Chapter. 7: Excited Not Nervous

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"You seem distracted Kaitlyn, are you okay?" Jenny asks, waving her hand in front of my face. I snap out of my thoughts.


"Exactly my point. What's on your mind Kait?"

My mind? What was on my mind? Oh nothing, just the unbelievable fact that I gave my hot history teacher a blow job yesterday and still can't believe that he might really like me. Oh and I keep checking my phone every second for the hopes that he might call or text me. Yeah, that's what's on my mind, but of course I wasnt going to say all that, so instead..

"Nothing." I reply. Jenny looks at me square in the eye for a moment as if she was going to somehow read my mind, but ends up just shrugging her shoulders. She starts to talk about the party this week, the one that I was asked if I was going by Jake. Yeah, remember that thing that he wanted to ask me about? It just so happened to be if I was going to Shane's party or not and that he actually wanted me to go. I told him that it was a maybe, but my mind was on other things because minutes after talking to Jake I went to Johnson's class for detention. And we all know what happened during "detention". The bell rang and my stomach immediately knotted. I was going to history class next. Oh dear god.

I was able to make it to my locker, but my heart was pounding in my chest. I felt like I was in a dream because with each step I took, I couldn't bring myself to believe I was actually going to history class. It didn't take long before I stood in front of Mr. Johnson's classroom door. I decided on not making it a big deal and to hide whatever emotion I was going through from Mr. Johnson, so I took a deep breath and walked in. I glanced at Johnson, who was writing on the board thankfully his back towards me, and I took my seat. A few more minutes went by, every student in their seats now, and the bell rang, signaling the period had started.

"Alright class, today we're going to discuss Chapter 38, hopefully all of you read it. When we finish up reviewing, I'll be handing out a packet of questions and I want all you to allude to your textbook in your answers." Mr. Johnson spoke. He started going through the powerpoint and glanced at me every now and then. I couldn't read his face, it hid nothing to my advantage, and sadly, he made it seem like nothing had in fact happened yeserday. Am I really dreaming? Maybe nothing really did happen, instead last night I had a very lucid and vivid dream with my hot history teacher. I tapped my pencil on my desk, and decided to stop overthinking things and pay attention. I started jotting down notes, and focusing on the slides until my phone vibrates in my pocket. My first thought is Mr. Johnson, but he's teaching so it's obvious he didn't just text me. I then assume it's just Jenny. I reach in my pocket and pull out my phone, seeing who just texted me.

James: hey beautiful, how's it going?

This immediately made me smile. I looked up, and Mr. Johnson was oblivious that I had my phone out, so I decided to take the risk and answer James.

Me: hey, I'm fine, just in boring history class, hbu?

He texted me back in a matter of seconds.

James: In the library, I've been studying for this exam at the end of the week, my brain hurts :(

Me: lol sorry to hear that, so you're taking a break?

James: yeah, figured I should relax a while then get back to studying...

Me: you're such a nerd ! :P

"Kaitlyn! You know you can't text during class! Now hand it over." Mr. Johnson says, as I look up and realize he's in front of my desk. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"What? I'll just put my phone away." I smile at him.

"Nope. Hand it over." He says as he stretches his arm out and opens his palm waiting for me to give in my phone.

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