1-Pregnancy and hormones

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*Ilene's POV*

It was so great. A huge island, all to ourselves; just fantastic. However, even if the honeymoon was wonderful for more than one reason... I'm glad to be back. I've missed Chris and I want to find out how my new daughter spent her little alone time with her boyfriend *winks playfully*.

"Ilene, honey, we're home," Rob announces with a smile, breaking me from my reverie. His hand is poised on the handle and I can just tell he's itching to see Lydia.

"Go on," I laugh as he sends me a thankful smile before leaping from the car and practically skipping into the house.

I shake my head at him, "I married a mad-man," I laugh to myself, a smile gracing my lips that seems it shall never part.

Excited to see my new daughter, I follow eagerly behind Rob, only catching him when he's unlocking the door.

"Good to see they remembered to lock the door when we're not home," Rob speaks his thoughts and I just nod, not trusting myself to speak and say something stupid (that would undoubtedly happen).

When the door finally clicks open, Rob quickly steps inside and freezes. "What're you still doing here?" He growls.

"I-I" I hear Sam begin to stutter. Oh crap, this isn't good. While I'm happy that Sam and Lydia got some alone time, Rob is still a little over protective...

"Daddy!" Lydia squeals in pure happiness. Within seconds, I see her jump into her dad's open arms, only to be pulled close. I smile at the sight while there's a pang in my chest. Chris.

"Where's Chris?" I ask sheepishly, not wanting to spoil the moment.

Lydia looks at me over her dad's shoulder before blushing and coming over to embrace me. "We thought he was with his friend?" She replied.

"Oh yeah... Rob, I'm going to go get Chris from his friends, I'll be back in about ten minutes. No harming Sam!" I yell as an afterthought while I leave the house and go to the car.

After the five minute drive, I walk to the front door and barely make a single tap upon the wood when it flies open and I am ambushed by a certain child.

"Mummy!" Chris exclaims in glee, looping his small arms around my neck while mine hold his form close to me; God, I've missed him!

"Hey Chrissy," I laugh as I toss him into the air before catching him and resting him on his feet again. "Go get your things, I'm going to talk to Dylan's mum to thank her," I smiled as he scampered off and I made my way to the kitchen.

After quickly thanking Debby, I took Chris and drive home, only to see a quiet house. The outside looked to be undisturbed-untouched. The door was closed and the curtains drawn, then again, looks can be deceiving.

"-get back here you little rat!" I hear Rob yelling from in the living room and quickly tell Chris to go upstairs and to stay in his room until I tell him to come out. Then, I face the yelling.

Lydia stood in the doorway, trying to get her father to stop chasing Sam around the room. What on earth could he have done to make Rob like this? I ask myself.

"Rob!" I exclaim. "Stop this immediately!" Rob came to a halt before me when i spoke. "What happened?"

"She's pregnant!" He all but screamed, his eyes frantically flipping from Lydia to me.


"Lydia! That- that prick knocked her up!" He yelled.

I placed my hand upon his arm lightly, "why don't you go outside and calm down, I'll deal with this. Come back in when you've calmed your temper," I suggested.

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