Chapter 17

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They were gone. All of them. The instruments, the graffiti, the amps, everything. The walls were white except for a small Better Life logo on each left bottom corner. And instead of instruments it was a hospital, filled with wounded killjoys. I know a lot of them. I saw some of my friends, mostly just kids I grew up with or adults I had a connection with, I started feeling guilty for leaving, I felt guilty for running. "What did they do?" I whispered "how'd this happen? Why are they doing this? Why didn't I stay? I should've stayed?!" I said getting progressively louder.

"You couldn't of prevented this." Ghoul said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I could've helped at least."

"HitGirl if u hadn't left all the disciples would be either dead or being tortured." Ghoul said comfortingly

"I did a crap job of that though." I said turning back to Ghoul " That could still happen to them" I saw Jimmy clench his jaw when I said that. I pushed passed Ghoul and Jimmy to the hallway. I need some time alone. Ghoul ran after me grabbing my hand.

"You did your best" he said now holding both of my hands. I said nothing. My best wasn't the best, this isn't the best outcome, everything's being planned as we go. I can't take it! I pulled away. The pull reopened my cut on my arm a little, I didn't care though. I walked around the halls unsure where to go. I wandered into the training room. it was a huge gymnasium with wooden floors with different color lines on them. The walls had padding about four feet high and covered on graffitied targets and just random scribbles. Some people were in there sitting on the bleachers talking. I went to the closet filled with training equipment. it had a padlock on it, I put on the code and walked in it was my own training room, it was small and consisted of about seven dummies scattered around the room, some at the end of the room for target practice and some on the wall to my left for hand-to-hand combat. I grabbed some throwing knives and threw them at the dummies, I was out of practice, I almost missed some. I trained for what seemed like two hours until Kid walked in.

"Hey," Kid said walking over behind me. "Justice told me about how you like to go here when you're feeling down."

"Why'd she tell you that?" I asked throwing a knife and hitting a dummy in the neck.

"I asked for the story about Radiation Party." Kid said "she's a little talkative."

"Don't have to tell me." I said extremely experienced in the subject.

"Well she told me you stayed in here for weeks when he faked his death." Kid said walking over to one of the dummies to my left and leaning on it. "This guy probably remembers" he said with a huge grin pointing and the dummy he was leaning on. I threw a knife and it hit the dummy in the face narrowly missing Kid's head. "WOAH!" he said quickly pulling back.

"I wanted to see if I could do that. Last time I tried it I hit Radiation's hand." I said smiling, good times. Kid just stood there in silence.

"Tell me about it." he said quickly


"I want to hear the story. " Kid said sliding down the wall and motioning for me to sit with him. I did.

"Ok I'll tell you the story." I said "Well it was a few months before he disappeared we were 15 and we were talking about how annoying Justice was, we did that a lot, and he was acting like Justice by like clinging to it and stuff that she used to do. She had a really clingy phase. And I was throwing knives like I was earlier but I wasn't as good at it. I threw a knife at the dummies chest and Radiation had his arm around it and it hit him in the hand and he screamed, I screamed, the dummy screamed, kidding. After about a minute of just HOLY SHIT I pulled the knife out of his hand and we both screamed again. I put my bandana on it to stop the bleeding and it still got all over my clothes and hands. We walked around the halls trying to find the Doctor, all this time I was holding his hand in the bandana, we thought Doc was going to be mad at us. We wandered around for almost an hour then we decided just to go to the med room ourselves, so we went there and we found no one there which was weird but I just told Radiation to sit on one of the beds and hold re already blood soaked bandana on the wound while I went to find the bandages and medicine. I found pain medication, the stuff that makes it heal really well, I forgot what it's called, and bandages. I was about to use it on him and he stopped me. He reminded me that they keep stock if them because they're addictive and dangerous in high doses. So I just wrapped up his hand and we didn't want Doc to know about it so he wore a glove with the fingers cut off until he disappeared." I finished my story smiling but I was sad, this stirred up buried emotions. He left me let me think he was dead, how could he? we were best friends, he was my only friend and I his. All we had was each other. I miss him. I whipped a tear.

"That's a good story." Kid said interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah" I said looking down and the knife I was fiddling with. I had some cuts on my hands from handling the knives. I whipped my hands on my jeans. My hands were already covered in scars from handling knives.

"Woah, I've never noticed your hands were all scary." he said taking one in his hands.

"Yeah, I usually try to wear gloves but it hasn't worked out lately." I said. He started tracing the scars with his finger. I took out a knife and threw it at a dummy across the room. Bullseye, right in the heart.

"Well I came here to tell you, Jimmy needs to talk to you." He said letting go of my hand.

"Okay, where is he?" I asked standing up.

"He's in the cafeteria." Kid said standing up too.

I walked through the halls. I arrived at the cafeteria. Jimmy was sitting in a chair with his feet on the table.

"Hey, you wanted to talk to me." I said sitting next to him.

"Yeah, we should go back to the theater, we need to check on Jesus

and Tre."

"Yeah, I need to go to Better Life to get Justice though." I said

"Okay, I'll go check on the Disciples and you go to BL with the Fabulous Killjoys." Jimmy said

"I won't let you go alone." I said looking at him.

"But you need the all five Killjoys." He said looking back.

"But what if the Dracs are still there." I said

"I'll be fine." He said

"Okay" I said standing up. "I need to talk to the fabs about breaking into Better Life. Y'know make a plan shit like that."

"You sound like Jesus." He said smiling.

"He's rubbing off on me I guess."

"Yeah, I hope he's still alive."

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