Chapter 3: After School

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It's been a long day, and I was happy I was going home now. I walk down the stairs to the door that's closest to my locker. I needed to put away a few books that I didn't need to take home with me.

I finally get to my locker and fiddle with the dial until it clicks open. I empty out my bag and pick out the books I do need for the weekend. I close my locker up, finished with what I needed to do. Now, like every other day, I get to see Mr. Johnson. He is always leaning against the wall at the end of the hallway as I leave throughout the door that is across the office. That's why Mr. Johnson is there because by the office door there's a scanner where teachers have to scan their ID's at the end of the day. It's like punching out, and there are other scanners throughout the school, but it just happens to be that he scans out from that one every day at 3:15. When I noticed this, I made it my priority to leave out from the door across the office so I can walk by Mr. Johnson and talk to him for a while before I head on home. And today, I was going to do the same thing, except maybe convince him that I really shouldn't have to do the essay.

I'm walking down the hallway, with scattering students trying to leave from the nearest door. It's Friday, so I don't blame them that they want to get the fuck out of here. I make it to the main intersection of the hallway until something grabs my attention.

"Kaitlyn! Hey, Kaitlyn wait up!" I hear somebody call me. I turn around and before I knew it, I was being pulled from my elbow.

"What's wrong Jenny??" I ask as I see she has an excited expression plastered on her face. She was pulling me down the main hallway now, away to where I was originally headed.

"Oh my god!! Just come with me Kaitlyn!!" She exclaims as I reluctantly follow her.

"Where are we going!?" I ask her as she finally let's go of my elbow.

"Okay just hear me out! You know those new school t-shirts that they started selling last week? The one with the logo on it." She tells me. I just nod.

"Well, I'm buying one today!!" She says too eagerly. I was confused.

"And why do I need to go with you?.." I ask. I never saw Jenny as the school spirit type so I didn't really understand why she wanted one of those t-shirts.

"Because! Jesus Kaitlyn, they sell them at the gym!" She confesses to me and I see her motive why she wants one of the t-shirts now. We make a turn at the end of the hall and make our way down to the dead end hallway that leads to the gym.

"Ohhhh! Let me guess, your boyfriend Mr. Smith will be there." I conclude.

"Yes! He is SO hot!" She says with a little skip in her walk. I can't help but laugh at how giddy she is being. We open the gym doors, and make our way inside. It's completely empty, very different from how we usually see the gym, with loud kids, balls flying around, and students running. We hear people talking in the room beside the door, it was one of the gym teacher's office. I knew there was another office inside the boys locker room just like there's one in the girls locker room. We used to have a female gym teacher, but she was pregnant and had to leave since her due date was coming up. Anyways, the office door was wide open, and Jenny stretches her arm out, stopping me dead in my tracks. I look over to her and see her taking deep breaths.

"You nervous there kiddo?" I tease as she nods. I chuckle and then Jenny walks over to the room and I follow behind. She goes in first and we see Mr. Lucas, Smith, and Graham are all inside. Lucas and Graham are sitting down in their desks and laughing probably with what Mr. Smith is telling them. He's standing up in the middle of the room in the middle of sharing a story, with his back facing us. Lucas and Graham acknowledge our presence and Jenny clears her throat.

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