Not Running Chapter 8

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Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story! Plz contact me if you have any comments or questions!

I love you guys!

-Octpet :D

We drove for a while. I was with Kid, who sat in the front passenger, and Jet ,who sat in the back behind Kid. I was driving. We talked about stuff, the guys still had some questions.

"So the BuzzKills," Jet said breaking an awkward silence "How many are there?"

"It's hard to say," I said trying to make an estimate "about 150 probably less."

"Wow" Jet said "and how many Killjoys"

"I know this one." I said "as of a month ago there are 194 of us"

"Impressive" Jet said nodding

"There were more but Korse started cracking down on us about two years ago." I said remembering when Korse had killed almost half of the Killjoy and BuzzKill population.

"Are there any other branches of Killjoys?" Kid said finally breaking his silence.


".................Well" Kid said untying his bandana from his neck.

"Ok, the only other prominent one is the Disciples." I said swerving so I didn't hit a snake.

"Who are they and why are they called the Disciples?" Jet asked scooting forward in his seat and grabbing my head rest putting his face in between Kid and myself.

"Well their 'leader' calls himself Jesus of Suburbia, I met him a little less than year ago when I had to do an undercover OP. I had to pretend I wanted to join them to gather info. It turns out that him and his friends had been in Cyro-freeze since a little after you guys were in it, just enough time to create the first branch of the Killjoys. Dr.D stood in for him, it was mostly just for training but it helped a lot." I said reminiscing about my times with Jesus and his friends I had so much fun with them.

"Wait," Jet said poking me pulling me out of my day dream "did this Jesus of Suburbia have two friends?"

"Yeah," I said turning to him "St. Jimmy and Tre Cool."

He just grinned at me and turned to Kid, I was missing something.

"What?" I said turning from Kid to Jet and back.

"Oh nothing we just know them." Kid said with a mischievous smile. "Can we see them some time?"

"Yeah sure, why not?" I said shrugging "How about we go now, I know this gas station, Disciples HQ is only a few miles away." In fact this was the gas station that I used to go to with Jesus, Jimmy, and Tre. We also really needed gas. We filled the tanks when we stopped but now it was only at the halfway point.

"Awesome"Jet said sitting back in his seat. I signaled for the other car that we were stopping at this gas station.

We stopped at the gas station, everyone got out of the cars and stretched their legs. I walked up to Justice, Ghoul and Party and told them about the Disciples, Ghoul and Party and they gave each other the same look that Kid and Jet gave each other when I told them about Jesus, Jimmy and Tre.

"What?" Justice and I said in unison.

"Nothing" Ghoul said in a sing-song voice.

We walked into the gas station. It was filled with white packages of B/L ind food products.

"Whatsername! You're back!" I spun around to see a boy standing behind the check-out desk. I suddenly realized it was Acid Elf, my Disciple friend. He had straightened black hair and he wore a black jean jacket with an unzipped hoodie under it, a dark green shirt and black skinny jeans. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"Oh, Acid," I said avoiding eye contact "I didn't know you worked here."

"I just started. Who are they?" he asked referring to Justice and the boys.

"Just some of my friends." I pointed to the others.

"Where did you go." He said after walking to the outside of the desk. "You just sorta, left."

I was stopped cold by the question. I don't have an answer. I left because I completed my mission.

"Because we needed her." Party said stepping out from behind me. I put my face in my hands, at least he tried,

"What? Why did the Killjoys need you." Acid said

"Because Her and Justice are the only ones that can take down B/L ind." Party said

I smirked.

"The Killjoys are always trying to take the glory for themselves." He Mumbled under his breath. I pretended I didn't hear it. "Well Jesus, Jimmy and Tre still talk about you."

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah, they really liked you." He said scratching his neck.

"Well we're on our way to see them again right now." I said pointing towards the cars. "We should really get going."

"Ok" he said "See ya' at HQ"

We exited the gas station and got in the cars.

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