Chapter Two

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When Layla woke up, her head was pounding. She didn’t know where she was but she did remember Tommy last night. For some weird reason, she remembered everything up to him telling her about his brother. Other then that she couldn’t remember anything, but still, she usually doesn’t even know whom she went home with. Tommy rolls over and wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer into his chest. He sighs and opens his eyes and is face to face with Layla’s makeup smeared face. He smiles and kisses her nose. “Good morning beautiful.” He says. She laughs softly and buries her head into his chest. I’m always so ugly in the morning, I’m sorry. I’m going to go fix my self up." She gets up to go wash away her makeup but he pulls her back into his arms. They laugh and he tickles her. “What do you mean? You look as beautiful as you did last night if not more.” She giggled and got up again, this time without interruption. “I’ll be right back, try not to miss me too much.” She said winking. “Oh I’ll miss you terribly but if it must be done.” He said curling back up into bed closing his eyes. She smiled to herself and walked down the hall until she found a bathroom. She washed her face away of any makeup, brushed her hair with her fingers and peed before leaving the room the way she left it. As she was looking at herself in the mirror she noticed she was still wearing her jean shorts and jersey. She didn’t have sex last night, come to think of it; she never wakes up next to the guy she sleeps with. She walks back into the room and sees Tommy asleep. She snuggles up next to him and falls asleep again to the sound of his heart beating and his slow breathing. When she wakes up the second time Tommy is gone. She finds a change of clothes on the edge of his bed and a note that says ‘Hey Angel, get dressed and come downstairs.’ She smiles and slides her shorts off and her jersey. She slips the tank top and basketball shorts on and walks down the stairs. She hears voices and before she can turn around someone that is not Tommy says, “Here she is! Come here Layla!” She looks like a deer in headlights but when she sees Tommy smiling at her kind of embarrassed of his family’s antics. She walks down the stairs and trips on the baggy shorts on the last step. The shorts fall down exposing her lacey underwear and the whole family laughs expect Tommy and his sister Tonya. She snorts and says “Great, Tom dates another slut, good picking Tom.” She stomps back up to her room and slams her door. "What kind of underwear are those? What were you guys doing up there?" "We never had to wonder what you were doing with your old girlfriends Tom" "Why don't you see them anymore Tom? They were such nice girls." Layla runs out the door crying.Tommy, who’s had enough, yells, “That’s enough God dammit, this is why I’m never home!" He runs out the door and sees her crying by the steps. He picks her up and carries her to the jeep. He puts her in the jeep and drives fast. A while down the road he finally asks “Are you okay Angel? I’m sorry I didn’t say anything for a bit, when I get mad I tend to not speak. I’m so sorry; my family is full of assholes. I thought they would behave around you at least. I told them you meant a lot to me, they just don’t even care. I’m so sorry I put you through that. Talk to me? Please Angel?” He looked over and saw her tear streaked cheeks all puffy and red. He stroked her cheek and she just turned up the stereo and The Weekend blared through the speakers until the car stopped. She looked out the window and saw they were at the playground by the riverfront. “Come swing with me?” he asked all sad, and she wasn’t mad at him, just herself, so she fell into his arms and let him carry her to the swing. Instead of getting in one by himself he sat down and they swung chest to chest. “I’m sorry they did that to you baby.” He said holding her face. “It’s not your fault Tommy, they’re right. I’m just some clumsy whore that can’t do anything right. Why are you even sitting here with me right now?” He gawked at her, “Okay first off, my parents are never right. You are not a whore Angel, you’ve had a rough past but you are not a whore, and I’ve seen you do tons of things right, like dance like a goddess and make the best drink and stop my heart. I’m sitting with you right here right now because I really like you and I wanted to make sure you liked me back.” He blushed at the end and she sat there speechless. He was about the get up to leave but she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips as passionately as she possibly could. He opened his eyes shocked at her boldness but closed them as soon and her tongue brushed against his bottom lip. They broke away out of breath foreheads leaning on each other. “But I hate to break it to you babe, the clumsiness is something we are just gonna have to live with. Personally though, I find it quite cute, and I like coming to your rescue.” He said winking. She smiled and kissed him again. Pulling back she laughed with her head back, and if he weren’t hanging on she would have fallen off. She let go of the chains and leaned back and watched the clouds. They left the park to drop her off at Lana’s house where her car was. There was a bon fire and the Myrna’s house later tonight and they planned to see each other there. He walked her to the door and kissed her full on the lips before she walked inside and told her he’d see her later tonight. Smiling to themselves, both of them had a starry dazed look. Tommy went home and got some food before taking a shower and getting ready. He ignored his parents and was at the party waiting for Layla by two hours. When Layla walked up the stairs to her friends’ house, she noticed it was quiet. When she walked past the threshold three bodies tackled her to the ground. “I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING!” “DID YOU GUYS DO IT!?” “ARE YOU DATING?!” “WHAT ABOUT NATHAN!?” she was bombarded from every angle. “OH MY GOD GUYS!” she yelled. Everyone stopped and looked at Layla. “Okay so as soon as we left…” she dove right in and told her friends every little detail. They all screamed and when they realized they only had 2 hours till the bon fire, they all screamed and fought for the shower. After they were all clean and dolled up, they got into Lana’s little red convertible and drove to the party. Layla was looking through her phone, texting her mom, reassuring her she was staying with the girls this weekend. She noticed that Tommy had put his number into her phone as ‘My extremely sexy babe Tommy’ and laughed. Then she saw the million texts from Nathan. Apparently some of his buddies were at the Myrna’s last night and saw Tommy and me together. He was pissed. I thought it would ruin every bodies night if I brought it up so I just told him to shove it and deleted them all. This was going to be a great night.

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