Chapter Nine

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Layla was kicking and fighting against Nathan as he brought her to a motel outside of the city. He threw her against the table and she slid across the glass edge. Some glass piece fell off and cut right through her arm, which she landed on. She heard a sickly snap and her whole arm went numb. “Where have you been princess? I’ve been lookin all over for you.” He said kneeling down to where she was sprawled out on the floor. “None of your dammed business you asshole. Now take me home!” She tried kicking him but he beat her to it, punching her right in the mouth, making her head fly back into the broken glass hard. “Tsk tsk tsk, now that’s not the way a lady talks. I am your home you bitch, unless you forgot that.” He got close to her face and she spit a mouth full of blood in his face and stood up. His smile dropped and he wiped the blood off just in time to see her lock herself in the bathroom. “I’m not going to play games with you. Get out before I blow your pretty boys brains out. “ “You wouldn’t” she said, but half asked. “You know I’d do anything for you babe.” She walked out of the bathroom and saw him smiling and waiting for her on the bed. “I knew you’d come around beautiful.” She sat on the opposite end with her head down, holding her arm, and looking past the floor. He scooted over to her and put his arm around her, but she shook him off. “We can start a whole new life together, just me and you. We can get married and half kids. It’ll be great.” “Nathan! I’m not even 18 yet! That’s crazy! You could get arrested just for dating me! Just let me go home.” She had tears in her eyes, so he softened a bit. He wiped her eyes and hugged her to him. “I told you Lay, I am your home, and you’re mine.” “Why won’t you just leave me alone.” She asked. “I can never leave you alone. Ever, you are mine.” She started crying, full on sobbing. Nathan laid her down on the pillow and stepped back. “Now don’t cry precious, I’ll go get you some food. How about that? Ill be right back, I’m gonna lock the door, but if you leave I will find your boyfriend and make sure there is nothing for you to go back to. “ She sobbed even harder into the pillow until he left. She felt a buzz in her pocket. Of course Nathan was too dumb to check her pockets. She pulled out her phone just in time to see Tommy calling her. She answered still crying. “Tommy?” She cried. “Oh my God, Angel, where are you? I’m coming right now.” “Tommy, I don’t know, at a motel out of town, go south. There’s a diner right next door. Look for my jeep. Oh my god, Tommy I’m so scarred.” “I’ll be right there Angel, call the police.” Before he hung up she stopped him. “Wait, Tommy, I just want to tell you, I love you. “ he almost started crying himself. “Don’t you say that, you call the police right now. “ She hung up and dialed 911. “Nine one one what’s your emergency?” “Um yes, I have no clue where I am, but my ex kidnapped me and he’s holding me hostage in a motel room. He went to go get food but he has held me at gunpoint before. Ummm, well, there’s a diner right across the street and I’ve already lost a lot of blood and I think my arm is broken. “ She just kept rambling. “Okay honey, we got your coordinates, we’ll be there shortly, can you hold him off until then? “ The nice lady asked. “Yah okay. Bye.” She hung up feeling woozy. She looked on the floor and saw the blood where she first got cut, and the pile forming in the bed. Feeling light headed she laid down and drifted off, not sleeping but not awake. “Honey I’m home.” Nathan said laughing, but stopped as soon as he saw Layla lying on the bed with her eyes open and a lot of blood. “What did I do to you?” He asked as he ran over to her dropping his bags. As soon as he got to her bed the police barged in the door with guns aimed at Nathan. Layla watched from her bed with hooded eyes as Nathan dropped to the floor and they took him away. Someone picked her up and carried her to an ambulance. She could hear someone calling her name. Someone familiar. It was Tommy. She tried to look for him but she couldn’t quite find him. She barely squeaked out his name before they shut the door on the ambulance and so did her eyes. Tommy had found the motel right after Nathan was taken out. He saw in slow motion as Layla was carried out with her limp body and bloody body. Her hair was everywhere and you could see glass sticking out and glimmering in the lights. She still looked beautiful but he couldn’t stand to see her like that. He ran over to her and kept calling her name. People tried to push him aside, but when she reacted to him they pulled him in the ambulance and shut the doors. “It’s alright Angel they’re gonna fix you up, you’ll be fine, I promise.” He kept repeating words like that, mostly for himself. After she was in recovery, he was lying next to her bed holding her none broken arm. She had a broken arm, a deep cut that needed stitches in her arm, and her head was fine just a slight concussion. She needed tons of rest and not to use her arm at all. Tommy had called Lana, Ash and Sidney, then the girls called her mom. They didn’t want a lot of people, so just those five hung out in the hospital until she woke up. The girls and Tommy had gone to get food when she woke up. Her mom was holding her. “Sweetie?” she asked sitting back to look at her only daughter. “Mom? I love you.” They hugged, and cried until the three girls came back and got their hugs. Tommy was about to walk in, when Layla’s mom walked out, dragging him back out with. “Is she up?!” he asked like a little boy on Christmas. “Yes Tom, but I wanted to talk to you.” He looked at her and stopped bouncing. She sighed and he held his breath. Here it goes he thought, she was going to make me leave and never come back. He closed his eyes but was taken a back when she was hugging him. He hugged back when she started crying. “What would I do without you Tom? You’ve saved my daughter countless times. This time I almost lost her. Am I a horrible mother or what?” She cried sitting down. “None of this was your fault, Nathan is the only one you can point fingers at, and she’s up, she’ll be fine. “ She sniffled, “yah, go on and see her, send the girls out, I’m taking them home and you two can meet us there when you’re ready. You are welcome to stay the night, no school for you both. I think you’ve suffered enough.” He smiled and kissed the worried mother on the forehead, “You’re a great mother.” She smiled and got her purse together. When he walked in, the girls where all petting back Layla’s hair, and brushing it so it looked somewhat tame. “Hey girls, Layla’s mom is leaving.” They all hugged Layla and said goodbye to her. “Bye Tom, take care of her.” They all hugged him as they left. He found his spot by Layla again and held her hand. He kissed it and in-between kisses he talked to her. “I’m so sorry. It’s my entire fault. I told you Id never let him hurt you again and look what happened.” He kept babbling but she shushed him. “I love you.” He looked up at her. She smiled and kissed him. “I’m not gonna sit here and argue with you. I love you, and if it makes you feel better, I forgive you “ He curled up next to her and she dozed off in his arms. Before she could fully fall asleep, he whispered “I love you too Angel.” In her ear, letting her fall asleep with a smile on her sweet face. 

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