shouldn’t get so mad. And I shouldn’t ignore you like that.” He said and winced as she pierced him again. “I get it, that’s how you deal with your anger.” She smiled at him as she finished up. “Alright baby I think you are done.” She stood up and he pulled her to him. He hugged her really tight until she felt something pop. “I love you.” He said. “I love you too, but you are going to be late. Get going.” She said spanking his butt as he ran out the door. He smiled at her and left. She walked up the stairs and finished getting ready. When they arrived at the game, they got their seats and cheered the whole game, never leaving for a bathroom or getting food or drinks. Each of the girls got on a guy’s shoulders and cheered louder than the cheerleaders, which pissed them off. Then the four yelled Tommy’s name. This earned a very evil glare from Stacey, but Layla just laughed. After the game, Layla and the girls left before Tommy could get out, but she left flowers in the locker room for him. When he went to his locker after the game and flowers fell out, all the guys awed and pinched his cheeks. Someone said at least he was getting some and they all backed off. He laughed and carried his flowers with pride. Tonight he wasn’t going to have Layla he was by himself. Well not really, he had his team, but still, no Layla. Jordan clapped him on the back and broke him out of his train of thought. “Tonight’s going to be fun Tom, I promise.” Jordan had a girlfriend and was rarely away from her either. Tommy nodded and smiled. He looked at the two pictures in his locker one more time before closing it and walking out of the locker room. He used to have nothing in his locker. After he met Layla, she was the first one up there, then she taught him that it was okay to talk about Pat, so he put up his picture next to hers. Things were going so great, and he didn’t want to think about anything changing in his life. Sure his mom and step dad and stepsister were assholes, but he had Layla and her mom, they were great. He had his team; all his friends, Jack and then the girls were really nice to him too. Nothing could make his life better.









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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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