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Amazeph= Phil
TheCon= Connor
TyDaFry= Tyler
GitheG= Gigi
After🔥= Ash
Tro🍦fro= Troye

Amazeph: Yo yo yo mother fuckers

Amaseph: I swear that was Troye when he set up the chat

Tro🍦fro: Sure Jan

TheCon: Anyone have any ideas for what we shall do?

GitheG: We could go to the movies?

TyDaFry: Fuck a duck?

After🔥: Go to the park at the end of my street?

Amazeph: It would probs be more affordable to hang out at the park

Tro🍦fro: Awwwwe look a little Philly being the mother of the group

TheCon: Su cute🐹

Amazeph: No I'm the daddy 🌝

GitheG: Woah there daddy

TyDaFry: I could get used to calling you that

Tro🍦fro: Don even think about it bitch ur mine

TheCon: Spare me plz

After🔥: It's okay my bby aromantic asexual

GitheG: So what time should we meet?

TyDaFry: Idk bitch

Tro🍦fro: I'm not getting up before 10am so you best not be thinking early

Amazeph: Noooo I can't get up that early

TheCon: Calm down daddy

Amazeph: I have made a terrible mistake by introducing the word 'daddy' into the chat

GitheG: How about 2?

TheCon: yey or neh

After🔥: yey

TyDaFry: yey

Tro🍦fro: yey

Amazeph: ye

TheCon: bitch that was not the agreement
Yey or neh?

Amazeph: gosh, yey

TyDaFry: Should we invite D?

GitheG: His mum has his phone remember

TyDaFry: ah

Amazeph: who is D?

Tro🍦fro: you'll meet him soon

Amazeph: I need a ride and I don't know where this mystery park is

After🔥: I got you m8 send me ur address

Amazeph: k thank you

TheCon: we shall all meet tomorrow Gn 🌻

TyDaFry: Everyone have good sleepers👾

Tro🍦fro: Gn Bby 🌈

After🔥: Gn 🍜

GitheG: gn💅🏻💋💖

Amazeph: goodnight guys🎴👽

AN/ this was sort of a filler but it sets up for the next chapter;)

Plz tell me your opinions on this story 🌈🌻

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