Not Running Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I hope you like the story so far! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like it! I llloooovvveeee feedback and I want to know what you guys like or don't like so I can maybe change it in editing.

-Octpet :D

We drove late into the night. until Jet, who was driving the other car signaled for me to stop. Kid and I climbed out of the car.

"Dude why'd we stop?" Kid said

"Dr.Death Defying is back on." he said smiling and Justice leaned forward to the front past Ghoul,who was asleep, and turned the radio up as loud as it could go, scaring the living shit out of the sleeping Ghoul.

Dr. D was talking, "I know it's been a while, but hope's here so smile! My good friend HitGirl saved the Fabulous Killjoys from Korse, it's only a short time now until we can finally put up our masks unlace our boots and have some real fun, 'till then remember, Dracs are on the look out for Killjoys in the desert so, keep your mask on, boots tight and a smile on your face, and die when pigs fly! Now is that so hard Sunshine?" I knew he was talking to me when he said that "Looks like our two minutes of static is up hope you had as much fun as I did!" The static took over.

Until Ghoul yelled "OWWWW" while rubbing his ears. "THAT WAS NOT VERY NICE!!!"

We decided to set up camp there, I grabbed my backpack from the back of the other car and sat on a rock with Kid, I dug through my bag I had some stuff that I forgot I put in here, like a can of blue spray paint, a box of Sharpies and an extra mask. I packed this bag a few years ago, my priorities weren't exactly in line. I walked off a bit and spray painted the mask navy blue, then I drew big Xs over the eyes of the mask.

"Nice" Ghoul said looking over my shoulder grinning and nodding in approval.

Jet started a fire and Ghoul started passing around a can of corn and he started to play the guitar that he found at the school, he was really good. After a while I looked to Kid who was right beside me, he has said nothing all night he's just stared at the fire, I nudged him with my elbow and he woke from his trance.

"What?" He said

"Nothing," I said "just making sure you're not brain dead."

"Ok" he said then he elbowed me back but harder in the rib cage not even looking at me.

"Ow!" I said.

"Just making sure." He said

I elbowed him even harder in the ribs. He looked at me and extended his arms and pushed me off the rock, I landed on my butt in the dust, I gave him a hurt look then he laughed a little, I grabbed a handful of dust and threw it in his face. Then Ghoul ran over and pushed Kid off the rock the quickly ran off arms reaching up in victory, Kid got up and ran after him. Jet had stopped playing to watch what was happening. I heard Party laughing between 'Ow's and look over to see him and Justice holding their stomachs laughing. Kid and Ghoul were running in a wide circle around the fire area. I dusted myself off and pulled my hood over my head and put my new mask on and started chasing after them.

After about a half an hour of chasing and laughing with static from the radio the only other noise, we decided to go to sleep. We slept in body bags that BL/ind created to keep dead bodies warm so they could decompose, But we've become accustomed to using them as sleeping bags.

I lay down between Kid and Ghoul, and fell into a deep sleep.

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