4-Double doctor appointments and lolly-pops

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*Lydia's POV*

We started the day off like usual: me waking up at five in the morning and running to the toilet to puke before returning to our room where I find Sam waiting on the edge of the bed, his arms held open for me; snuggling in bed for another three hours because I can't sleep and Sam won't sleep unless I do; getting up at eight to get dressed before heading downstairs for breakfast, only to find my parents kissing on the countertop.

"Really guys?" I groaned, "Get a room."

"We already have one," dad smirked while Ilene looked a little flustered. Sam gave a dry chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me, his hands coming to rest on my small bump. I smiled as I felt this and leaned back into his chest, making myself comfortable in his arms.

"And you tell us to get a room," dad muttered, turning to the oven to finish the eggs that were scrambling. I hadn't noticed them before, but as soon as I did, I ran from the room.

Sam scampered after me as I dashed to the toilet to empty the contents of my stomach, his hands collecting my hair and holding it away from my face. His palm rubbed circles on my back which eased the pain a little.

When my stomach was empty, I rested my forehead against the rim, waiting for my head to stop pounding, like it does every time. After a few minutes, the pain in my stomach and head subsided and I got up to brush my teeth.

Sam wrapped his arms around me again while I rinsed the horrible acidic taste from my mouth, drawing small patterns on my stomach with his fingertips. He then promptly scooped me up and carried me to the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked, my brow furrowed in confusion.

"We're going out for breakfast seen as the eggs your dad is cooking makes you sick, before we go to meet Ilene at the doctors for your double appointment," he explained, setting me down in the passenger seat before closing the door and going to the drivers side to start the car.

We were soon at a small café a little way from the doctors. Sam chose a booth for two to sit at and after studying the menu for a good three minutes, decided on a coffee and a stack of pancakes. I sat opposite him and only took a minute to choose what I wanted (my cravings pretty much decided for me): a chocolate chip muffin and a hot chocolate-it's pretty much just cravings for chocolate if you hadn't guessed...

Anyway, the waiter approached our table. He was tall, about 6'2 and had a head of light brown hair styled short at the sides but long on top, before obviously using gel to sweep the longer hair on the top into a curl type of thing; his dark blue eyes contrasted well with his caramel skin and the top few buttons of his waiter's shirt were undone, showing off the top of his chest.

"Hello, I'm Matt, your waiter, how can I help?" He asked (clearly repeating what he'd done for the millionth time) in a bored tone.

Sam placed the order while Matt wrote it down. Something about me had obviously caught his attention though, as he kept staring. Do I have something on my face?

"Is that all?" Matt asked, his gaze still fixed on me.

"Yeah, thanks," Sam finished before leaving to take a phone call from my dad.

Matt was still stood at the table, "I know you," he stated out of the blue.

I bit my lip, "how?"

"Robert is your dad, isn't he?" Matt's blue eyes narrowed in accusation.

"Yes, my dads name is Robert, well done. But how does that mean you know me?" I prodded, my eyes flitting  over to Sam who stood outside the door of the cafe.

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