Chapter Six

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It was Friday, a week since Tommy and Layla met officially. Layla was meeting him after the game to go meet her mom. The final bell had rung and Tommy was nowhere to be seen. She walked outside and got a text from him ‘don’t bother coming tonight plans are off.’ She stopped, that’s not like him to just cancel plans like that. He was her ride and he knew that, and he’s been bugging to meet her mom since Monday. ‘Um what do you mean?’ she waited until he replied and when he did she was fuming. ‘I’m not fucking going anywhere with you’ was he serious? ‘Fine. Fuck you.’ ‘If that wasn’t clear enough for you, we’re over I’ve been fucking Stacey.’ She screamed out some mean words to Tommy, Stacey and God. She only had a couple of blocks to walk home and she didn’t want anyone to see her cry. He can’t just go from the perfect boyfriend to whatever the hell that was without a little notice. It was like Nathan all over again. Tommy was really practicing for the football game, and just happened to leave his phone out by a certain cheerleader. She couldn’t resist when she saw Layla’s messages with Tom already out. She decided to have a little fun, and when she was done she deleted them. Throughout the game Tommy couldn’t find Layla. He didn’t know she was home alone crying. After the game he pulled out his phone to text her. ‘Hey Angel where are you?’ Layla was outraged. He thought he could just use that nickname that gave her weak knees and have her come running back? ‘Im at home crying because of your rude ass.’ She sent and threw her phone at the wall, not bothering to answer anymore of his texts. After reading it he quickly texted back ‘What? Why, what did I do?’ ‘Layla Angel tell me what I did?’ ‘im on my way over.’ Layla’s mom had to stay late at the office anyway so at least she could just blame it on that. Tommy knocked on the door until she answered. She was wearing sweats and his t-shirt. Her hair was all over and she defiantly was crying. “What do you want from me?” She asked trying to mask her tears, but failing miserably. He didn’t even answer; he just crushed her to his chest. She let him for a little bit until she thought about it. She didn’t want to get hurt when he left again. She shoved him off her and walked into the kitchen. He followed behind her quickly and grabbed her hand. “Layla what happened, what did I do?” He turned her around so she was facing him, but she wouldn’t look at him. He tried to move her face but she moved away like his touch burnt her. He put his hand down and asked, “What did I do?” for the hundredth time. “Well those texts were pretty self exclamatory. You don’t want me anymore, you just want Stacey.” Layla said crossing her arms while looking at him finally. He just stared at her, then he laughed. Layla scoffed at him, and when he realized she wasn’t kidding around he stopped. “You aren’t serious are you? Where’d you hear that? Stacey herself?” “What, now you are going to try and deny you sent the texts yourself?” She stood there waiting for his excuse out of this one. “Give me your phone.” He said with a determined look on his face. She sighed and shuffled down the stairs. She found her phone on the floor and brought it to him. “Thank you” always polite, even when I’m yelling at him, god he makes this so hard. “Angel, I was at football practice, this wasn’t me. I would never say those things. That had to have been Stacey. No one else would have been near my phone.” He tried to start apologizing but Layla interrupted him, “So you’re not fucking her?” “What? No, oh god gross. Nooo.” Then she attacked him with a hug. She started kissing him and he just held on to her. She went to his ear and started kissing up and down his neck. He walked downstairs to her room and laid her out on her back. She looked like a goddess. Her hair was sprawled out all around her face and framed it beautifully. He crawled so he was hovering over her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and he started kissing her neck like she did to him. Her breath hitched and he smiled at what he could do to her. He stopped kissing and just rubbed his nose from the top of her neck until his nose found her breasts. She moaned out his name and he felt something stir to life. He trailed wet kisses back up to her ear. “Are you sure?” he breathed. This would be their first time. It’s not like any of them hadn’t done it, he just didn’t want to ruin anything. She bit her lip and looked him in the eyes and nodded. When Layla woke up she was naked and tangled in the sheets. “Tommy?” she asked sleep coating her voice. She didn’t get a reply so she rolled over to his side, but he wasn’t there. She shot up and looked around her room for any signs of him leaving. She threw on some shorts and a sweatshirt and ran upstairs. She almost ran right past the dinning room but turned around when she heard laughing. She peered around the corner and saw her mother sitting in her robe drinking her coffee across from Tommy sitting in a T-shirt and his boxers with coffee and pancakes, laughing. “Hey angel, you want breakfast?” he asks like nothing is weird about this situation. “Ummm sure, what’s going on? Are you guys planning my wedding or something.” She asked shoving some of Tommy’s pancakes into her mouth. Tommy laughed and put his arm around her waist “Our wedding hunny.” He said winking. “You kids are too cute, Layla you are staying with the Chasteens and the Wrights tonight at the campground. They said you could bring someone but I don’t think Tommy wants to see you get hit on by the whole family.” Her mom said winking and then leaving the room. “Mooooom!” Layla whined, why can’t she have a normal mom? “You need to be there by lunch so get goin ya bum!” Layla sighed and finished Tommy’s coffee. He raised and eyebrow at her and she sighed again. “There’s four boys in total, two high schoolers, one your age one two years younger than me, one college student and then one younger. Then there’s Bri and she’s in college too, and she’s hot. I dated the one your age, the younger one is my best friend, the college guy I flirted with, the youngest I don’t really care about, and Bri is my best friend too. That kinda sums it all up.” She said without a breath it seemed. He processed all that and nodded. “So let’s go pack Angel.” He said taking three steps at a time. “You don’t actually want to go do you?” she stood at the top of the stairs asking him. He turned around and looked at her, “I’m going where you’re going. End of story.” She laughed and joined him in her room to pack for the rest of the day and night. 

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