Chapter Seven

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When the two arrived at the campground it was noon, and they didn’t want to leave the jeep. They were tangled in a mess of limbs making out. “Laylee!!” Michael shouted as he popped up from the side of the jeep. “Michael baby!” Layla jumped out of the jeep and tackled the freshman. “You grew! My god my little baby is huge!” she said realizing he was taller than her and he laughed. “I sure am, I could show you sometime if you want.” He winked. At this time Tommy hoped down from the jeep and Layla hugged his side. His arm instantly went around her and she introduced him before Michael could embarrass himself anymore. “Michael, this is Tommy, my boyfriend, Tommy this is Michael, he’s like a brother’s bestfriend.” “Hey man, you better not hurt my princess or I’ll kill you.” Michael said acting nice at first then going into brother mode. “Oh, well hey, don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of it, but how could a freshman kill a senior?” Tommy asked laughing. “With the help of me.” Behind Michael a tall man held his arms out. “What no hug for me?” “Johnny!” Layla threw herself into the guys arms and he swung her around. “I missed you Layleebug. You haven’t been around.” He said putting her down. “Yah well you know how it is, hey Johnny, this is my boyfriend Tommy.” She said smiling at her boyfriend. “Hey, mmm lemme guess, football?” Johnny asked looking him up and down. “Yah, hockey?” Tommy shot right back not missing a beat. “Not bad, he’ll do, just don’t you hurt our little Layleebug and we’re good.” Johnny said hanging his arms around both Tommy and Layla’s shoulders leading them into the Rv. Michael went back to practicing with his lacrosse. When they got in, they saw Ian lying on the ground playing video games like always. “Iann heyyy!” Layla said smiling, getting in first. Johnny was behind her and Tommy after him. “Hey babe, come here” Ian hugged her and went for a kiss but she kissed his cheek. “Angel where do you want the bags at?” Tommy asked he and Michael walked in, she turned to him, “Ask Johnny or Ian, I’m going to go fin Bri.” She kissed Tommy and left him in the camper with three hockey players that treat her like a brother but also hit on her. She found Bri by the lake. “BRI BABY!” Layla yelled and ran down the hill towards her beautiful friend. Bri turned around and caught her just in time. “Laylee! I missed you so much! Look how hot you are oh my god!” The girls held hands and walked along the beach until Tommy texted Layla asking for help. “Oh who’s that and what’s he need help with?” Bri asks winking. “Oh my god Bri! It’s my boyfriend and he needs help from your family interrogating him up at the camper! Let’s go” she said shaking her head and pulling Bri up to the camper. Layla barges in with Bri and she sees all the guys circling a sitting Tommy. “Guyss!!!” Layla whines and hugs Tommy,” leave him alone!” he wrapped his arm around her and the guys laugh. “We were just messing, we think he’s an alright guy Laylee, you can keep him” Johnny said, “Yah if you have to.” Michael said under his breath. “Eh hem, are you going to introduce me Laylee?” Bri said fluttering her eyelashes at Tommy. He awkwardly looks away and squeezes Layla closer to him. Layla completely unaware to this smiles and says “Bri, this is my boyfriend Tommy, Tommy this is my beautiful best friend Brianna, but Bri works.” Bri smiled her flirtatious smile and said “Well I think we are gonna have a fun night huh?” Tommy wasn’t the only one picking up on her tone. Johnny looked at her like she was crazy. Bri always had to have everyone she couldn’t have. He just couldn’t believe she would go after someone who was dating basically family. Yah the guys flirted with Layla, but she was like a sister at times. The whole night John would watch Bri try to come on the Tommy and sometimes he would have to literally throw her off. Layla was wasted and thought it was funny if she did catch it, but she was with Michael and Johnny talking about hockey. “I’m gonna go outside for some air Angel I’ll be right back.” Tommy said suddenly. Uh oh. “I’ll come with!” Bri said in a hurry. Johnny was just about to stand up and say something when Tommy beat him to it “That’s okay I’d rather not with you.” He said very bluntly, “I’ll go with you man. “ Johnny said and walked out with him, leaving a pouty Bri behind. “What’d you need man?” Tommy asked as they got outside by the lake. Johnny pulled out a cigarette and lit it. “I’m not dumb kid.” He says as he takes a drag of the cigarette. Tommy looks at him terrified. “Hey, okay I’m not trying to hook up with Brianna alright. She won’t leave me alone and” Tommy sputtered man but also trying to prove his innocence. Johnny cut him off, “I know, Bri’s a whore at times but that’s why we love her. “ he shrugged. Tommy looked at him like he was crazy. “You believe me?” “Of course, I’m not a douche, well just kidding I