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As I got to school I start to dance around for no reason . Yeah I'm weird.....

I parked in front of the school and got out of my car and then locked my car. I walk off to my locker on my way I bump in to something I'm so clumsy today but this time I fell back. I groan I hurt my butt .I look up to what is this magical thing that made me fall *note the sarcasm* I look up to meet my eyes with a beautiful brown ones it feels like time slows down when I look in to them. I get up still looking at he's eyes.

"Um uh hi I'm Jane but you can call me Janie " I said awkwardly

I stretch out my hand for him to shake

"Peter"he saids as he shakes my hand

I feel little sparks I immediately pull my hand and he does the same

"Um so are you new cause I never seen you around here"i start off

"Yeah I am I'm just looking for my first class"he said as he scratched he's neck

Aww he's nervous that's so cute

"Oh we'll what class do you have are now?"

"Um I have.... math"

"Oh cool I have math too!" I said happily I smiled and he returned the smiled.

We walk to math class together.


After math class Peter and I had science together which I thought was great .

"So Peter where did you live before you came here?"i asked

"Um London"he said uneasy. But I let go of it.

"Oh that's so cool! I went there for my sisters birthday"

"Oh that's cool um .....can I ask you a questi-"

But the bell cuts him off

"What was that?" I asked

"Oh nothin never mind"

"You sure ?"


"Okay so what class do you have next?" I said

"I have lunch 1 next you?"

"I have drama next ,I have lunch 2 today" i said sadly but he didn't catch it .

"Oh man well thanks Jane i'll see you around" he give me a smile and left


I got out of my last period which is music. Mr.James is my favorite teacher of all time he's so cool like if you do something bad and sees you do it he'll keep quiet. Yeah that's why he's my favorite all the other teachers would yell at you like crazy people it's scary at first.

"Hey Janie!" I hear I turn around to see my best friend Joey. I met Joey in pre-school and we where fighting for a doll. Oh did I tell you Joey is in the planing committee she plans all of the dances in the school and stuff like that.

"Hi Jo" I say as she runs to me

"Which color is better for the table cover for prom?" she asked as she held up a gold sample and a sliver blue sample. Prom is only like 5 or 6 months away and our school likes to plan ahead. So much stress for a dance.

"Um I like the sliver blue one" I said pointing to the sliver blue one .

"That's what I was thinking too!" she said overly excitedly I stepped back I bit.

"Don't you think it's to early to plan for prom?" I asked bored

"NO it's never to early to plan for prom you're a. Party pooper!" she said as she put a pout on " whatever I got to pick out a band for prom bye call you later!!" She yelled as she ran off

"Ok!" I yelled

I sighed I walked to my car I got in and started my car and drove home.

With Peter still in my mind.

Wow who knew by just hang out with a boy for like two hours and you have him in your mind.

I got out my car and walk in my house.

I went straight to the kitchen to see our chef making my usual which is peanut butter and jelly. Yes I know aren't you a little to old for that well no I'm not well yea maybe I don't know .

"Oh Ms. Blian your sandwich is ready" said the chef

"Thank you" I took the sandwich and walked up the stairs and went to my room and ate my sandwich and changed to my running outfit. And left for my daily run.


Is it good???



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