Chapter 6: Detention

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*****Warning: this chapter contains sexual content! enjoy :) *****

Do you know that feeling you get when you feel that something is going to happen, but you don't know what it's going to be? I had that feeling before going to detention for Mr. Johnson. I'll be honest, I was nervous as shit because he's really attractive, more like hot as fuck, but you get the point. So, I was nervous, sue me. Before I entered his classroom I took a few deep breathes just so I can collect myself.

"Alright Kaitlyn, you can do this. You planned this! Just breathe, just breathe. It's just going to be you and him for a while, no distractions, no classwork, just detention. Mr. Johnson and you." I said to myself. Jesus, I was turning into like Jenny whenever she saw Mr. Smith. I took my last deep breath, stood in front of Mr. Johnson's door, opened it, and went in. I found him sitting behind his desk, as usual. His head rose up and he gave me one of his usual smirks.

"I'm surprised you showed up." He tells me.

"Why? Shouldn't I have?"

He leans back in his chair, "No, you should, I just thought you wouldn't." I take the first seat in front of the board, one desk over that's close to his. My nerves calm down a bit, and I just settle down into the chair. I put my bag on the table and look at Mr. Johnson who is just typing away now. I look around, and it feels kind of weird being here. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy I'm alone with him, just the two of us here, but it still feels weird. A minute or two passes, and I steal a glance at my phone. I told Jenny that I had detention so she wouldn't wait up and just head on home. She had no problem and did so. I dart my eyes to Johnson and back at my phone. I'm pretty sure you're not suppose to text when you're in detention so I just put my phone away. Besides, I should be trying to make a move on the hot guy in this room who I have had a crush on for several months.

'What to say..' I try to contemplate a way to start up a conversation. Nothing jumps to mind, meanwhile Mr. Johnson looks busy away on his computer. Another minute passes by, and I just start to tap my fingers on my desk. Okay, I did not think it would be this quiet being here for detention. It was not as I planned. I look at Johnson again and just stare intently at the side of his head, mentally telling him to look away from his computer and instead at me. Hey, if it worked with the clock this morning, it was a shot to take doing it to him. Instead, I just get all infatuated about the way his brown hair looks, the handsome face I can't stop admiring, and the way he is making a stern expression at the computer screen, completely focused on whatever it is he's doing. Damn it! He's so attractive.. I can't look away, but I manage to do it and avert my eyes at something else. I start to read the poster of all the U.S presidents that's on the wall. It will keep me occupied for a while.

'Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Quincy Adams, Jackson, Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, and I'm getting so bored..' I look back at my hot teacher and he hasn't missed a beat. Detention sucks ass! I should've just gone to class earlier, what was I thinking? I could've been home right now, but instead, I'm here, still in school. Another few minutes pass, and I check the clock that's in the room. This was going horrible, he's not even acknowledging me. It's time I say something, anything, it's better than this!

"So.. what are you doing?" I ask. I cringe at the dumbest thing that just came out of my mouth. Really? That's how I'm starting this one on one time with him?

"Uh.. Finishing some work." He says plainly.

"This is boring." I groan, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"And who said that detention was suppose to be fun?" He chuckles.

"Yeah well, I thought it would've been a little more.. interesting." I mutter.

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