am, but I see what she’s doing. I dragged you out here to say I’m proud of you. You got my trust and I actually like you. When she brought Nathan around we all knew he was bad news but no one was gonna tell her. He actually hooked up with Bri a couple times.” He said shaking his head. “Well let’s go inside, I think you can say you survived the night.” Johnny said clapping his hand over Tommy’s shoulder. They walked in laughing and still embraced. Layla smiled at them getting along and hopped off Michael’s lap into Tommy’s arms. She kissed him on the lips and turned to Johnny and kissed him on the nose. “Well, let’s go to bed kiddos!” Bri said while stretching, exposing her stomach. She was wearing the shortest spandex, and crop top and her tan body was on display. Layla was wearing gray shorts and a tank top that made her cleavage look incredible. There was one big bed, one cot, and one couch. Corban, Michael, and Ian slept on the couch, Johnny slept on the cot and Bri, Layla, and Tommy got the bed. Lalya started in the middle, then Tommy found himself being hugged by two girls, then Bri got the middle. The whole night Tommy had to keep pushing her off him. When he woke up she was on the cot and Johnny was in the middle looking right at him. Tommy screamed and fell backwards off the bed. Johnny laughed his ass off and Layla woke up alert. She pulled a knife out from under her pillow and aimed it at Johnny. He threw his hands up in defense. “Hey now put that thing away.” She laughed and closed it. “Sorry Johnny, I thought you were someone else.” She lowered her eyes and wiped the tears that threatened to spill. He hugged her to him knowing who it was and then pulled her away. “Wait a minute, you carry a knife around!?” she giggled. “No silly, I found it last night and remembered it I guess. “ She shrugged. “You just held Johnny at knife point!” Tommy half screamed. He jumped back up on the bed and sat Indian style. Layla crawled into his lap. Her back was pressed against his chest and his cheek was resting on her head. “Johnny will you pretty please get me some breakfast?” Layla asked him with puppy dog eyes and batting her eyelashes. “Ahh, Laylee not the puppy dog eyes. Why can’t you get up and get it?” he whined. “Because I’m comfy and I love you!” she said smiling sweetly. He let out a loud obnoxious sigh and rolled off the bed. Layla clapped her hands as he disappeared from the bedroom part of the camper. “Do you always get your way around here?” Tommy asked ticking her slightly. She turned around in his lap and held his face while smiling. “Of course I do, my nickname is Princess. You will do everything I say too.” She giggled cutely and kissed him while smiling. He laughed and flipped her over so he was straddling her and she was lying on her back. “How are you so sure I’m going to do everything you say?” He said running his nose down the side of her neck. He knew how much she loved that. Just to prove his point her breath hitched. “I think you’re gonna do everything I say.” He whispered right in her ear. Layla had a point to prove, so she ran her hand from his chest down lower and lower. She grabbed the front of his boxers and pushed them down ever so slightly. He moaned and she flipped him when he wasn’t paying attention. Now straddling the surprised Tommy, she smiled and ran a finger down his chest. “I know you’ll do anything, and everything I ask baby. Why would you say no to me?” She asked and leaned over so she was hovering over his mouth. Her hands were holding his chest down so he couldn’t move up. She smiled but was caught surprise when his hands pushed her down to his lips. They kissed until Johnny walked in. “Okay I got you guys eggs, bacon, and toast and OH MY GOD! I’M BLIND!” Layla and Tommy laughed and took the food. “You’re lucky you came in now, we just got done having sex.” Layla said eating her eggs. “That’s it, my food, go make your own” Johnny took his food away from her and she pouted. “Come on Angel I’ll make you food.” Tommy grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen. She hopped up on the counter and watched him make her breakfast. He kept looking through the corner of his eye and would see her watching him. When he was done, he put it on a plate and let her eat. She hopped down and brushed her teeth and got ready for the day. She came out in some high wasted shorts and a fringe tie-dye shirt that showed her belly. When she came out and say Tommy sitting where she was she walked up so she was in-between his legs. He squeezed his legs around her and she got on her tippy toes and kissed him. They left a little bit after that and drove to his house to hangout with their friends. His parents were out of town and they wanted to drink. Some of his football friends were coming, Jack and Alec and then the three girls. The two had an hour to kill before the small party started, and you can guess what they did. 

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